Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

So you did not read the filings either?

Are you calling Mr. Tarshis a liar too?



Someone didn’t play Telephone as a kid…


Please see bolded.

I did read the filings.

I am not calling Mr. Tarshis a liar.

Wow, you had no compunction about referring to Mr. D as a liar earlier. It almost sounds as though someone reached out and touched you. :wink:

Good on you to start being a little more careful about accusing attorneys of being liars.


For the very last time, PROVE IT


I am talking about the certification filed by Tarshis.



Not talking about Mr. Deininger. You are answering the question that was not asked.



Yes, I do consider Mr Deininger a liar based on several other things he has said.

I do not consider this particular statement of his a lie, however. Just a misleading statement.

For heavens sake, who do you imagine “reached out and touched me”? :wink:

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I wonder what happened to those letters (yes, plural) Michael wrote admitting guilt???

Before CH rushes in to defend her idol, Michael wrote one letter that has been seen by many of his friends. He did not mention Lauren or any of the events leading up to 8/7/19. Of course JK does not actually say that does he? Read his comments carefully. He does love to insinuate, doesn’t he?


The very last time? LOL. I doubt it.

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It is an excellent piece of work isn’t it.

Our legal professionals should be proud to be in such good company.


I am not calling Mr Tarshis a liar.

I have no idols, @eggbutt.

Indeed, creativity worthy of LK!

Needed to plant a big by the dumpster? Because people hang out and talk in the smelly spot? That does look like a joke. Nice of you to point it out.

not spew worthy, but choke worthy.


BUG by the dumpster.

And if I thought people were recording me I for sure would stand by the dumpster thinking that there is no expectation that people will stand by the dumpster.

But thank you for proving that you are, in my opinion, either “exceptionally clueless” or “intentionally posting clueless stuff to be inflammatory”.



I haven’t caught up yet, but why do I remember that MB did not originally want RG in the house? (Possibility not in the barn either) but JK “worked that out” so to speak.


Prove he ever had a gun in his hand or shot a gun 8/7/19. I am very serious. I am sick and tired of your demands for everyone else to produce facts, yet you are so cavalier (look up the definition) with your statements.

BTW, quick edit on your part! But you didn’t say, “in my opinion”. Shame on you.


I was right that NGRI instead of a plea deal was the only way MB could possibly get his life back. Back when everyone was touring the verdict and that he was “acquitted,” I was right that NGRI was not just a verdict and then drive off with friends and a party and a bottle of champagne and that mental institutions are no picnic. Y’all said I was wrong back then too. I was right there is a 3 day emergency eviction and LK probably met the requirements for disorderly conduct.

I’m right about RG not having to be a licensed contractor as a tenant. I’m right about “repair and deduct.”

I also believe Rosie was just doing her doggie job to protect hearth and home and loved ones.

I believe LK’s report to SafeSport was substantiated when he shot her as proven in a criminal court by the highest standard, beyond a reasonable doubt.

If you didn’t know I’m usually spot on or close to and if I’m wrong I’ll say and go back and correct my post (just did yesterday), you wouldn’t make so many posts to me just mindless name calling.

Even though it has been assumed all along and talked about all along, I am impressed at those texts that prove that Jonathan Kanarek, @Inigo-montoya, was front and center in the ‘finish the bastard’ plan. Sure, it was Lauren’s temper tantrum, but Jonathan Kanarek was willingly helping her mess with the life of another person just for the fun of it.
Since Kirby Kanarek, @Seeker1, was right there too, bragging about hearing the recordings and transcribing them, it really does make a clear picture of what kind of family this is.
