Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

Yes you did, and yes you are. You are Kanarek fan girl. Everyone knows it.


Sure, you’re totally right, but I’m still fighting the urge to back away slowly, and I’m not in any way part of this!


:relaxed: I actually looked up the definition of scatological! Good job!!!


No, you do not have that right.
I never said any of that.


Back pedaling at its sweatiest.


Ah, one of the Ds is being used in lieu of one of the two other Ds!

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You didn’t say it that way but that is certainly the crux of what you said.

LK was an unwanted customer. It actually doesn’t matter why MB decided to make her go away. It doesn’t matter one bit. The whole LK assertion that having to leave was solely a MHG thing is bizarro land.

Unwanted customers are told to leave. Being an unwanted customer doesn’t mean you have to approve of the process of you becoming unwanted. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Terms to Google:

Drama Queen
Histrionic Disorder

I always find reading about these things fascinating. People who make the drama and then use that drama as a life narrative.


Well, what IM actually said was that he thought the Kanareks did not much care whether MB was found guilty and sent to prison or hound NGRI and send to a psychiatric hospital, so long as he was off the streets. I agree that the Kanareks did not want MB found straight NG on all counts. And he wasn’t.

The Kanareks knew that MB had pled NGRI. I do not know MB personally, but just based on the known events, I definitely suspected he was insane when her shot LK. Sane people don’t behave the way he did. He was clearly insane by some definition. The only question was whether his insanity fit the specific definition required by the MNaughten rule.

I’m not spinning anything and not interested in your grades.


No. It’s not.


It most certainly is.

Good night.


Sorry OT but I have a legal pondering.
Can someone change their mind about requesting a jury in a criminal trial in some jurisdictions? I only ask this because their is a local case that was taken off the jury docket but the defendant is still to appear in front of the judge. It is a bit of a contentious case and could garner some media attention in a larger area.
If no one knows the answer feel free to ignore and carry on with discussions at hand.

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I don’t know about NJ. Most people want a criminal trial to have a jury. It’s better for the defendant


You have said repeatedly that you found IM credible and appreciated his input and that he had never lied. Those are likely not the exact words - but that is what you have implied.

The bolded part is just the first draft of the movie’s screenplay based on this outline you provided…

IM expressed here on COTH months earlier that LK viewed MHG as the one who pressured and manipulated MB to get rid of LK and attempt to get her banned by USEF, and that MBs mental balance broke under the strain of many pressures, but first and foremost the pressure from MHG.

… where MHG is obviously the evil villain and LK a lovely, innocent equestrienne working hard to achieve her goals. The next draft will flesh things out a bit more…


Um, there you go again. There is no proof HE, not her, shot anyone.


The jury in that case wasn’t stupid. The verdict was shocking, but (IMHO) it was payback for the police being acquitted, by a white jury, of beating the hell out of Rodney King, when they obviously did so, as captured on video.



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You know, Chris Darden has some commentary in his book about the decision to try on the gloves at trial. I’ll try to find it. I recall it being an entire chapter of the book, and it was much more complicated than the dundering idiot he was made out to be.


I’ve tried to forget about that whole trial. It was horrific and I have not watched a murder trial since.
I don’t have the stomach for it.


She was trashing anything that moved on FB and Twitter long before the shooting, and as soon as she was conscious after the shooting. She is a viciously vindictive, jealous, scheming little snake who couldn’t handle her plot going horribly awry and started threatening anyone who called her on the mile high guano she scattered over this board.You reap what you sow and she sowed acrimony across the board on all her SM outlets.