Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

I posted the videos that convinced me above. Beyond that, it was proven beyond a reasonable doubt, the highest standard, in a criminal court that he shot her-what would ordinarily be a crime except the defense proved by a preponderance of evidence that he was insane at the time, a delusional disorder that LK was dangerous.

Dear God! 179 new posts in a few hours because of TWO posters whose main agenda is to just post the same opinions over and over and over. PLEASE for all our sake, don’t interact with them. Let them blather on, no one cares what they think!


See, here is an example of how you treat me when you don’t like a comment @trubandloki. You have no response so you just stand on the playground and yell names.

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Please, for everyone’s sake, get some glasses so you can see what’s in front of you.


Your idea of spot on close is very different than my idea of spot on close.
I usually save spot on close for when things are even slightly close to being accurate and true. When things are so wrong that they are not in the same continent, they do not qualify for spot on close.

Thank for your the written proof that you go back and edit. Next time you scream about people quoting you will you deny saying that too.



Just look the other way @SillyHorse. That is what you told me y’all did about BNTs abusing minors to prove I wasn’t an insider even after I kept saying I wasn’t an insider.

Chris Deininger’s filing shines a spotlight on the real problem the Kanareks and their attorney have to get out of this with anything left in the bank. It is painfully obvious their Achilles heel will be the bombshell recordings and transcripts coupled with the plaintiff herself. I can’t imagine any illegal recording will trump the now proven conspiracy to harass Michael Barisone and proof that she knew she had to leave.

Does anyone else find is interesting that she expresses no fear of Michael in any of those text messages? Jonathan Kanarek certainly doesn’t imply any sense of danger to anyone other than Barisone either. It really was a game to all of them.

Didn’t she say the text messages were just grocery lists? Oops!


I did not yell names. Yelling is all caps. I did yell the word BUG, which you said was big. Which was you making yet another mistake.

You are funny though, saying all I have done is stand and call you names. It have asked you questions, corrected your endless incorrect statements. One would think you would appreciate someone helping you see what is correct when you have gotten so many things wrong.

Darn, you are being very unappreciative.



Yell names? Where?


I tagged you with my edit and explained I did because @trubandloki pointed out that I broke the forum rules, something I tend to call others out on.

It had been posted and screenshot already so it lives on.

Gosh I thought you would be happy I read your posts, scrolled by the name calling ones, and and acted on the one with merit.

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Oh, I forgot, I have a screenshot that corresponds to this….


Don’t worry. No one capitalizes like you do.

I CALL BINGO!!! I knew one of them would regurgitate their NGRI mantra!


Darn, I never get the good “Bingo Cards”!


Words cannot express how much I fail to see the motivation for that behavior. Particularly in this case.


I’d laugh at her position, but I’ve actually seen some successful jumper riders who don’t look too different. Lol.


Didn’t those two sister working students leave Hawthorne Hill April 2019? Is it a coincidence that is when LK began her plan to destroy Barisone? What were the circumstances that caused them to leave?


I totally don’t get this concept.

Double ditto for the people who have online “boyfriends/girlfriends” they’ve never even met.

How do they know the person actually exists??


Apparently she feels loyalty and indebtedness to LK for helping her financially with a vet bill. Honestly, LK stepping up and helping a total stranger posting a personal financial emergency on FB is one of the very few examples I can give of LK actually being a good person. Nellie has gushed about her Gertie ever since.


When I was a kid, we had a German shepherd that bit people frequently. This was the same timeframe as your situation. She never did much more than just break the skin, and everyone just laughed it off. It was well known among my parents’ friends that you did not make any sudden moves in our house, at risk of getting your hand grabbed. If that happened these days, that dog would have been euthanized, and rightly so. As much as I loved the dog, she was quite dangerous for us kids, and she bit me once and nearly got my eye. My mother blamed me. I was all of seven years old.
