Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

We be sad together.


I can read the very bottom of it:

“Any news”

“And I confirmed for sure that they know we have a [can’t read it]”

“Let me know about Michaels lawyer… don’t think Michael is being honest with him. He might advise Michael to settle. I fell like it’s worth a try.”

“A now (new?) BIG ASS one”

“Mb would have to buy a new one”

“It’s off”

[can’t read it]
[can’t read most of it] …the situation"

“What if we… returned the favor?”
“Can’t we do something about that?”
"Are u really worried about the [can’t read] ???

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I think it’s just that most of the Lab x Poodle crosses that I’ve seen didn’t come from quality. It was just 2 average or below average dogs breeding. I’m sure the odds are better when 2 good (and tested - eyes, hips, elbows, etc) specimens are bred. I also have no desire to breed a poodle and a spaniel LOL

I do like the no/less shedding feature, but just hate the look of that curly hair. I’m just not one for long haired or coated dogs in general though. Personal preference I guess. There are so many breeds out there though, so I just go with what is right for me.

I do curse my Lab and her shedding though :rofl:


So…we want a full transcript? I’ll work on it.


My hero!


Lots of backyard breeding with the doodles.

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The other circled one:

“we need to send Michael, MH, Justin, and Mary DeFranco the very first recording. Then tell them this is the tip of the iceberg… The police are buffering it now. We will be sending each of the other [??] threats & bullying & plotting to make the staff “fall in the line” recordings as we see fit, just a formal notification, so that the other parties on THIS one 51 min recording (which you cannot hear as clearly as we can or as clearly as the Washington Township Police PD can) have a chance to lawyer up”


For those who like the looks and the theory behind the doodle crosses, look at Australian Cobber dogs. Someone took the poodle - golden cross seriously and has bred through generations for the traits that were being promised with the original cross. They have been successful and have consistently produced nice dogs.


Used to have a custom woodworker for a client. He had a workshop in a strip mall, and one night, the local constabulary was checking doors and found his unlocked.
The cop went in and discovered the 2 Malinois that belonged to the owner.
Saw nothing amiss and tried to exit.
Nope. Not happening.
Had to radio dispatch to call the owner.
He was held there until the owner arrived to tell the dogs it was ok for the cop to go.


Another circled one:

“Its more for USEF than anything else. But [?] include the the [sic] fact that we have been given permission to take videos, recordings, or anything else which we [?] keep us from danger & the location will not be inadmissible due [sic] the fact it is in the stables where people come & go to see their horses which can be heard [the rest is cut off by the table]”

There are a bunch of repeats on this exhibit.


I am the one who has standard poodles. In some European countries they are used as police dogs.

Any dog can become a biter, particularly if that dog is rewarded for that kind of behavior. I recall the photo Bilinkas showed of the dog and asked LK what it was doing. As I recall she said it was “yawning”. Clearly the photo showed a snarling dog that LK was so pleased with, she posted it on her SM. I believe she also said she was required to keep that dog tethered, on a leash or confined and, if I’m not mistaken, that requirement came while she lived in NC. I wonder what happened in NC, or where ever, to cause that requirement?

Let’s get back on track though, shall we? The dog is not on trial but will be mentioned due to the injuries she inflicted to Barisone’s groin. None of the posters here are part of the civil trials, to my knowledge, but clearly Miss Kanarek’s posts and her parents’ posts on this forum will be used. No one on any of these threads forced any of them to post here - in fact, all three of them were advised to not post on many occasions by many posters.

Let me add that this forum has been extremely mild toward the Kanareks compared to other SM platforms and the moderators have admonished or banned posters who crossed the lines. Case closed.




They clearly take it very seriously - as all breeders should.

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It is worth reading the others though. There is some serious gold in the texts that are not circled.


I read them lol. I’m just annoyed that the ones that are deemed “important” are the ones most garbled!


I’m getting a strong Mother Teresa vibe, lol.


