Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

This ^^


I don’t know how the Ks think that any jury will award them a cent after they see those exchanges. The depths to which that family went to destroy MB is disgusting.


Apparently their arrogance won’t allow them to consider losing. They’ve been able to wrangle out of all their difficulties in the past. Maybe the Piper has come to collect what he’s owed.


Wow you said it. I was sitting here thinking of writing the same sort of thing. People were talking about the trash that surrounded Lauren long before she was in a “coma in the hospital”. After what she’s done done she deserves even more exposure. Imagine destroying people’s lives, and then a nobody like @hut-ho78 comes along wagging her finger at people for exposing what monsters she and her ridiculous parents continue to be in public. People trash talk you and @CurrentlyHorseless too, for the selfish, amoral things you’ve done on this board by associating yourselves with them here and lying. No one respects a liar. And when you purposefully lie and people call ypu put on it, they aren’t ‘twisting your words’. They are calling you put for lying about made up facts, and you have put yourselves, right in the same category as the kanareks.


How does misconduct like that get reported and to whom? Would that be the State Attorney General? If so, why do you think this type of behavior has never gotten reported to the appropriate office for investigation/action by state authorities?

Just asking your opinion, Lex, not trying to sound attacking.


Not quite correct. @la-lapoprider posted on September 6. You posted on September 5th a whopping 9 days after she was released from the hospital and a day before LK. Moderator 1 then had to clean up posts and tell people to be more civil on September 9. Big surprise there.

I’d already stopped posting on August 21st and didn’t post again until November 2021.

Yes, facts matter.

And then says that maybe they’ll end up homeless, if I read it correctly.


I believe most of her testimony. I think her description of what happened after she was shot was garbled due to trauma, blood loss, pain meds, an induced coma, anesthesia for multiple surgeries, nightmares.

I think GirlJoey made sure she was heard by anyone and everyone.

I have empathy for LK and MB.

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Was that before or after you were making cracks about her breast implants (the one being destroyed).

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You just repeated what @eggbutt said. LK was out of the hospital. 9 days.

You can try to spin us as the bad guys but all it does is weaken every point you’ve tried to make and any point you will try to make in the future.


Is she really all those things or does she have her own mental health problems. After 3.5 years of people trashing her on SM it seems more like a pot kettle thing going on to me, the random internet poster nobody outsider.

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No @Ambitious_Kate you and your friends trash us not because we associate with the Kanareks as you know we do not, you trash us because you know you are wrong to trash a shooting victim and her family on SM for the last 3 years. Your guilty conscience is eating you up so you are lashing out. I say she deserved to be evicted but that is not enough for you. You want everyone to say MB was justified in shooting her and that is just wrong.


So you believe most of her testimony, but you think she lied in her posts here (and texts to her dad) about placing recorders?


You were commenting away while she was still in the coma.

She is reaping what she sowed.

There is a life lesson here. Pay attention. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Whatever you put out into the universe returns to you, threefold. The ultimate treble damages.

Rather than preach to us, preach to her. She needs it more.


You get flack here solely because of the content of your posts.


I don’t think I was posting during her hospitalization. But if I did I’m sure any post was true, factual, accurate and relevant.


Your first comment. August 16, 2019. You declared the judge was wrong out of an abundance of ignorance and speculation. No one affiliated with the case from either the prosecution or the defense, LE, RC, disputed MB shot her. But go ahead on in your great wisdom and legal training as to how everyone is wrong except you. Then be really nasty to anyone who disagrees. You will either convince people by repeating it enough or run them off from commenting. You already helped chase me off for 2 years because I couldn’t stomach it, maybe you can do it again. Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Everything I said then I still say. Nothing I said was malicious and I discussed the case just like I have today.

You are not a good fisherman.

So when you say I was really nasty to anyone who disagrees with me are you also saying then the Mods were ineffective in their job? Because if your point is correct, and I’m still here that would also imply they aren’t doing their job very well.

Your anger grows. I feel it. You seem posting as another person with that increase in anger.

We know the Mods do their jobs. Just ask LK. Oh, that’s right, YOU CAN’T.