Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

Regarding the SS form, you would think that as it involved minors (allegedly) they would have had to file it under seal or something-not sure how that works in discovery.

Regarding the SS form, the notion that “someone else checked the box and it has nothing to do with what I said” reeks of “the dog ate my homework”. Sure, you had nothing to do with that!!!


Reminds me of this:




Well I googled the difference. NY style is denser (more dense?) . Recipe calls for 4 blocks of cream cheese, not three as were in EggButt’s version. 1/2 the amount of sour cream and NO heavy cream. So the one I made has a thinner, creamier batter than NY. There are a couple other minor differences, but this is it in a nutshell.
I like both. But this one was fantastic.

Edited to add: @erinmeri. My grandmother used to make a fantastic bread pudding- she was from Lancaster, Pa, so this was likely the “pennsyvania dutch” recipe, though she never passed in on to me.

And last, on our other topic, there was a reference to AW as LK’s trainer. My inquiring mind made my fingers hit google again. An alphabetical listing of trainers in Wellington answered that mystery in short order.


Gomer ran a gas station in much the same manner as MB’s local police station.


Nope. Gomer was highly ethical and refused to ever be dishonest.

Not the same as the local police station.


I thought he was in the military?

I don’t think I ever actually watched the show, though.


He did join the marines, but he originally worked at a gas/service station.


That was the spin off show. In the Andy Griffith show; he ran the local gas station. He was the stock comedy character of the lovable, honorable naive bumpkin. (Think Li’l Abner or the Billy Bob Thornton character in Sling Blade)

His spin off was Gomer Pyle, USMC where the comedy derived from a stereotypical drill sergeant being completely unable to intimidate or demoralize him because of his Aw, Shucks southern manners.

This concludes your lecture on 70s popular culture.


I think the k’s LOVE the drama/attention they get when the post. It feeds their narcissistic tendencies. All other SM has cooled on the trial, but coth is still interested in it.

I also think that LK saw Coth as a community that she wanted to be a part of. She wants to be seen as an equestrian. She knows that there are coth members who are very, very accomplished horsewomen and riders. I think at one point she wanted their approval. But now since she has shown herself and participated in behavior that has gotten her banned, and the majority of posters are not impressed her, she wants to thumb her nose at us.


Do you consider an anonymous poster on an Internet forum a reliable source? An anonymous poster on threads that have used discussion of the Barisone case as a pretext to bash a gunshot victim and try to get them blackballed from the sport?

Trying to add insult to injury, as it were?

I’m not Interested in the cheesecake discussion, so have not participated in it.

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Wow! Has there ever been any other posters who were banned twice? Amazing!


Me neither! I don’t get it.


Wait, wait, did CH say this “new” poster wasn’t Lauren? If so, unbelievable. How naive.

I refuse to read their dribble anymore and ignore has been working for me.


Why yes….in these here Barisone threads. I do believe the last one had another such offender.


Apparently you do, based on your frequent annd enthusiastic assertions that you believe(d) IM. So, how is anyone else’s belief in or endorsement of anyone else any different? Also, the insistence that the general posters here are “bashing” is growing tired. Some might go a bit “beyond”, but the majority don’t. As a reminder, discussing the actual abhorrent behavior of a “victim” and their associates isn’t “bashing”.


I consider that poster’s source a reliable source. Does it occur to you that COTH isn’t the only place one hears these things? The dressage community is very, very small and word travels quickly, particular about clients who are a pain in the a$$ to deal with.


Oh God yes. Several of the more BSC ones seem unable to stay away. They create new usernames, immediately resume the same behaviour which got them banned, and promptly get outed and re-banned. They tend to have a few pet phrases or posting quirks which makes them easily identifiable. It also makes it even weirder when they refer to themselves in the third person lol.


CH has already proven themselves to be pretty unreliable when it comes to assessing the credibility of some posters, so I’m not surprised.