Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

Thank you!

So. Y’all are sloppy business people too. Pot, kettle. Good to know you hold yet another double standard.


If the SoL is 5 years in NJ and the civil trials show RG & Co committed crimes, can/will charges be brought against those individuals? Could that be another reason for these ridiculous delays by the person(s) who brought the original suit?

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Please see bolded sentence in Sdel’s post saying she thought the bite occurred in “LK and RGs rooms”.

Yes, I know my landlord wants me to have liability insurance. However, the insurance on my possessions protects him if they are stolen and I were to claim that the apartment was not secure. My having insurance takes some of the burden of his insurance.

BTW dog bite law is pretty extreme.

If your dog is leashed on your property and some kid trespasses and gets bitten you are liable.

By all accounts NJ should have euthanized that dog. And LK should be getting sued by every person who got bitten.

Also note that personal injury cases are very very often dog bite cases. PI attorneys find them their bread and butter.


They can, yes.

Will they? In the absence of corruption or unfair favoritism they can be.


I wonder if the dog has bitten more people since August 7, 2019?


You can argue ten ways to Sunday: LK is 100% culpable for the dog bites even if it happened in her undies drawer. And if I should fall in your apartment you are likely liable unless an apartment defect caused it. But if I tripped and fell over your life-size blow up Yogi Bear doll, you are culpable.



As a tenant myself with minimal possessions, I would not carry renters insurance unless required to do so.

If I were the owner of the house or apartment building with millions of dollars at risk and was renting it out to others, I would absolutely require renters insurance. The renters insurance paid by the renter benefits the landlord.

If it has, the fact that LK knew the dogs bite history would be HUGE in obtaining a big ole judgment.


I wonder if the dog is still alive? I’ve forgotten if her age at the time was ever revealed.

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Yes, it did. Go back and listen again. Fans and dehumidifiers, and removal of drywall and insulation are specifically mentioned. It is very clear from his testimony that all of the necessary removal of drywall and insulation, etc. had been done long before RG appeared on the property in 2019.


Nope… totally different. Mississippi mud pie has a flourless cake or brownie base in a graham or pie crust with chocolate pudding and whipped cream on top.

Mississippi mud cake is chocolate cake with marshmallows on top and chocolate frosting drizzled over… sometimes with nuts added.


This law was violated. Note the language says MUST not may. The police violated this law which makes me wonder why and speculate on further collusion.


It is mind boggling that the recordings they all claimed would be such an eye opening experience containing murder plots and all have not surfaced yet. You would think that they would want everyone to hear them. My guess is that they are damning, but not for Michael. There is no plausible reason I can come up with for not producing the recordings.


Dog bites in New Jersey are covered by New Jersey Statutes section 4:19-16. The statute makes the dog’s owner liable for any dog bite injuries that occur when the person bitten is in a private place or lawfully in a public place, regardless of any prior indications of viciousness of the dog, or the owners’ knowledge of any former viciousness.

New Jersey’s dog bite statute is a “strict liability” statute. This means that a biting dog’s owner is liable for injuries caused by the dog bite, even if he or she used reasonable care to restrain the dog or to protect or warn others. In other words, when a person who is bitten by a dog in New Jersey, he or she does not need to prove that the dog’s owner was careless or negligent. All that needs to be proven is that the bite occurred.

Any domestic animal that scratches or bites a human in the State of New Jersey must be placed in a 10 day quarantine at the owner’s expense. At the end of the 10 days the Animal Control Officer or Health Officer shall evaluate the animal and determine if the animal is healthy.


Renters insurance doesn’t just cover your possessions. It covers damage to the apartment, for example if you leave a pot of oil on the stove and it catches fire. The landlord’s insurance company will reimburse the landlord , but you can be damn sure they insurance company will then come after you directly (or your insurance company) to recoup their loss


It also covers liability and negligence from something like a slip and fall for instance.


Please don’t put words in my mouth about where this bite happened. It’s very dishonest. I’ve been pretty clear that the only source to claim a specific location for this bite comes from those who have admitted they are engaging in a smear campaign and have a motivation to twist the truth or outright lie. And in fact are currently hiding evidence (they claim it was recorded) of the incident.

I said, if the bite happened in the location as advertised, it is Lauren Kanarek’s liability. However, I suspect the bite happened in the common areas based on my understanding of where the cameras record. Plus, lies a lot on social media….


Doesn’t matter WHERE the dog bite happened. It matters who did the biting. Kujo has a history of being a bitey dog and so should have been put down.