Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

It is another one of the CH double standards.

They are allowed to insist that anyone they choose is reliable and a good source of information and go so far as to say that person never lies, even if they do not know who that person is, even if there is no proof who that person is.
Anyone else must have a notarized form of proof that the person is real, who they are, what they do, and how they can possibly think they are qualified to post.


I’m late, but yes. Lots. The Mods don’t have to specify which original poster an alter belongs to, but once they find out they ban the alter.


Has to be the trainer thing that brought her out. First thing she addressed was that.


Wait, you can freeze cheesecake? This could be life changing.


Since Jonathan Kanarek is Lauren’s bully of choice, he’s probably been huffing and puffing and threatening to blow the House of the Chronicle down since she was first banned. I suspect he will rush to her aid yet again.

Everytime I watch Willy Wonka, each one of the nasty kids remind me of Lauren…she is all of them rolled into one with mommy and daddy encouraging her behavior.

Honestly, I believe this forum is the only place she is even mentioned anymore. I understand most people in the Wellington area go, “Huh, who?” when her name is mentioned. No one thinks of Lauren until they consider she might be near their facility. Yet, mention Michael Barisone and the conversation immediately turns to questions about him coming home to resume his career.


Awww, thanks :kissing_heart:

@iridedressage: I am partial to this one. It does spread ever so slightly, but they are delicious!

@BigMama1 - I use Sweet Sugarbelle’s Royal icing recipe as well. I personally use a stiffer flood to outline and fill. If I am using sprinkles, I add at that time. I let dry and go back later with a stiffer piping icing and food grade pens to decorate. I use a Pico projector to guide my sprinkle placement and lettering. I like Americolor gel food coloring and Gourmet Writer pens. PM me if you want to see examples!


:laughing:Yes you can freeze for up to a month. Must go thru the cooling process and o/n in fridge, then wrap in plastic wrap. Do not try to rush the thawing process - just sit out at room temp or leave in fridge to thaw overnight.


Thank you!!


Thank you! I took up cheesecaking during shutdown and it shows. Relegated the springform to meat pie duty. Cannot wait to get restarted.


For those who have tried or are considering trying my Cheesecake recipe, I have a secret for you - although the recipe calls for the cake to be completely cooled before releasing the spring, I was in a hurry once and released it while it was still slightly warm, not at all hot. Well, I had to taste it of course, and it was phenomenal! The slight warmth enhances the flavor. I remember having a similar Cheesecake at a multi-star fancy restaurant in Canada once and it was served warm. It was heaven. That said, I haven’t tried warming a cold slice to see if it is the same as just out of the oven.

I’ve also made this recipe with a shortbread crust and wasn’t a fan, but many like the “cakier” texture of that crust.


Silver is Sweetgrass Farms’ attorney. I think you mean O’Connor/Nagel.


Meanwhile….we know that LK has shared some of the audio recordings and police reports with some of her FB friends…

So, why not some of her loyal CotH supporters too?


Question: once someone is banned, can they still view the forums, and if so, does their “bubble” show up?

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They can still visit. A screen name won’t show because they don’t have an account but you can read without an account. Just can’t post.


Also remember @trubandloki, this is a poster who makes movies in their head, and then automatically assume the movies they made up in their head are actually factual.

Yet this person has also proven time and time again that they cannot extrapolate anywhere near correctly what a poster said or intended in a post.

This person has shown us repeatedly who and what they are!

*****DISCLAIMER- When this person reads this and claims that I was attempting to dox them in the last sentence, we all know this was not an attempt at doxxing as no identifiable information was mentioned except for what we already know from their very public posts here.


Definitely PM her. I haven’t had the pleasure of eating one of @erinmeri’s cookies, but I’ve seen them and they are so lovely. :heart_eyes:


Thank you for posting the screenshot and noticing that it does not say that I read the police report, @trubandloki.

Going forward, I will appreciate your limiting your characterization of my posts to what I’ve “actually written”, and not attempt to interpret them based on your assumptions about my “intent”. I did not intend to “make it read like I had read the police report”. I even used the phrase “as far as I am aware”, which is not a phrase someone would use if they were pretending they had access to the report itself.


@erinmeri, now we need pictures of your creations!


Here’s one recent one:


Silver? Isn’t Silver the attorney for SGF?