Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

I believed her when she said she was (I can’t remember her exact words) messing with MB etc. and with her “creative” SM posting, I think it much more likely she made up posting recorders than actually carried through doing so.

Thanks! That’s what I recollected and seems to have been another part of the plan to hurt MHG. You proved my suspicion CH!

But there was also some vague post about going easy on him at sentencing. Why would they do that I wonder?


I won’t call it a lie, but I think Deininger was deliberately misleading with his claim that the Kanareks don’t consider MB to be “at fault” in the shooting.

It’s what lawyers do.

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What is the publicly outed evidence that you consider to be news, @Sdel?

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One thing I find so interesting/amusing is that none of those horrible texts by Lauren Kanarek to her father, Jonathan Kanarek (@Inigo-montoya) and her man, Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Stark/Superman/Michael Goodwin, would be out for us to read and know about if it was not for GAS filing that ridiculous filing.



Fritz is the barn name. Registered name is Frontline.


It’s almost like legal professionals tend to use similar verbiage when looking at the same information. There are only so many ways to say, “Your client brought this suit and is now refusing to cough up the information that the defendants’ attorneys are entitled to ask for AND receive. Oh, and by the way, ignoring a subpoena for months is stupid when you have NO legal training but more so when you were a licensed attorney elsewhere. So judge, please tell them to quit wasting valuable time and resources acting ignorant.”

My interpretation only.

Or maybe the paralegals and junior attorneys who were tasked with reading the forum are SO impressed with some of the people posting they paraphrased what they wrote in the filing.


So you, @hut-ho78, are saying that you have not read the most recent filings?

There is no reason for Lauren Kanarek to keep up that fun act that you are pretending she was doing when she is talking to her father, Jonathan Kanarek (@Inigo-montoya) and her man, Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Stark/Superman/Michael Goodwin. Those texts make it very clear what they were actually doing. Not pretending to do.

Do you suppose Jonathan Kanarek was just joking around in his text to Lauren too?



LK was shot and nearly died. MB pulled the trigger.

He was a mentally unstable man who became delusional. Not surprisingly, LK views MHG as playing a large role in ugly struggle that erupted as a shooting by s delusional man.

That is not a “plan to hurt MHG”. It’s an interpretation of the sequence of events that resulted in the shooting.

Got them…

Two parter…


@ekat and other legal folks -
For Exhibit I - why is part of the second column redacted? Is it a phone number?


Personally, I think GAS is getting paid to represent his client and is doing what he can with what he’s got to work with. We will soon see how that plays with this judge.


Yeah, not redacting the phone numbers in a doc we all can sit here and read would not be cool.


Attorney Silver has documents posted now, too.


Oh look even Jonathan Kanarek @Inigo-montoya is bragging about having tapes and using them.

Good screen shots @Sdel.



You forgot about how she said she would just tell everyone she had permission to place cameras and make video recordings?


Yes. Two copies, same doc. It’s a good one! Posted here:


Thank you!

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Valid point.

I was trying to make Hut not feel quite so clueless for not having read the documents that show what she is insisting is true can not be true. But yes, that part makes it even more clear that what @hut-ho78 is saying is just plain wrong.



Inigo in the house.