Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

There is an implied duty not to induce harm and to fulfill the intent of the law.


It’s not implied — it’s statutory. CRIPA.

If you think his civil rights from CRIPA are being violated, you can file a complaint by phone, mail, or internet.

Or talk about kittens and cheesecake, if that’s more important.


Thank you, that sounds like what I kinda meant, but didn’t know how to say.
It’s absolutely egregious


Such a shamer.


She knows nothing else. I wonder what makes her think many complaints haven’t been filed on behalf of the majority of patients at Greystone? She must believe that everything is posted here…too bad she has no idea of all that goes on off this thread regarding supporting and protecting Michael Barisone.

I honestly don’t understand why she posts here other than to show undying support and possibly earn the same high status HH has with Miss Kanarek. One day she might learn this family has no loyalty to anyone outside the K Krew.


I swear, some posters are wasting their talents. Should be doing standup comedy. Straight man style, like Bob Newhart.


Most people in the dressage world don’t even know her name and few outside of Wellington and MB’s circle of friends even remember the incident. If they do, it’s that “some crazy client got shot at Michael’s place.” If she’s remembered st all, it will be that way.


Oh my gosh the projector idea is genius!


Ah, but to paraphrase you, how could you possible be aware of what is or isn’t in the police report unless you have read it? Or was that simply a failed attempt to make yourself look knowledgable about the case?


It’s not an idea, it’s an actual thing. There’s a market of mounts and kitchen accessories for using projectors and phones to do guided cookie/pastry/cake decoration work and shoot vids of yourself doing it.


Wow! I had no idea. I make cookies once a year and stick to very simple flooding with Royal icing and then dousing with sprinkles. That’s the extent of my creative ability. I do make a darn good cheesecake though!

A “soufflé cheesecake” bakery just opened up in our town and we had one on Christmas night. Apparently it’s a very popular Japanese treat. Yummy, but I prefer a creamier texture.


I don’t know what the craft stores are like where you live, but here we have chains like Michaels and Jo-Ann Fabrics, which have sections for cooking (pastries and cakes mostly) buried in their aisles and you can find stuff like that there.


Isn’t life great? I mean who needs cookbooks when we have trainwrecks.


Re bolded. In my previous post making reference to CRIPA, I stated that I expected that Barisone’s lawyers had already filed a complaint with the DOJ if they really believed that MB was receiving no treatment.

His civil rights are being violated if he is literally receiving no treatment at Greystone, as LO claims.

He has a treatment team at Greystone. I suspect that Greystone considers medication and group therapy sessions as their modes of therapy and considers MB to be receiving the treatment ordered by the court.

Lara Osborne has stated that he is not receiving individual therapy.

If the lawyers or LO think that MB is literally receiving no treatment, then his civil rights are being violated, and a complaint should be made by any of his supporters to the DOJ.

If complaints have been made and the DOJ response was that whatever therapy Greystone provides is sufficient to fulfill their obligations according to CRIPA, then there is no civil rights violation.

Is it necessary or useful for you to speculate on my motives for posting? I’m not expecting anything from the Kanarek family; not “high status” or “loyalty”, or anything.

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Bilinkas referred RC to the Aug 7 police report made the day of the shooting to refresh her memory about a statement she made to police on Aug 7 regarding a threat made by RG on Aug 4.

If the statement by RC regarding the Aug 4 threat by RG was contained in the police report on the Aug 4 incident, why did Bilinkas refer to the Aug 7 police report to refresh her memory?

I do not have access to anything outside the public record and what’s posted here. Far from “attempting to make myself appear knowledgeable about the case”, I keep telling you (g) I’m not an insider and have no inside information.

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You have no idea what I’ve done or not done as I don’t feel obligated to tell you and here’s a newsflash: I can do BOTH.


Well, if you’ve reported a suspected civil rights violation to the DOJ and they investigated and reported back that they determined there was no violation because the group therapy and medication provided by Greystone satisfied CRIPA, that would be useful information for the thread. I haven’t seen anyone report that.

I’m not inclined to file a complaint with the DOJ because I think Greystone is providing therapy, just not individual therapy.

But for everybody else who thinks he’s receiving literally no treatment, I’d think you’d want to file a complaint.


Yet, here you are, again, stating the obvious as though you’ve had some brilliant, original thought.

As far as what’s “necessary and useful”, um, coming from you this is hysterical. Redundancy is your middle name.

BTW, you and HH have been noticeably missing from the DHH thread.

So sorry y’all, my Ignore date timed out. It’s been reset.


Again… and pay attention - I don’t announce my actions. I tend toward stealth. Got it?


This is why I am limited to 4 cats and not allowed to foster kittens again :crying_cat_face: