Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

I had the “shooting validates the SS report” square. I can’t even imagine the mental gymnastics that takes to think something that happened AFTER the report and has nothing to do with a minor somehow makes sexual abuse of a minor true.


Hedging their bet.

Narcissists, considering themselves master strategists, always work multiple levels just in case.


Point in evidence, LK stating she was the next best rider to MB at HH. Most of the working students were riding at a higher level than LK, not to mention MHG and JH.


I’d say more like a loose coercion. Do A for me and I’ll do B for you.


Legal Eagles, I’m too eye strained to read through the 106 pages again, but did I see something mentioning the possibility of the illegal recordings being a chargeable offense now that should be pursued?


Is she really at D list level?


IANAL but do you mean this delightful passage?


I’m just a vacuumer but the documented level of evidence of this level of organizational planning reminds me of an excellent Law & Order episode where they all get indicted and have those fun RICO charges filed as it involves multiple crimes done in concert with eachother to achieve a purposeful aim and conclusion that would entrap and destroy the person targeted all because they chose their relationship over someone who wanted to be teachers pet with her horsey lessons.



Considering RG did wiring work on the barn, and the prominent focus of barn fires in the criminal trial, I’m not putting together a good puzzle….


And yet nothing HH write constitutes proof at all. It’s almost like there is no proof…


Some horses are very smart indeed.


I’ve asked @Sdel twice what she considers the bombshell relegations to be, and have not gotten a response.

What evidence from the recent filings is supposed to leave me “shell shocked”?

I understand your posts perfectly well. I also understand your need to condescend.

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Thanks… my eyes were struggling with some of that.

Oh the poor mother of the poor victim, who was kind enough to pray for all of us. I’m sure she wouldn’t do anything wrong.

Yes, she sure did… I don’t recall who, but something about going out to the dumpsters to plan because they knew she was recording inside.

Yep… THAT!


My bet is a contractual violation of some sort. Money owed. Services not performed. Throw a bunch of stuff at a wall and see what sticks.


Now I am just a horse that hangs out at the pasture gate picking up bits and pieces of conversations but this has my curious mind working…

If there was damage to the generator, not saying there was or wasn’t and after the aftermath fall out of the events, this was discovered and claimed on lets say with insurance and paid out or maybe if it was damaged and not fixed but deducted from the sale of the property. Wouldn’t there, could there be some sort of of halt, halt, halt back up there .Like you know if insurance WAS paid out would the carrier of the claim be interested in this information.


It’s within the Exhibits. I’m on a different machine now so don’t have it downloaded but if you go to Exhibits and look for the ones that are kind of dark and turned sideways, you can open them up and some programs will let you turn them, magnify them and even lighten up the background so you can see it a bit more clearly. I want to say H, but don’t hold me to that, please.


No, I’m sorry, I don’t understand your point of falsely stating as fact Michael Barisone shot anyone, held a gun, attempted murder, loaded a gun, took a gun from a locker, or had a full cartridge in his pocket, when there is no forensic evidence to back up your continued statements. The verdict doesn’t prove to me he did anything. The verdict proved to me the jury did not have the evidence to convict him of anything other than being insane and unable to remember the events of the afternoon of 8/7/19 to participate in his own defense.

My point to you is I consider your statements of fact that Barisone shot anyone, with zero forensic evidence, is as offensive to me and the posts you flag are offensive to you!! So, let’s agree that you believe what you need to about Michael Barisone’s intended actions on 8/7/19 and allow me the same for what I believe about Robert Guy Goodwin’s intentions that day, okay?


I believe the texts are referring to Shannon Stevens and Marcus Orlob at Elite Expression Dressage.


:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: Yeah!


YES! Thank you!!! It was the counterclaim mention! Can/will that actually happen?!