Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

Agree with all of this except that I would be bothered about what people are posting about me. But then again, I don’t generally behave in such a way that others would have much to say. Or at least I try not to!

That said, I wouldn’t create an alter just to come back here and rehash!






PS, I only occasionally like cheesecake. But I am not an EIM member anyways, so c’est la vie! Now give me a good bread pudding, an almond croissant, a piece of chocolate cake or pecan pie, and I can’t say no. I do make sugar cookies that are darned good, but it’s more about the art of decoration to me. The recipe is delicious and I like them fine, but I’m not really a baker or dessert person. Generally, I prefer something savory. (Sorry, @eggbutt!)


Lauren Kanarek also would have known that SHE had a legal obligation to report suspected abuse directly to the police or CPS. They ask for a police report

Naturally, she overlooked that when it suited her to do so.


Can someone please explain something to me?

Why on God’s green earth are the COTH forums, and what goes on here, so damn important to good ole LaLa and her family?

What would make this forum so damn special that you would jeopardize the results in both criminal and civil lawsuits just to come here to post your lies?

Why not take your attorney’s advice (and yes, we all know that no attorney in their right mind would advise posting anything in reference to a criminal trial or civil lawsuit on social media) and shut your trap and stay on your best behavior until all cases are settled?

What could possibly be so important on COTH that you need to make up an alter, after you have been banned, to post comments about yourself in the third person?

What here is so damn important that it required both the parents of a middle aged woman to feel the need to have to come here, chastise posters, and then double down on all of the middle aged woman’s lies?

Aye, yai, yai!!!


When a rumour like that comes from reliable sources, there’s a high likelihood it’s true. And past experience has shown where LK is concerned, when a rumour elicits a response like that, it’s a safe bet the rumour is true.

However, if you don’t like the discussion here you always have the option to not participate in it!


Is this an age test? Because I can hear that meme very clearly.


The last paragraph is what really gets me. I adore COTH for the advice and perspectives on horse care and horsemanship and farm management that I get. I can ignore the things that I don’t so much adore because it’s a treasure trove of decades of experience and various perspectives. I find horse care and veterinary tips, clothing tips, tack tips, and camaraderie here. (The list goes on…)

IF I was banned and I decided to create an alter, I would stick to Horse Care and other topics that are “safe” and would be as uncontroversial as possible. The value here is HORSE related. Why come back just to get banned again in under 24 hours? Seems… odd.


Educate me, because I can’t!

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This is the funniest post in this entire absurd spectacle :rofl:


It seems the talk of her being shunned in Wellington stirred her up.


Gomer Pyle.

You might be too young to remember it @erinmeri!


As far as “Finish the Bastard”, there are several of us here that know exactly how that came to be public and it was from several of her original posts long, long ago (now deleted) and from the trial.

Once again, MOST of us know if LK is typing or speaking she is lying.


What I hope, truly hope, in all sincerity, is that LK is healthy, happy, doing well, progressing in her training and enjoying riding her horses. Moving on with her life and finding her success elsewhere.

Because the alternative of that, for a personality such as hers, is identifying a scapegoat for her lack of health and happiness, and focusing on THAT. Which will end badly.

Focusing on what people are saying about her on COTH, and creating an alter to refute it, speaks to someone who is not happy and healthy, not moving on, not finding her success elsewhere.

I have no idea if the rumors about 1.) her being turned away from other BNT training situations or 2.) Dad writing nastygrams to them is true. I don’t much care. 1.) is pretty much a given when you consider the publicity surrounding the criminal trial. 2.) Still don’t care. Why does it matter? If you’re not considered, for whatever reasons, to be a fit for a BNT training program, why does it matter that your father wrote nastygrams to the people who turned you down as a client? Except, perhaps, that it exposes the weird co-dependent relationship between a chronologically adult woman and her parent.

But I have to wonder why that was so important to her that she created an alter and posted a lot of third person word salad.


Yes, Greystone has step down/halfway housing not far from the facility.


I get that - but it’s still not rational behavior!


Yep, am early 40s… just like Lala/Lina. Over my head entirely!


This. I don’t care if she is shunned. And if she is, why should that be surprising??? What I do think is interesting is whether or not her father tried to intervene and threatened people. Because that shows a pattern of behavior that relates to this civil trial.

But my interest is more stemming from 1) my morbid curiosity, and 2) my interest in how this civil suit will play out.

With regards to #1, it’s because I don’t know anyone who behaves in such a manner. With regard to #2, it’s because there seems to be a lot of suggestion that such behavior is how he got LK into MB’s program the second year.

We shall see!