Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

You know…I wonder what the plan for the exploding bullets and MHG’s kids looked like? Remember, there are claims that they plotted physical harm against Barisone and others on the farm….


I personally find it interesting that she was considering going there after turning down a pan-am gold medalist. You know, a US team rider. I don’t think she knows what she wants, besides winning the fights she picks.


Tarshis was approached by Lauren Kanarek, Jonathan Kanarek and Kirby Kanarek on or about March 5th, 2022.

The trials began on March 28th, 2022.

I am staggered to see that anyone with an iota of good sense, let alone an individual with a law degree, would make a point of approaching a potential witness in a criminal trial. Particularly a potential or known witness who is an attorney by training and profession.

Boggles my mind.


Well…off the record letters to judges full of “evidence”….

However, that close the trial, shouldn’t the witness lists have been exchanged? Isn’t it very likely that they would have know Tarshis was definitely going to be testifying. Did they approach RC is a similar manner at some point?


Fair point. Clearly rules are for hoi polloi, not important people like themselves!


The family (JK) was involved before the shootings and before the coma… as is obvious from the texts and other testimony. Where does this idea that they did not join in for “years” come from?


It comes from the fictional movie in someone’s head.


Because that medalist is not a soft touch.


I understand the neverending need to be an IM fangirl based on how you have said you believed his every word… but just because he blathered something from the soundtrack of the movie LK has in her head does not make it fact. LK had made her herself unwelcome to everyone there. Suggesting that she was so amazing and awesome that MB was going to keep her nonsense and theatrics around until evil MHG and MHG alone “manipulated” everyone else into seeing LK as troublesome is bizarre. So then groveling MB gave up his bestest and most dedicated student - the only rider near his equal on the place and the source of most of his income (as some have said) to appease MHG…

Can you not see how incredulous the plot of LK’s vain little movie is?

I have great empathy for MB in that his mental break resulted in tragic actions that, I assume, he would not have committed had he been sane. He, LK, and everyone is a victim of this horrible tragedy.

I think the Kanareks were trying to convey to Tarshis that they did not hold MB morally responsible, given the insanity.

The Kanareks were trying to plant their little seeds of manipulation and JK should have known better than to even approach Tarshis that way - but remember, no common sense or rules seem to apply to this crew. They will hold anyone and everyone morally responsible for anything they can come up with. Except their own very troubled daughter.


Do whatever you think you can away with doing.


Legal Eagle question - if LK continues to play her games delaying her deposition with “limitations”(wth?), and her parents continue avoiding the inevitable regarding their subpoenas, can the judge say the hell with it, dismiss LK’s suit against all parties and decide in Barisone’s favor based on what Deininger has already filed?

I noticed Deininger demands several times that the court orders LK to not mention Barisone and stay away from him (I’ve forgotten what that’s called). Can that be put onto force immediately and include her parents and male companion? What happens if they violate that order?




Yes, that the judge can solve all of this rather quickly all by himself if the Kanareks keep refusing to participate in the suits they brought? Wow! Wouldn’t that be cool?!


A protective order is done individually. So LK gets one against her, JK gets one against him, etc. I don’t know if a protective order would be done against persons not party to the action but rather just witnesses. I doubt it. But maybe. Outside my personal scope of knowledge.

Were tthere criminal action begun as the 5 year Statute of Limitations hasn’t yet expired then for sure an O of P could be gotten versus those defendants.

In my state, and I imagine NJ as well a person can go to criminal court and file for an order of protection. If the parties are related by blood or marriage that can also be pursued in Family Court.


Can that be what they’re hoping? Giving up hopes of a big payday, and hoping all the dark secrets and dirty laundry don’t see the light of day?


Is that even possible? After all, Michael Barisone has paid a great deal of money to gather an awful lot of evidence and isn’t it his to do with as he sees fit? Plus why would he drop HIS suit against her? If his aim is to reveal her actions for the past xx years to public scrutiny to prevent her from doing this ever again he pretty much has to see it go through the court system - right?

Lauren Kanarek is used to finding an individual’s weakness and leveraging it to her advantage. She overlooked Michael Barisone’s resolve and what he overcame to get where he was prior to her setting out to destroy him and his livelihood.


Another note about Statute of Limitations:

It doesn’t necessarily start with the event. The clock could start ticking well after the event. For example if the SoL is 3 years for medical malpractice and you had surgery in 2020 and in 2026 discovered the surgeon left sponges in that are now causing problems in 2026 even though it’s been longer than 3 years a case can be started. Because the law says 3 years from the time the action occurred/was discovered or should have been known the action occurred/was discovered. So the clock ticks from the time the sponges are discovered.

I’m not really sure how NJ would apply that when new evidence of a crime comes out in discovery of a civil trial as far as charging criminally. I’m betting they could. I’m betting a judge might take it upon themselves to direct the State to file charges especially if that Judge is a Supreme Court Judge in the civil and criminal division.

We shall see.


LK’s suit can be dismissed without dismissing MB’s counterclaim, which leaves her still facing discovery, or a summary judgment against her if she doesn’t want to cooperate.


Happens literally all the time as @ekat says.


If LK’s suit is dismissed and MB continues with his counter claim, would it still go before a jury? Then MB would be the plantiff and LK the defendant?