Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9




LK got herself blackballed from the sport when she set out to destroy a family and multiple people’s careers and livelihoods. She also got herself blackballed due to her stellar performance on the stand and people seeing who she and dear Guy really are. Give credit where credit is due.

I got a laugh out of the “grandmaster” reference as well. I thought she got her dressage trainer and ninja karate master mixed up.


She seems to have some odd layman’s type terms for horses, as thought she doesn’t really know alot about horses and the horse world.


I use to pass this billboard on the interstate that had in huge, bold letters, “GRAND MASTER DONG.” He was some sort of martial arts master. I always admired that billboard.


Especially with all the adult billboards out on the highways, it must have given you pause


Yeah, I’ve never heard the term “grand master”applied to a dressage rider/ trainer

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Hubertus Schmidt is considered a grand master of dressage according to this article on Eurodressage. I saw him ride in the German Professional Dressage Riders Championships in Verden in the early 2000s. He is fabulous.


We love chestnuts & use them throughout the year. I’d love your recipe if you wish to share it!


You asked me to post it, so here it is @CurrentlyHorseless.

And we all know you are going to come back and post that you never actually say you read the police report but the intent of your post is to make it read like you have read the police report.
So weird that you stomp your feet and demand proof from everyone else but it is OK for your surmise the contents of a police report and then post like you have read it.
To me your credibility is about as good as the person you put so much work into defending.


I agree!
That is just horrible.
It would be a bad thing to do to anyone but we are talking about people who in theory are there for mental health support, and then they do this?
Your words “beyond cruel” describe it perfectly.

A second - I agree!
The previous update on the Go Fund Me was so upsetting. This update on the Go Fund Me is just beyond disgusting.

It is hard to believe this place agreed to follow some steps as a settlement and they are ignoring everything they agreed to.

I also hope that these updates are bringing in continued donations because it sounds like Michael’s lawyers have a huge battle to fight that is not just helping Michael.


I wonder what’s involved to have those settlement attorneys file a violation of the settlement agreement?

As in can MBs attorneys contact those attorneys? A violation of the settlement means more money for that plaintiff.


How much of the legal issues of Greystoke [sic] are MB’s current attorneys capable or willing or interested in addressing? Can Balinkis Take the Grey-place to court? Is it smarter not to be agressive about it until MB is out of the place? I would be interested in how it might be addressed. Legally.

Maybe it would require a civil rights lawyer.

Jinx, Knights Mom.


Here you go. My mother’s hand written notes are in the margins. Even though the recipe mentions a cranberry option, I don’t ever remember seeing it used.


It seems like Michael is stuck in a situation that will require his attorneys to fight pretty hard to get Michael out of there, because the promised programs are not happening and Michael can not leave there until the programs happen.

So, though they are fighting for Michael, hopefully their fighting will bring to light the continued problems at this place.


Thank you!

You’re very welcome. I’m glad to think someone else might get some use out of it. :slight_smile:


A few comments -

I find it so interesting that as soon as Miss Lollypop got a new attorney, she thought it was okay to create a new user account and start posting here again. That makes me wonder if Nagel et al would not act on her behalf to try to intimidate COTH into allowing her to post here, and she assumes the new attorney will be more of a pitbull about it.

And I am beyond disgusted about the lack of treatment for MB at Greystone. I get it about being short-staffed - many of these places have been short-staffed for ages, and Covid made it much, much worse as so many health care professionals and social workers left those vocations and have not returned.

I was thinking that Taylor surely must be aware there are no treatment programs at Greystone, but then started wondering if perhaps he doesn’t know. I mean, how often in the recent past has he sent someone there? Perhaps he believes all the PR BS Greystone and the NJ Dept of Mental Health has put out since that settlement referred to earlier. I hope that he has since learned much more about the situation and will be more considerate and fair at the next hearing.

[Edited by me to correct a name]


Yes it was pleasant but I feel like I gained 5 lbs from my cheesecake, and some is still in the freezer!


Yes, that’s why I said you don’t know who IM is.