Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

She was trashed here while in a coma in the hospital. Her family didn’t join in for years.

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No, the truth was told about her behavior and actions while she was in a coma and being portrayed and a complete innocent victim.


The texts in that filing are from before the shooting.
That is not years.

So to you the only thing that matters is what was posted here?

That is a weird way to look at things. Just so weird.

Did you read the texts where they are planning on ways to destroy others?


Or maybe it’s best for an even more complete description from one of Lauren Kanarek’s targets. Don’t be squeamish - Lauren was a cold, callous person long before 2019.


She is a gunshot victim. She deserved to be evicted. If MB wasn’t already insane before she got there, he would have had her out legally. He is going to scare her out? Make her beg to leave? He’s good at it? The man was a successful business man.

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You seem to be confusing lawful eviction with a RICO statute level, master plan to FINISH THE BASTARD, filing false reports, the willful destruction of property, the planning of destruction of property, libel, harassment, coercion, extortion, theft, assault, possible attempted murder, conspiracy etc that can all be considered as actions done by certain party or parties.

And until evidence shows a text where MB says to RC “hey bring your gun up so I can use it to murder someone” it is nothing more than you unfoundedly accusing multiple parties of premeditated murder.

And strangely, even the prosecutor Schellhorn didn’t charge that. I wonder why?

Oh yeah that’s right, it doesn’t exist except in your brain movies.


I’m not making statements about “Michael Barisone’s intended actions on 8/7/19,” given that the jury found he was unable to form intent.

I’m making statements about what Michael Barisone physically did, as determined by the jury to the standard of “beyond a reasonable doubt.” MB did not attempt to murder LK.

There is no statement in the public record to back up your defamatory claim that RG attempted to murder MB. There is considerable evidence that RG could have choked MB to death, but refrained from doing so.

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If you really believed that, you would be too scared to post.

That’s what you never accepted. Your “truth telling” while she was in a coma went way too far.

Thanks much!

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That’s the kind of person Lauren was before she was shot. Being called out for it and held accountable for her behavior isn’t bullying.


How does telling the truth go way too far?

If there is an amount of time that needs to pass before the truth can be told about someone who was shot, please tell us what it is.


Interesting that’s not who she ended up boarding and / or training with, isn’t it?


You weren’t shocked by the contents of the text messages or by Tarshis’ account of being approached by each of the K clan? Perhaps those weren’t as surprising to you as they were to the rest of us.


So from my interpretation of the texts, it appears that LK absolutely knew she wasn’t wanted and that she was aware she was being evicted, that calling the fire marshal appears to have been punitive as they joked about MB (etc) being homeless, and that it was suggested to bug the place by the dumpster which eludes to private places being bugged.

Dang. And that’s just a handful of texts. If I were MB, I would never settle. Also, wouldn’t you love to dig through the rest of the info MB’s legal team has?


Bless your heart. Lauren Kanarek and her sidekick and family don’t scare me and never will, anymore than she scared the others still on this thread who she threatened since the incident. What you fail to realize is none of her other victims were within her physical proximity 24/7, on their own property while she and her family conspired to destroy them, their reputation, their business and their life. That would make a huge difference particularly when RG was lurking around intimidating others.


Oh, another rule that apparently hasn’t been published. Dang.

What @hut-ho78 accused me of is yet another falsehood. Lauren was out of the hospital and back on SM and this forum spinning her lies before I made my first post. Again, facts effing matter.


No, I wasn’t. IM expressed here on COTH months earlier that LK viewed MHG as the one who pressured and manipulated MB to get rid of LK and attempt to get her banned by USEF, and that MBs mental balance broke under the strain of many pressures, but first and foremost the pressure from MHG.

I have great empathy for MB in that his mental break resulted in tragic actions that, I assume, he would not have committed had he been sane. He, LK, and everyone is a victim of this horrible tragedy.

I think the Kanareks were trying to convey to Tarshis that they did not hold MB morally responsible, given the insanity.

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So in your world, a girlfriend telling her boyfriend to get rid of a very problematic boarder is very bad and deserving of MHG getting sanctioned by SS and not being able to compete again. Do I have that right?


“Throwing around insane theories and blatant lies.”

Hmm. That sounds like someone we know.