Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9


Also yes, essentially.


Yes as they both requested jury trial. In my state to request a jury trial you submit papers and pay a fee. So since they both paid, whomever is left standing after any dismissals gets a jury trial.


So then LK would be asking for discovery from MB first?

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so do you believe ANY of her testimony?


Assuming that he has been complying with discovery so far and there’s still things she would be seeking beyond whatever has been disclosed already (ie: a deposition), yes.


Hey @ekat and other legal pros: given the social media presence of this case, should it go to trial, do you think any of the parties would ask for jury sequestration?

That’ll add some interesting dynamics!


That would certainly be interesting! I can see requesting it, especially since it’s only 6 jurors and maybe a couple alternates, so not like the burden of expense of a 12 man + alternates jury.

Hhhmmm…good thought!


It’s likely to shorten the trial.

The jury will come to loathe whomever makes the trial linger on.


True. They’ll keep that moving right along to get the jurors out and done.


I’ve always wished that GJ had had the opportunity to be really heard, in a way that gave her peace. Along with LK’s threats to people here, her (LK’s) nasty and vindictive form was well established in the lead up to her and JK’s concerted effort to ruin a man’s life as well.

Please tell me again about all your sympathy for dear little paragon of virtue and innocence, Princess LaLa.


How fast can jurors read 100,000 posts and texts?


Oh good Lord those poor jurors. Maybe they’ll divide them up? Or…maybe they’ll take the Dr Simring approach and look for the top 100 or so?


The beauty is a good portion of Michael’s attorney’s work is and has been done all along, so he could be ready to proceed post haste and move forward with reclaiming his life and lost wealth.

I assume Deininger could also be sure the jury was aware Miss Kanarek and her family were uncooperative with the suit they filed, causing great expense and emotional distress to Barisone.

This plot thickens doesn’t it?

Would SGF be able to sue for their expenses or would that be an automatic judgment against the Kanareks if the judge dismisses their case due to uncooperation?


No, the fact is many post here in spite of the threats they have received from Lauren Kanerek. The fact is many of us got sick of her deluded threats and decided to take the bull(y) by the horns.

While many of us commented innocently enough, Lauren Kanarek decided that threatening members of COTH was the way to deal with us. I got threatened as I dared to suggest she not comment publicly on the criminal case before it went to trial. Not only did she threaten me, she attempted to dox me as well.

@eggbutt was singled out to begin with because she dared to share her experience with LK, and LK doxxed her. She bravely chose to keep posting.

The only thing worse than an unhinged, spoiled brat bully, whose parents make her behavior okay, are the other people supporting the bully! You might want to take a long hard look at your own actions!


The Kanareks never stated they believed he was insane, before the trial when they approached Tarshis, or after he was found NGRI.

The Kanareks wanted Michael Barisone found guilty.

Nice try, but I give you an F on your attempt to spin the situation once again.


It gave me the chills to read these filings. Holy mother of God, this is…
Well, I’m just glad I’m not representing them, that’s all I can say. I feel for GAS.


Personal injury attorneys are a tenacious lot. They live for this stuff.They like the challenge. It’s like gladiatorial combat with law as weapons and strategy as their ally.


Eesh, they might be tenacious and love a good scrap, but the texts, the affidavit from Tarshis and the report to SafeSport? (Insert colorful explicative) that (insert scatological noun).


Yes. But anything can happen in a case. They are unpredictable. We live in a world where WE know wet leather gloves shrink into being unwearable but in a notable criminal case once “If the glove don’t fit you must acquit” ruled the day.


For heavens sake.

I am not an IM “fangirl”.

No, I never said “I believed his every word”.

Re bolded: I’ve never said any of that.

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