Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

I don’t know - perhaps @ekat or another of the legal professionals can weigh in on that.

And I thought of a possible fourth motive - to try to get Tarshis to reveal that he had other information regarding the goings on at HH (because he surely knew more than what they learned through their illegal recordings), so they could try to “lead” him into revealing such information so they could formulate a plan to counter any such testimony at the upcoming trial.


Seriously, Jonathan Kanarek is turning into a real stereotype isn’t he?


8/5/2-19 “Haha… maybe they’ll be homeless”

Wow… trying to finish the bastard indeed.

I can’t read the circled one on the 3rd page at all.


Those conversations reflected their intention to control the narrative …and make it their own version. That should be seen as disturbing and completely inappropriate. Their version is the one where LK is beyond reproach, never said she was out to get MB, never lied, never threatened, never recorded anyone, worked her little butt off to be an Olympic level rider, never had any drug problems etc. etc. etc. MHG is also the evil mastermind who sought to murder LK so she could steal her amazing horses.

Their version is about as factual as George Santos’ resume.


“it’s more for USEF than anything else. But I’ll include the fact that we have been given permission to take videos, recordings, or anything else which we feel keep us from danger and the location will not be inadmissible due to the fact it is in the stables where people come and go to see their horses - which they can be heard …….”

It was in triplicate and the third one was fairly clear….


It’s my opinion (worth nothing) that they (the KKs) were trying to “involve” MHG more, so that 1) MHG would get (legally) charged with Something or 2) her REPUTATION would be deeply and negatively impacted in the Dressage World.

I don’t think it was an attempt to “help” MB out in any way, i.e. a lesser punishment/outcome but just another chance to ‘ruin’ anyone and ‘everyone’ they felt was ‘at fault.’

By the by, I am currently reading (in the bathroom :grin:) Splitting - Protecting Yourself While Divorcing Someone with Borderline or Narcissistic Personality Disorder. (It was part of a recently Library sale–“all of the books/items you can fit in a bag for $3”.) I picked it up to MAYBE figure out my ex-husband (I’ve described him to some people I know as a “sociopath”), but I see a lot of similarities to a former political figure and, also, to someone else…


Additional context:

“He said he didn’t want to get in the middle. I explained the real law suit to him and he said he can’t claim it is in full training board and also claim that you are are not riding him that’s why he lost muscle”


Yep… so much for her fear of the truck in the early morning that she thought was stalking them.


The text of another circled text…

We need to send Michael, MH, Justin and Mary DeFranco the very first recording. Then tell them this is the tip of the iceberg. The police are buffering it now. We will be sending each of the other [a number, 14 or 74] threats and bullying and plotting to make the staff “fall in the line” recordings as we see fit. Just a formal notification so that the other parties on THIS one 51 minute recording (which you can hear as clearly as we can or as clearly as the Washington Township Police can) have a chance to lawyer up.


Maybe KK now wishes she had listened to others telling her it was not wise to post she heard the tapes. :grinning:


She isn’t alone. Jonathan Kanarek made similar claims.


I maybe an old horse of course and not a legal beagle but does this sound like a plot for either an attempt at blackmail or extortion.

Just pondering.


That is how it sounds to me.


Prior to the shooting, what was the lawsuit supposed to be about?


Well, somebody’s reputation has been impacted by this whole thing. But not MHG’s, it seems.


Hum hum hum the Sopranos theme in my head, hum hum hum… ponder, eat hay, ponder.


As best as I can figure, a combination of not paying for RGs work and her horses losing tone because they weren’t being worked. I glean this from reading between the lines and previous thread posts by LK.


You would have to ask Lauren Kanarek, Jonathan Kanarek (@Inigo-montoya) and Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Stark/Superman/Michael Goodwin.

It is their plan.



Who is Mary DeFranco again? Was she the nice customer of MB’s from the Midwest who testified at the trial?


I would add Kirby Kanarek too. She’s up to her self-righteous neck in all of this.