Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

I’m missing from the DHH thread? Dutch Harness Horse?

So what? You’d like me to post there so you can ignore me on both threads instead of just one?



I have two of mine because DH said I didn’t have to keep the shelter appointment. This applies to the two dogs as well.


Here comes the snark.


Correct. Once you lose that account you can’t do anything else with it. No deleting, editing, or posting.


I make these every year. This batch came out a little chubby. I like gingerbread but don’t love it. I’m thinking about switching to a sugar cookie recipe next year.


More of them to love! Lol.


I always set mine to “Forever.” No timing out, just an occasional screen refresh needed.


Oh sweetie, I simply saw a post from someone wondering why you two weren’t mixed up in the drama. Apparently you two are known across threads.


We have Michael’s. Our local bulk goods chain has a very large selection of decorating items too; I’ve just never looked closely at them.


Only Kanarek drama, apparently


I think many here, like me are, frustrated by the lack of therapy provided to MB and other patients at Greystone but are not planning to file complaints or anything else at this time because we do not want to interfere with any efforts that might be going on that we are not aware of.

If LO requests action on MB’s behalf then we would want to respond to whatever request was being made.

I like to share info I find for discussion purposes but I do not intend to act on anything unless it is requested by his team.


How very odd. You’re wondering why I haven’t participated in the DHH thread, but you haven’t posted in it, either!

Scribbler and Warmblood1 each have a big presence, but I saw zero posts from @eggbutt .

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That’s reasonable. I would assume that if filing a complaint with the DOJ was a good move, that MBs lawyers would be on it.

If they have already filed a complaint and the DOJ investigated it and determined that whatever therapy Greystone was providing was consistent with CRIPA, that would suggest that MB is receiving treatment, just not individual therapy treatment.

I think trainers recognize her far more than the average rider. Mainly because MB was well known and what happened to him is essentially every trainer’s worst nightmare.


Yes, for sure. Trainers look out for each other and warn each other about nightmare clients. But the average dressage rider in the community has long since forgotten her.


Like a friend of my DH’s likes to say, “they see her a lot more than she sees them”. I’d be finding someplace else to be if it was possible when I saw her in my general vicinity.


Please, please take a course in reading comprehension. You’ve been called on your inability to comprehend what is posted many times. Reread my post and notice the bold portion. I read many threads and aren’t compelled to post and, to my recollection, I haven’t seen or heard of any posts in other threads wondering why I’m not posting.

Um, who cares whether Scribbler and Warmblood have “a big presence” in any thread. My comment to you had absolutely nothing to do with who was posting and what frequency they were posting. Why do you twist things up so much? Why do you feel the need to keep track of everyone? You are exhausting.


I’m sitting in my hotel room while at a show, catching up on this thread. Wow! It’s been entertaining, thanks to a blitz of barely decipherable posts from Lalalina. (Anyone know why she’s compelled to use “quotation marks” to “emphasize” what she “believes” is worthy of “special notice”? )

Other than that observation I believe I’m on the verge of ordering a slice of cheesecake to be delivered to my room by through Door Dash.


Good luck at the show!!


I don’t feel compelled to post on every thread I look at either, @Eggbutt.

The fact that other posters would remark on my absence from a completely different thread, and that you would feel compelled to bring those remarks to my attention, immediately after telling me (and the world) that you’re ignoring me (again), sort of contradicts your oft bandied claim that no one cares what I think.

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