There’s a major difference between having a dog labelled as aggressive based on breed and appearance, and having a dog with a serious bite history. If not euthanized, here the dog would be declared a “dangerous dog” which requires it to be muzzled at all times when outdoors, even on the owner’s property


Bluntly, ignorant people pay stupid money for them. Higher prices than really high quality purebred dogs.

I know two families who got golden doodle puppies for their kids during Covid. Dogs from the same litter. Both dogs are now 3. Really sweet dogs. One is already having hip issues. The other? Uhhh it’s not far behind.

The families paid $6000 for EACH puppy. They were both newbie dog owner families.

I can only compare to the price I know I would pay for really well bred Labradors, German Shorthairs, and Viszlas, buying from breeders who have been showing and hunting dogs for decades, involving pups from parents who hold multiple titles and have appropriate health certifications and clearances… but even with high demand breeders, pups would cost less than half of what this ridiculous golden doodle breeder charged my friends.


Anyways… sorry for tangent. But this whole backyard doodle breeder thing? It’s REALLY bad.


I believe there is some validity to the argument that LK’s original target was MHG.

MHG had LK’s number from the get-go. Oooh, that will make a girl with NPD livid!

So her original target was MHG, but hmmm how to do that?

There were three things on the farm that MHG loved:

  1. her kids
  2. MB
  3. her horse(s).

The kids were not there that often especially during the school year. Although they were there enough for RG to bully them and get enough information to stalk them on line.

The horses were pretty well protected and she couldn’t get away with feeding them treats.

So, that leaves door #2….

I don’t think LK disliked MB, but he did not have time for this foolishness.
(In April they had just gotten back from FL—there was a barn to re-open, horses to settle, hay fields to tend, a “broken” house, babies to start, etc., etc., etc.)

But destroying him and his business “would show her!” And by the time he got around to playing attention, it was way too late and worse than that he “picked” MHG’s “side” :flushed::grimacing:.

The whole thing is just so sick!


Sorry, I don’t have them as exhibit etc….just know that I took the screenshots in the order I came across them.

Defense Exhibit 100C-8

Line 1: JK’s email? (It’s a spelled out email, but I didn’t want to put it all here. Question mark appears right after the email address)
Line 3: You NEEDED to plant a bug BY THE DUMPSTER
Line 4: So I assume he knows
Line 5: He has said that in the past
Line 6: And (not clear, possibly liar)?
Line 7: Doe he understand Michael is a crook?
Line 8: Whose side did Fugaro seem to be on….even though he said he didn’t want to get in the middle
Line 9: He said he doesn’t want to get in the middle. I explained the real law suit to him and he said he can’t claim it is in full training board. And also claim that you are not riding him that’s why he lost muscle.
Line 10: Does he understand what mb is doing
Line 11: So should we text Michael about the training that his lawyer said is still going on? We just want to ask what time will you be training my horses cause I would like to watch the progress
Line 12: any News
Line 13: And I confirmed for sure that they know we have a bug in the barn
Line 14: Let me know about Michaels lawyer. I’m holding off on calling the building department (unclear) I know. Also, of you can….(unclear on this document but clearer on others)….
Line 15: A new BIG ASS one
Line 16: Mb would have to buy a new one
Line 17: It’s off
Line 18: For them
Line 19: And make sure the gen at the barn won’t save the situation
Line 20: (unclear)….returned the favor?
Line 21: Can’t we do something about that?
Line 22: Are u really worried about the propane???
Line 23: Hurry, I like to to take warm showers
Line 24: I’ll the the rest
Line 25: Can u just turn off the stove?
Line 26: It’s still going
Line 27: Coming but I’m almost done with my (unclear)
Line 29: :poop: (original is a word)
Line 30: Come get your tea. We don’t want to waste gas
Line 31: Oh ok
Line 32: Who’s # is this
Line 33: 1- 800- 931-6489
Line 34: The truck is doing night watch

End log 1