Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

Insurance usually doesn’t cut a check unless certain criteria is met and most of the time, they would simply issue partial payments for a licensed contractor (Not Robert Guy Goodwin) hired by themselves or the property owners (Not MB, without permission from the owners) to begin work. There are always variables in the mix, depending on the policy and what happened and how things proceed in regards to repair or write-off entirely.


Oh @hut-ho78 darling. The things you forget. Are you doing it on purpose or is there something going on that maybe you should get checked out?
The basement does not have egress? The basement does have egress, we showed you on the police drawings. And we showed you the code about existing sleep rooms and that whole grandfathered thing.

I am scared for you with the amount of inability to comprehend what is said in videos you actually post. And you are not remembering details of things well, because I am sure you would not be posting all these incorrect things on purpose, right?

If they are not fake facts then are they just you lying? Because they are not real facts. That has been proven endlessly, with the very things you post.
Clearly lying is a fun game for you and CH.
Darn, that is just like Lauren Kanarek. And no, I am not saying you are Lauren Kanarek, I am saying you are doing the same thing as Lauren Kanarek. Who would imagine someone would want to do that?

Thank you for posting this. Facts are so nice. It is so weird to me that some people like to say something else was said when there is proof right in the videos.

Oh Hut, I think you are patting yourself on the back a little too much here. But I guess that is how you are now.

OH my gosh, I love this. This is exactly what talking with @hut-ho78 and @CurrentlyHorseless is like.

So you are saying that GAS and Bruce have the same reading comprehension skills as you do?
Because it was very clearly, first grade level, what was being asked for and why and it is not a duplicate.


This is what keeps confusing me too. I keep asking about it, but @hut-ho78 and @CurrentlyHorseless do not want to answer this question, they want to go off on tangents about stuff that is easily proven wrong.
Just so weird.
So very weird.


Every time someone mentions the hay guy I think of how amazing he is. Your post deserved more than one like.


It seems like with the odds being what they are that at some point your Google Law Degree would have you be right, but so far you are not hitting the nail on the head at all, not even once.
Don’t worry Hut, one of these days you will get something correct, I have no doubt.

A few tid bits to remind you of things you are ignoring (on purpose? or did you just forget?).

Did you forget that Ruth Cox went in the common space of the farmhouse with the BUILDING INSPECTORS right there, to post the notices the inspectors wanted, and…when the ambulance came because Rosie bit her, the Cops sure didn’t arrest her for trespassing.

That was MICHAEL’S home. He had the right to give permission to enter. His sleeping in the barn did not forfeit that right.


Nope. Some of us defer strictly to scientific forensic evidence and there isn’t any. I understand perfectly well that I have no clue what happened that day.


My old pony preferred lemons and applesauce :joy:

Seriously at a horse show in Raleigh I got fresh squeezed lemonade and Elliot just stuck his muzzle in and ate the lemon.
Picture of the goofy pony for fun.


Yes indeed. And to see what needed to be done to make their apartment habitable by someone other than drug addicts, so he and MHG, or JH would have a place to stay since they could no longer live in the barn.


I believe that was just included as an example.


Thank you for reminding us of that great timeline that @ekat put together.
It truly shows so much.
And the timeline so clearly shows the sources of where the information came from. Nothing there is made up.
You are once again showing us facts that show what you, @hut-ho78, are saying is incorrect.

Fun conspiracy theory - Poor Hut sided with the Kanareks and now really wants to help Michael’s side but is scared to tell the Kanarek’s that since she has seen how they react to things like that. So now Hut is going thru the thread posting things that we can easily see are wrong so we are sure to see all the true facts of what is going on.


Yeah, it was LK who was tossing the 50k around.


Yes, that is what I remember. And I wish that Mr B had made more of that as another lie told by LK - except I guess Taylor would have shut him down since LK’s “character” wasn’t on trial. Thankfully Mr. B was able to slip in enough about her that members of the jury “got it” - and they especially got it after her ridiculous performance on the witness stand.


RG has certainly done renovations in the past and was generally well regarded until he vanished. I wonder if his drug usage caused him to be ineffective or unable to work to his previous level.


At this time I would.like to call for a sidebar and say…

Go Birds!! :eagle::eagle::eagle::football::football::football:


yeeeeessssssssssss - woke up to fly Eagles fly in my head on repeat this am :eagle:


Love how happy all the Philly, Philly humans are right now.

E A G L E S!!!


I can’t recall - do we know that RC entered the apartment itself? Also , wasn’t there a stairwell right inside that patio door that went to the upstairs apartment? Was the stairwell behind a closed door, or was it open and the door to the apartment was at the top of the stairs?

And why wasn’t Rosie (bless her heart) shut away in their upstairs apartment?

Maybe they left her to patrol the whole house in their absence? That would seem rather proprietary to me.


Except? Why except? Using fans and removing more damaged materials after the initial removal is SOP in a case where there is a flood damaging multiple levels in a building.


Hey @hut-ho78, you post how horrible it is that someone posts something that accuses someone else of a crime that they have not been charged with, I assume you report it because you scream about forum rules and how they are breaking the forum rules, so why is it OK for you to do the same? A litte bit of a double standard on your part, no?
Trespassing is a crime and you have posted …well lots of times…that RC was trespassing.
