Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

Wow, guess I stick to the commercials then. Knew the NFL was morally bankrupt when they voted him “comeback player of the year” :face_vomiting:


Has the actual filing been posted, or do we have to go to the court web site?

GAS filed a motion seeking to quash the new subpoenas, which is something lawyers do, quite routinely. If is part of the legal process, as the legal professionals know.

The Kanareks are not “refusing to cooperate with discovery in the civil case”, @trubandloki

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LOL. Dog bite claims are usually paid by the liability insurance policy associated with the dwelling.

Did SGF have liability insurance for the farmhouse? I wonder what law firm represents their insurance company.

But apparently RC did not file a counterclaim against LK or a cross claim against SGF.

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Was that when Rosie bit RC?


I went and read that and I have no idea why she assumes that’s LK. They really are two peas in a pod.

ETA: I scrolled down and now I need to get into one of those radiation showers.


A property owner isn’t responsible for their tenant’s dog except possibly if the attack was in “a common area” and there was knowledge of the viciousness and no attempt to remove. A room mate isn’t responsible for another room mate’s dog. I thought this attack was supposed to have happened in Lauren Kanarek and RG’s rooms. So, their liability.

And speaking of liability insurance, where is LK’s renters insurance in all this mess? Did she have any? Aren’t they responsible for the dog bite? Did they pay out for the expensive things she claimed were stolen?

ETA: I edited apartment to rooms to more accurately reflect the real living situation there. They were given a guest room to stay in, not leasing an apartment.


What was the date that Cujo bite RC?
Isn’t there a 10 day quarantine of the animal at the owner’s expense in the state of NJ?
of course I am just a horse pondering today.


You get the claim on record and with the multiple bites that dog would be destroyed. Biting Kujo dogs need to be destroyed.

I would have sued the dog owner directly as is my right to do so.

And it would be a new claim, new case. Not at all integrated and within this case. And unless LK has her own insurance she may have to pay.


I wonder what the Kanareks have been doing for the past six months if not avoiding discovery?


Ummm…perhaps the renters insurance that LK likely didn’t have? That would fall under her responsibility.


Agreed. Duplicating documentation is not something the courts care about and won’t consider a credible reason to fail to produce. And in the case of the videos, there are none, so there is no duplicating.

Arguably there are no transcripts from Kirby Kanarek in the MCPO discovery either. So, also not duplicated.


So, should Michael also include the dog in his countersuit since he was attacked and bitten so many times, or is all that gonna be covered in the blanket claim of injury?


I would. Especially if a groin bite means protracted “loss of consortium”. L of C isn’t 100% the term but it gives the idea. LoC is often filed by a spouse.


Those who know the defense filings like the back of their hands, is there any indication that SS was subpoenaed to turn over everything LK submitted to them, including the alleged KK transcription? Perhaps they have already compared that document with what they received from Schellhorn and it doesn’t match. Could be sticky for the K’s.

I am not an insider and know nothing for certain.


Did the dog bite occur inside LKs apartment? If so, it would appear RC was trespassing.

I am an apartment dweller and I have renters insurance, but only because my landlord required I purchase it as a condition of my written lease. If my landlord had not required it, I would not have bought the insurance, because I don’t have property worth stealing.

Do you think that MB required LK to take out renters insurance (it’s actually quite cheap) when he didn’t bother with a written lease? I think LK probably did not have renters insurance.

If it is LKs liability, apparently RCs lawyer advised her not to try to sue the person who sustained serious injuries from RCs gun, which RC illegally brought into the state, and let out of her control.

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It didn’t occur in a private area but even if it did you’re wrong as officials were directing everything in pursuit of the violations filed by the grifter occupants.

Here’s another nugget for you to gnaw on: if a tenant reports a violation and the inspector sees a danger the occupant can be forced to immediately vacate even as a result of their own complaint.

That dog bit like 4 people that day, one of those people a cop bitten in the line of duty. I love dogs but this one is not able to be controlled and should have been taken away and euthanized.

Your LL who is smart wanted you to have insurance for LIABILITY reasons, not because of your possessions. That’s why car insurance is mandatory for LIABILITY. Insurance that fixes or replaces a car is by choice. Liability is not.


Well, before he “includes the dog” in the suit, presumably he would attempt to sue RG for beating him to a pulp and “attempting to murder” him, as you claimed.

I wish MB would sue tor injuries both inflicted by the dog and by RG when RG subdued him and stopped the shooting. It would be hilarious.


I’m not sure. In theory, with a pending action against him, Michael would have been within his rights to receive them from SS directly. With SS action still pending, he might not be entitled to share SS documentation in the civil litigation. It is also possible that the SS documentation has a cloud of “confidentiality” on it. The specific claims might be easily recognizable as to where they cam from, but the documents themselves, if they came from SS, might not identify a complainant.

That may be part of why there are subpoenas for Kirby Kanarek’s transcripts, in order to fully bring them into the record. And a good reason for Lauren Kanarek and Kirby Kanarek to refuse to comply, so they can lie about them or attempt to keep that out of the civil trial.

However, I can point anyone interested to the big SS thread and you can see where in the timeline that the SafeSport released things. Lauren Kanarek gets really huffy about how strict confidentiality should be maintained by SS at all times.


I wouldn’t sue RG because he doesn’t have a pit to hiss in. I would sue the bejeezus out of LK and have the dog euthanized. The dog, the plot, the whole darn tale was by LKs hand. RG is just a penniless henchman.