Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

Do you take orders? Seriously, next summer for grandkids birthdays


And I imagine their posts cannot be edited or deleted, either. That’s…kind of nifty.


Thank you! That’s so flattering!! If they didn’t take so darned long to make, I would start a business. Just can’t see a way to make it profitable! I do enjoy making them as special occasion gifts, though. It’s kind of zen.


Understandable. I have craft envy. I do not have a creative or artistic blood cell, much less bone, in my body. And I don’t like to cook or bake. But I’m a great kitten foster mom LOL


Oh CH, you make me laugh! You are just too funny!


This will show up a bit out of sequence as I am behind in my reading - sorry. I am flabbergasted that anyone from the K circle would spend time here when that time would be better spent responding to the subpoenas. THAT is the way to get the story out. Unless, the truth doesnt support the narrative. HMMMM


I am currently fostering 2 kittens - its a lot of work. They are both getting more comfortable being around people and are WILD.


Way behind as usual, noted the appearance of a brand shiny new poster though!

Have you ever tried burnt Basque cheesecake? Absolutely glorious. Have just torn out a new recipe for a chocolate version with a lump of blue cheese beaten into it - apparently it brings out the chocolate flavour beautifully.


I’ve never had that, no.

Use the creamy meat tube treats. It’s kitty crack. If you literally meant wild, as in feral.

It is a ton of work, but I love doing it. I’ve only kept 4 out of roughly 160. Not too bad


If he’s not getting treated, it’s a violation of his civil rights, according to CRIPA.

Upthread, someone posted a link to the DOJ website where you can submit a complaint about a violation of CRIPA, and the DOJ will investigate the complaint and get back to you.

If he’s really getting no treatment (as opposed to no individual therapy), I would expect his lawyers to have already filed a complaint with the DOJ.

But you don’t need to be a lawyer to file a complaint. Complaints can also be filed by phone or mail.


Wow, CUTE!!!


Yes, feral. They are now loving attention however are quickly overstimulated which is resulting in biting/scratching of my hands and arms.

ETA - the wildness is now due to playing.


It takes all types! I am a three time kitty foster fail, and the only reason I was successful twice was that my cats hated one foster, and the other was heading into COVID and I couldn’t imagine my cats accepting him so I was motivated to find him another place to move on to before lockdown. Lol. I would foster kittens, but it would likely lead to me being arrested for kitty hoarding. :rofl:



I’m not sure if I’m more impressed by your extremely low foster fail rate, or the overall number you’ve fostered.

Huge props to you, either way!!


You’re giving Taylor a lot more credit for good intentions than I do.


Oops, yes that is correct. I was in a hurry earlier and wasn’t thinking things through.

Thanks for the correction!


Thanks. Most of the time, it’s fairly easy. But there are 2 that are “the ones that got away”. One was immediately adopted by my nieces boyfriend. He picked him and his sister out at 4 days old. I wouldn’t renege and keep him. So I got updates, until they broke up. But he was loved, and with his sister. Another, I was so crushed, my best friend went to the HS to adopt him (she didn’t need, or want another cat), but a gentleman was there and truly wanted him. So I know he went to home right away. He was so sickly, I thought I’d lose him. HS kept giving the same drugs. I paid my vet, who gave him something else and re-bounded immediately. But I held him sicker than a dog for days.

Goodbye is the goal!


You’re way stronger than I! I always said that, but find it really hard to adhere to. I cried for days after the first one I rehomed left, even though she had CKD and terrorized my two cats. I just absolutely adored her. It took me over 6 months to find someone to take her and I drove two states over to get her there… but I loved her from day one, even when she gave me ringworm. And she had the softest fur and the best biscuit makers out there! (See why I am not a fosterer??)


Call me naive, but if he’s sending someone there, with very strict requirements to get out, he should know, shouldn’t he?

It, to me, is along the lines of ignorance being mo excuse for the law…