Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

We have a running joke here at the ole Maria homestead if someone doesn’t hear something accurately:

You need PawPaws hearing aid.


I think kujo was 6 or 7ish


I did not put words in your mouth.

I bolded the sentence that you wrote in your post to bring it to the attention of @Knights_Mom.

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Yes, obviously. That’s why my landlord required me to take out renters insurance as a requirement of my lease.

And like many other states, the bite does not have to even break the skin.

Somehow someone bailed her out of this one. Maybe she sweet talked Animal Control or the police, but somehow.


Poor Rosie


Truly sad. I hate hate hate it when people do not bother to train their dogs. To me it implies they are considered disposable.


@SoCoPony since my husband and I grew up in the Philadelphia area, and he is an ardent Eagles fan, we are having Philly Cheesesteaks and soft pretzels today. I had soft pretzels shipped in from Philly!


Mmmm :pretzel::pretzel::pretzel::pretzel:.

Go Birds.


You can actually use anyone you want or do it yourself, the only thing is the insurance company won’t guarantee the work if you have issues afterwards due to the repairs done. If you use the recommended ones from the insurance company your work is guaranteed.


Only a fool would not have renter’s insurance when renting. It is common sense, just like adequate amounts of any other insurance.


An aside:

Michael Vick was a pretty good college quarterback (VT—Virginia Tech) but a handful, IIRC.

The lore is that his younger brother, Marcus was an even better quarterback and he followed Michael to VT. He, too started to get in trouble* and after four years of babysitting Michael, Frank Beamer, VT’s football coach, threw his hands up and said “I’m not doing this again!” And that was the end of Marcus!

I’ve never heard anything else about him, but I don’t think he was mixed up in the horrible dog mess.

*IIRC, they wouldn’t get in trouble in Blacksburg—they would go home (Hampton Rhodes) and get in trouble there.


When the law uses the word MUST sweet talking isn’t supposed to be an option. In law must means must.


Again, where the bite occurred means zero, squat, nada, zilch, nothing. As long as a bite occurred that’s all that matters.

Truth is sometimes inconvenient.

Kujo is a dangerous dog.


Raise your hand if you think LaLa would smile, chuckle, and say, “no problem” if sweet, yawning puppy took a chunk out of her person - any size chunk from any part of the body. If fluffy broke her skin, she would at at a minumum threaten a suit.


Then I wonder why Sdel brought up that she thought that the bite was supposed to have occurred in LKs and RGs “rooms”.

It was clearly a dog owned by LK, so I really wonder why RC is not suing LK for the dog bite. s/

If you’re wondering why Sdel wrote anything then I guess you have something to do for the next few hours!

If you’re wondering why RC didn’t sue for the dog bite then I guess you should wonder about the others too!

Perhaps in all your wondering you can figure out why police didn’t adhere to State law regarding the very bitey Kujo dog.


I assume she didn’t sue because at the time because she was so afraid of LK and her companion that she slept outside DeeDee’s stall. But of course, you’ve never met or been threatened by the woman so what would know or believe? You must really have a Barbie-as-a-Saint image in your head of Lauren Shay Kanarek who has simply been a victim of circumstances her entire life, eh?


Unfortunately many states are getting quite lax in bite and rabies laws. I have had a couple of rows with our counties health department over this. I called in the state veterinarian to argue my case once last year. And we have been flagged for sending in too many rabies submissions…head desk… especially considering what was it last year this state had a man DIE from rabies.

It comes down to DOLLARS. Often the quarantine facility gets stuck with the bill and has to write it off.


Even after one of their own was bitten?