Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

Ohhhh you are so close to getting it! Now ask yourself…is Danvers’ post contradicted by known facts or logic? Hmmmm…


Perhaps she knows Danvers.
But that’s an incredibly ironic sentence. You believe IM is a reliable source despite not knowing who IM is.


Whose logic??? Yours???

Kinda like those movies in your head???

Alrighty then! Enough said!!!


There are some days being here is great fun. This is one of those days.


Yes, other posters have been banned way more than that back in the day. Not a record at all.


Wasn’t there one banned here in the last few years who had 3-4 alters all going at once? One of them was Palm Beach. She got caught because she forgot to switch alters between posts.


For God’s sake, I have said all along that I don’t know tor a fact the identity of IM. I still don’t.

Within a couple days of reading his posts, I suspected IM was JK, just like everyone else.

Uh oh, here comes the reinforcement.


One sentence which describes Lauren and her parents really well.


During the peace that transpired during the cheesecake posts I felt I had been relieved of my duty to find the next COTH forum Word Of The Day. Alas, the appearance of Laughing Hyena -er - LINA - brought forth a minion.

The word of the day is blathering.

Use it in a sentence.

There has been much blathering about European BNT,s, SS, rumors, and other nonsense.

I confess I make no-bake cheesecake. Hangs head in shame.

I did not inherit my grandmother’s culinary skills,


Yes, I “talked about the content of a specific police report“.

The civil suit of MB against the police department contained characterizations of the various police reports. The police reports were also discussed in testimony in the trial. By reading that material in the public record about the police reports, I can say stuff about a police report without having had access to the report itself in order to be able to read it.

But, yes, please provide the screenshot of the post so others can determine if they would have misread it in the same way you did.

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That’s happened more than a few times over the years with different people.


Didn’t you say that you considered @Danvers source to be credible?

On what basis would you be able to assess the credibility of whoever her source was?

I think this in its self shows CH is not part of the Dressage community or she would know that COTH is not the only place people have been talking about how unwelcome the Ks are in Michael’s community and Wellington.


To whom it concerns: Lauren has no intention of replacing her trainers with any other “trainers.” If you are reading this, you know who you are and Danvers is, as per usual, grievously misinformed. I highly recommend asking your peers about this accusation, then requesting they “show their work.” Doubtlessly, you know this to be untrue. Im assuming other trainers know your situation and yours are toes they would surely not step on.

Can someone explain this to me? I don’t understand what is being said… doesn’t make sense…


Now that LaLa has accomplished her mission of becoming the centre of attention again, and has been banished back from whence she came, can we just go back to cheesecake now? It was so pleasant around here without the constant blathering, bleating, and sea-lioning.




Just because she didn’t tell YOU the source doesn’t mean she doesn’t know it. Nobody is interested in keeping you in the loop of the dressage communiy.


How about sharing photos of successful special meals?

Duck is always in season (at my local grocery store).

Roasted parsnips & Brussel sprouts; wild rice with onions, dried cranberries, pecans and chestnuts; mixed veggies for the one person who doesn’t like onions (?! Beloved anyway).


On her social skills. People who have better social judgement than LK and her sycophants can do that. If you are asking for her source, why should she tell you?