Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

The Dutch have a Dutch Masters World Cup. Perhaps a trainer won a Grand Prix at that show and it all got sandwiched together?


Other posters on this forum asserted LK would never find anyone willing to train her a couple years ago, then she ended up in training with a top trainer.

If you find your unnamed source credible, that’s your call, obvs.

I don’t find you, as an anonymous poster, credible. That’s my call, obvs.


If the shoe fits, well, perseverate on it. I wasn’t doing that in this case. I frankly don’t care.


I don’t think any one “asserted” she wouldn’t find anyone willing to train her before before she destroyed MB. She’s had some really nice trainers, even if she hasn’t been able to keep them, so don’t make things up. And she ended up training with a top trainer, and then destroying his life, livlihood, family and business, so your claim that she “ended up training with a ‘top’ trainer” is pretty hollow. Ay other trainer she has had since she hasn’t been able to keep, either, so I don’t think there is much of anything to brag about. And it looks like the end of the line for her and any ‘top’ trainers.


I will attempt to translate this word salad.

I believe she is speaking to Ulf, who was training LK until he went back to Europe and some assistants took over. (Sidebar - somewhat ironic she’s now bragging about training with an underling who’s not the “name on the door” lol).

She’s assuring him that you are misinformed - she’s not trying to replace Ulf, and PaPaPopRider isn’t sending nastygrams to the Wellington trainers who wouldn’t touch her with a 10-foot pitchfork. She suggests he contact some of those trainers to confirm they haven’t been approached by a Kanarek.

She also seems to be saying that Wellington trainers would turn her down not because she’s a nightmare client, but because they wouldn’t want to step on Ulf’s toes.

That’s not how it works. People move from one BNT to another all the time. Business is business and the community is too small and incestuous to burn bridges over a client, particularly a low level amateur.

No disrespect to Ulf. He’s a very skilled rider / trainer and knowledgable horse person, presumably a good coach and instructor too. I don’t doubt that he would be preferable to many of the North Americans based in Wellington. I do doubt that he is training LK because of her great potential. Like most people, he’s got bills to pay and why shouldn’t he take her money if she doesn’t pull any of her drama with him.


Me too! And any decorating tips are welcome as well.


Well Ulf isn’t training her any more. He went back to europe. And I don’t beleive she is training with his assistants, is she? She’s not claiming that. I thought she was claming she has a BNT who is training her. Are Ulf’s assistants training lauren kanarek?


Seriously, no one cares. Why can’t you understand that simple fact?


AHHHHH! Thank you - now it makes sense… ya… Ulf…

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Again, this thread isn’t about Lauren Shay Kanarek, although she did try to derail it today. This thread has nothing to do with that sad woman.

Not specifically directed at you @Ambitious_Kate but in general. The less she and her issues are mentioned, the better.


She had been training with an assistant but that stopped according to my Wellington source who shall remain anonymous.

But more importantly, incidents like today where a banned sad user had to falsify their identity to come on and do an unstable scolding of us makes MBs confinement yet more egregious.

Imagine having to deal with someone like LK, go through a court trial after being severely beaten, your farm gone, police lies and then you are kept confined in a horrid place with no treatment.

This must stop immediately. IMMEDIATELY.

To my mind, today’s little episode here clearly illustrates that it’s the wrong party who sits within that institution.


@Seeker1. :wave:

Anything you and IM want to weigh in on or clarify? You’ve been watching all day.


I thought Ulf was the BNT. I confess to not keeping current with who is teaching her when, because it’s totally irrelevant to my life. Nobody else would care either if it hadn’t been for Daddio’s alleged communications with local trainers. That angle certainly lends credence to MB’s claims that he didn’t want Lauren coming to NJ with him after FL, and didn’t want her and RG living in the house, but was bullied and threatened by @Inigo-montoya into acquiescing.


According to Helgstrand Dressage USA:

“Lars Petersen and Melissa Taylor will take up their new positions at Helgstrand Dressage USA on April 1st, 2022, while Dr. Ulf Möller will continue to lead Helgstrand Germany and be part of Helgstrand USA during the competition season.” I would assume that Ulf Möller is back to the USA by now for the Wellington/Palm Beach dressage season. So he could be training LK again.

This is something LK might have been interested in if she were younger, more motivated, and more mobile.


It always makes me happy to see someone use chestnuts.

We have a chestnut dressing recipe in my family that was used for holiday meals for many years, although it doesn’t get made too often these days.


Didn’t his cousin, Goober Pyle, take over the gas station when he (Gomer) enlisted?


From what I’ve heard, none of them are training her.


I hope those people are extra cautious with their kids after what happened with MHG’s kids.


Just curious. Is he a vet? A medical doctor? Some other sort of doctor?

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Yes, he is a vet