Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

I don’t know why, but this just came to mind:

Oh what a tangled web we weave/When first we practice to deceive


Marcus Orlob is my best guess.


How about we let them twist in the wind today? We have the benefit of publicly outed evidence, in writing for all to plainly see, on our side now.


Interesting. Thanks.

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I understood the post perfectly, @eggbutt

I mentioned Michael Barisone in conjunction with declining to testify in a criminal trial. If he declines to testify in the civil trial, the refusal to testify can be taken against him.

“Especially if they have a drug habit…”

And they become super ninja spies? I don’t think so.

Thank you Lex! :blush:


It appears to me that because there were numerous unwritten agreements, MB and RG/LK were very much in conflict about who owed who what.

If it had not been for that unresolved financial mess, which was overlaid by intense personal animosity from MHG, I think LK might have left earlier. However, it appears she stayed in order to gather evidence for a lawsuit against Barisone.

I have a question for the Super keepers of the chronological items - was @Inigo-montoya’s post about Lauren going easy on Michael before or after they socially accosted Tarshis at a gala with their pathetic act of desperation?

Did they approach Bilinkas, Deininger, and Schellhorn with their pseudo forgiveness of Michael?


Of course LK want to put the blame on someone else. People like her never, ever accept responsibility for ANYTHING they do. The concept of “accountability” doesn’t apply to those type of folks, because to acknowledge to themselves that they may perhaps be to blame for something means that they - gasp - aren’t perfect. That would shatter the self-image they have of themselves, and is a fate too horrible for them to contemplate.


Is this a big name trainer?


I will look it up.

Wow, interesting thought! I would be willing to bet those conversations were recorded!


Agreed! Notice how Deininger filed actual exhibits and proof probably specifically for @CurrentlyHorseless benefit so she won’t call him a liar again! How thoughtful for him to take the extra effort for her benefit.


And how do the NJ public records on the disposition of any charges against LK “give a strong indication of an improper relationship between The Kanarek Family and the custodians of the local Judicial system”?

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Maybe more middle name. He is located in New Jersey with the coterie of dressage people there. Quite a good rider and European so may have been acceptable to LK.


Oh dear. You’ve already forgotten haven’t you? The burden of proof is on Lauren Kanarek in the civil action she brought. Michael won’t have a need to take the 5th on how she methodically destroyed him because he certainly can realize all she did to him prior to 8/7/19! Again, keep up, CH. This isn’t a rehash of the criminal trial.


@hut-ho78, have you not bothered to read the latest filings? I know you like to read and watch things, so I am shocked that you might have not read the latest filings.

Are you saying you do not believe Lauren Kanarek when she talks (in her texts to her father Jonthan Kanareck, @Inigo-montoya, and Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Stark/Superman/Michael Goodwin) about placing recording devices and having illegal recordings and how she is going to use those illegal recordings?

That is a strange stance for even you.


IM posted the “LK doesn’t hate MB as much as you might think” months before the date of the horseshow with Tarshis.

It almost looks like some of the “legal professionals” posting here wrote the motion. :thinking:

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