Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

I said “I don’t think LaughingLina is LK”, @Eggbutt.

That was before the moderator came on and said that LL was linked to the account of a banned poster.

Based on the information from the moderator, it seems LL may have been LK.

If it was, the choice of screen name LaughingLina with the reference to LaLa or LaLi, and initials LL with a reference to LK, suggests that she anticipated getting booted off promptly. If she wanted to hide the connection, she would probably have gone for a nondescript screen name like Warmblood1, or something like that, don’t you think?

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So do I! The older I get the less I crave rich sweets. And, absolutely no need for apologies! I don’t like chicken livers! :confused:

And, you can be an EIM member anytime you want to! Being an EIM member is just a state of mind anyway! We don’t even have a clubhouse!


I’ve heard stuff from Wellington outside of this forum. Newsflash: People talk.

Perhaps keeping a low profile would have been a better course of action for her. But she just can’t do that. So once again, you reep what you sow.

Not one inch of me feels bad about the results of her actions upon herself.


Really? Did @Danvers name her source?

Why would she? Why would anyone? To satisfy YOU? I wouldn’t. You want to know? Tough.


Many of us are still waiting for her to produce the police report she said she saw.


@BigMama1 stated that she considered the poster’s source to be a reliable source. I don’t understand how anyone would know the reliability of the source without knowing the identity of the source.

I’m not in favor of naming the sources of rumors. I’m not in favor of posting rumors at all.

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Wait, do you think that anything anyone posts here would do as much to get LK blackballed from the sport as her own testimony in a court of law??


Did you ever tell us what was in that police report you referenced? Or where one might have gotten the police report you claimed to have read?


Nobody owes you anything. She is under zero obligation to explain it to you. IMHO your statements almost seem like baiting.


You mean the same way you think IM is a reliable source?


I will start with, I do not know either @BigMama1 or @Danvers, but I read it this way…

Maybe BibMama1 either knows Danvers in real life, or has a history of reading what Danvers posts and knows that Danvers is not someone who lies on social media to get their own way (like some other people referenced in this thread). They know that Danvers would not be posting the information unless they got it from a reliable person.

This post also feels like you are admitting to knowing Jonathan Kanarek @Inigo-montoya. (edit to add bolding in CH’s post where they are basically saying they must know JK.)


In the case of IM, I assessed him to be a reliable source without knowing his identity after reading his posts and noting that they were not contradicted by known facts or by logic.

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It makes sense to you that you can find someone a reliable source, but it does not make sense to you that others can find someone to be a reliable source?

I can find people NOT a reliable source after they post saying they have a read a police report that it is clear they have never read.


I do not know Jonathan Kanarek.

OK. Show me the post in which I “say I have read” a particular police report, @trubandloki.

It is possible to make statements about a particular police report without claiming to have read the report, given that the reports have been characterized in court documents and were discussed in the trial. You really didn’t figure that out in all this time?

Your word play is such a joke.

You talked about the content of a specific police report.

I will gladly share the screen shot with you if you really want me to remind everyone of what you said, so you can then diagram the sentence to pretend you did not say what everyone read.


Perhaps I’ve heard the rumour from the same source. Perhaps I’ve heard it from multiple sources. Perhaps Danvers has heard it from multiple sources. Perhaps she and I know each IRL and have discussed it. We don’t, and we haven’t; I’m just making a point that there is a big wide world out there beyond COTH and it’s entirely possible to learn something elsewhere than this board. You assumed that the only source of this rumour is a single anonymous post on COTH. As usual, you assumed incorrectly.

COTH may be YOUR sole source of information and - given the extraordinary amount of time you spend responding to every single post about LK - your sole source of entertainment as well, but the many of us are actually involved in the dressage community IRL too.



Ah yes… I remember the nuance of those posts…

The sneering, mansplaining, insults and snide little hints about what he thought was happening or about to happen - and was wrong - were definitely contradicted by things like facts and logic. In the case of IM, your assessment was faulty.

I am not sure why any Kanareks are so fixated on this rather insignificant, small forum. Size may matter in some instances, but this forum is a very small blip on the internet radar. One would think it was not worthy of such high rollers and top equestrians…


:clap: :rofl: