Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

What a remarkable afternoon on the forum. For literally several hours we saw lala’s little pink bubble pop on and off as she typed her diatribe of old, tired, oft repeated nonsensical rant. But what on earth caused her to breach her silence and start the malarkey again after months of silence?

By several outside accounts she apparently went to a lovely gathering of “new” friends with children (oh dear, looks like Gertie has been replaced) recently and celebrated the holidays. I am sincerely happy she has new friends, but I will admit I hope those friends are aware and cautious with their relationship with her and Guy. So, what on earth caused the wacko posts today??? Life can’t be going that great if she is consumed with this small forum again. Could Cheesecake recipes sent her into chaos??

Perhaps we will learn something in the next day or two.


LOl, sounds like a socialite column of old, in the newpaper. Well done, Eggbutt!

reminds me of something like:

Who did we see at the Countess of Shrewsbury Ball last night, if it wasn’t the Baronet Of Beasley, with his seven Yorkies in tow! And if anyone stopped to admire the fabulous shoes the Duke of Luster’s tiny feet, they might have been treated to full Libretto, written by none other than JD McClatchy himself, but I digress, we were all there to see the Latvian Sled Runners and their High-stepping Dutch Harness Horses pirouette around the fountain, as the water turned a zesty color of pure gold,much to our delight!


Oooo, oooo, oooooooo!!! PRINCESS BRIDE IS ON!!!


I watched it the other night! May have to watch again!


I’m still trying to figure out how one earns the title of “Dressage Grand Master”.
Isn’t Grand Master more of a chess term? :wink:


I need a Farm Boy to do my bidding… or a Spaniard.


I guess the one who rhymes with “uh oh” changed their mind.


Now that the interloper has been dealt with, can we please attempt to figure out the rationale of the procedures at Greystone? How can these people keep their jobs and where is the media??!


Halt! Halt! Grand master! Bow, to the Dressage Grand Master


So I honestly feel that a court ordering a certain type of treatment and then essentially sending an individual to a location where they treatment isn’t offered is a violation of…something.


I too am watching - takes on a whole new meaning …


Re bolded. You’ve repeatedly characterized me as one of LK’s “sycophants”. So now you somehow know that @Danvers unnamed source has better “social judgment” than I do?

In my “social judgment”, posting disparaging rumors about someone anonymously on an Internet forum is nasty and petty.

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I believe you are hiding your light, darling. Your cookies are amazing!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Me too!

I feel for everyone trapped in that place. I feel so bad the MBs roommate being told he was going to move and then not moved. That is beyond cruel.


I’ve been looking for a good sugar cookie recipe!


Not Danvers’ source, DANVER has better social judgement that LK and her sycophants. Read for comprehension.

And, I’;m not saying you you are one of her sycophants. I was talking about them, but not saying you are one. I guess if you are claiming that, that tells us something.

I don’t know anything about Danvers unamed source, but I am claiming that Danvers has better social judgment, just from what I’ve observed. So don’t put words in my mouth. I wasn’t talking about you, and i wasn’t making any claims bout Danvers’s source. I was talking about Danvers.

And by the way, Danvers can have all the sources she wants Whey should she name them for you? Who are you to ask her to name her sources? Its none of your business. Maybe she’s best friends with one of the BNTs who got a nastygram from IM. Maybe she IS a BNT who told Lauren to get lost. Why should she reveal anyof that to you?


Yes. my unnamed sources are beyond credible - and there are many other sources in Welly World that repeat the same claim… don’t worry… word is out and there is no taking it back - as my mother would say" you are only as good as your reputation"


It sounds like like something from the Nick Peronace school of dressage. Except I think his title was Dressage Grande Maestro.


On several occasions in the past, you have referred to me as a sycophant of LK.