Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

Thanks. Interesting.

Apparently on August 5th they had moved ahead of the deal Mr Tarshis and Jonathan Kanarek had negotiated with whoever was the Pan Am Gold Medalist trainer that Lauren Kanarek refused on or about August 3rd.

Just trying to square all that in my mind with all of her multitude of posts about never being told to leave, not formally, not informally, no place to go with my horses, etc.


The amount of lies the woman has told is hard to keep up with. I tried. I had a post back in one of the old threads that I tried to keep updated every time she was caught with her pants on fire. I gave up. My day job was suffering :rofl:


Why yes. LK called herself a liar on SM. I’ve read the same posts as everyone else. Creative, nonsensical, too much, sometimes flat mean, quietly heartbreaking.

I happen to feel sorry for LK and her family AND MB. To some, that means I must be a friend or family. I am not. I think the whole situation is a tragedy which I’ve said from the start.

I think LK and a group here go way too far on SM. It gets cruel. I understand it a little better now as it can be very tempting to pop off with a comment sure to be regretted later.

I’ve said all along she deserved to be evicted but not shot.

The ganging up on her and bringing in her family and friends is too much. The malicious glee of many of the posts is over the top. People commit suicide over SM.

What happened to you? You had good insightful comments at the start. How did you get sucked into such a rigid and closed echo chamber?.

Some people make wonderful comments on other threads but here or on NP, the DHH, CP and other threads that may even have been created to understand a situation just blow past any concept of open discussion, they become more of a feeding frenzy (complete with cake and cookies :roll_eyes:).

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The 81 or 86 audio the defense already has? How many audios can there be in less than a week?

@ekat Would you mind explaining what this part means, please, especially the part I bolded? Thanks in advance!

ETA: This came from Exhibit G.

Pursuant to R. 4:7-5, this answering defendant hereby advised that if any co-defendants
presently named or hereafter named, who are not represented by this law firm, settle the within matter
prior to the conclusion of trial, the liability of any settling co-defendant(s) shall remain at issue and
the defendants shall seek an allocation of the percentage of fault, negligence, and/or other liability by
the finder of fact against each and every settling co-defendant and/or a credit in favor of this answering
defendants consistent with such allocation.”


LOLOLOLOL! Back on everyone is corrupt because you don’t agree now with decisions made then. /s

:joy: :joy: :joy:

Perhaps it’s a poor strategy to threaten, bully, antagonize, and harass people because they are then not inclined to have sympathy for someone who so joyfully and enthusiastically did those things to them.


Basically, if any defendant chooses to settle, MB wants a credit against any award a jury should find against him in the amount of that settlement.


So no judgment double dipping.


Nobody picked a fight with her or dragged her family or friends here. She did that all on her own. Her family does not get to instigate a “war” and then claim they’re being bullied. That’s not how it works.


Wit those texts…and what surely must be a whole gold mine more….my opinion is that any party would be crazy to settle.


Always making Lauren Shay Kanarek the victim and blaming others for her mess.


As a vacuumer, what do you think about RICO for a hypothetical situation where a group kept talking about getting rid of someone, brought in someone from out of state with a weapon, and used that weapon for attempted murder?

I admit that I am confused how we brought Lauren Kanarek’s family into this. Clearly anyone who thinks that did not read the texts in that filing. Her family was part of it. Jonathan Kanarek @Inigo-montoya clearly was part of it, even directing where she should put another recorder.



The state of New Jersey already had that chance and didn’t take it. That’s what I think about it.


I have one question for you @hut-ho78 and I am taking the liberty of including others who may want to know the answer due to their experience, have you ever been targeted by Lauren Kanarek in any way?

Until you are you will not comprehend why others don’t feel sorry for her or her enabling family. None of this needed to happen. It is apparent to me now after reading today’s filing how involved Jonathan Kanarek actually was in the plans to destroy Barisone. Jonathan Kanarek definitely was aware of his daughter’s attacks on others and obviously did nothing to stop her. Until today a little voice in the back of my head whispered that maybe he was trying to stop her and failed. Instead, he was in the thick of it planning it all. And you think they were joking? How offensive.

Did Lauren Kanarek deserve to be shot that day? No. No she didn’t, and we all know I am not convinced how she was shot. By the same token, did Michael Barisone and his family deserve to be systematically terrorized for several weeks to the point of a mental break and then beat within an inch of his life? No. No, he didn’t.

At least make an attempt to comprehend there is no limit to what this family will do to others.


Oh, you mean Lauren Shay Kanarek can dish out abuse, but can’t take criticism for her actions? That is what you mean about bullying?


And Kirby Kanarek @Seeker1 has bragged on this very forum of her role in all this.

No one on COTH did that. The Kanarek family did that.