Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

Such a dog would render the homeowner unable to get house insurance in many places.


Whoosh, right over your head. Not unexpected, though. Carry on.


I want to point out to the readers that the logs are from later in the day (top of the page) to earlier in the day (comment about truck was between 2 and 4 am [don’t have my copy available]).

Not criticizing you Sdel! Thank you for transcribing it for all of us to read along together.


It is obvious Michael Barisone was not LK’s original intended victim/target - Mary Haskins Gray was. Lauren has a history of targeting females and uses her father for additional support if needed, in the form of “legal action”. I’m positive his threats worked on some occasions, just as several posters here disappeared and deleted their posts after receiving PMs threatening legal action.

Anyway, when MH wouldn’t bow down to LK, things escalated. I believe a turning point for LK was the April meeting that allegedly MH told LK to leave and MB told her to back off. That exchange, if true, empowered LK to believe she could control and handle the naive Barisone. We all know women are much more intuitive about other women and MH’s senses were right on. I’d still like to know the reason the sisters left that April. That also seems to coincide with LK losing those two “friends” who seemed to like her and flatter her ego.

Oh, remember the poster who was here for a brief time who said she was a friend of the mother of the working students and seemed to defend all things Kanarek based on what the sisters had said? Yeah, that was strange.


:grin: you and I must be on the same psychic channel this morning! Great minds think alike!


I’m fully aware that there’s a major difference there. I think my point was a bit fuzzy? I don’t know. I’m sensitive to the issue because I have a certain breed of dog, but that doesn’t mean that I’m ignorant to the fact that there’s a major difference there. I fully recognize that difference.


Was this the lawyer Facebook friend?

You seriously think I didn’t know exactly what you meant. I am good with moving on.

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google now… Vet…


Ok….moving on….Defense Exhibit 200C-42

Line 1: We need to send Michael, MH, Justin and Mary DeFranco the very first recording. Then tell them it is the tip of the iceberg…. The police are buffering it now. We will be sending each of the other (a number, ends in a 4) threats and bullying and plotting to make the staff “fall in the line” recordings as we see fit. Just a formal notification - so that the other parties on THIS one 51 minute recording (which you cannot hear as clearly as we can or as clearly as the Washington Township Police can) have a chance to lawyer up.
Line 2: I told Lauren that we should give a date after the show that we will move out. Rather than go through the whole process of eviction. It is not going to go well after this and more, we need to get the horses out of there.
Line 3: Repeat Line 2
Line 4: lol I hope so, I even told them about the downstairs apartment. They claimed to move out so now they can’t move back in.
Line 5: Repeat Line 4
Line 6: haha….maybe they’ll be homeless
Line 7: repeat line 6
Line 8. Fire marshal and building inspector coming tomorrow. Seemed happy to fine him. Stop construction and I’m hoping they KICK everyone out
Line 9: Repeat line 8
Line 10: In my opinion, Shannon would be the best for Rose since she is more used to female riders. Marcus would be excellent for the boys
Line 11: repeat line 10
Line 12: I forwarded our lawyer’s letter to you
Line 13: Repeat line 12
Line 14: I have not worked with them before though. But they have a good reputation and really good competition results

At this point a certain hissy fit about suggesting MHG ride a horse comes to mind….


Are police allowed to give permission to someone to audio record someone else at a private business?

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No. Police cannot advise about matters of law and do not get involved in civil matters.

They are representatives of the state.


Thank you, that’s what I thought.

From memory, pretty sure that was “cig” (cigarette) – so presumably RG replying to LK? (Edit: oops, put that backwards, LK to RG)


Sentences containing cig and propane don’t sound good together. :smile:


I wonder how that cig works with lung damage if she still smokes.


I think the texts of the brief clarify who’s text log each exhibit is….not sure who that was….

Argh….typed it all out and lost the third one……my neck hurts now….I’ll look at it again in a bit.


I can’t believe the DA/Prosecutor’s office didn’t research any of this, OR if they did they ignored it. No wonder Taylor insisted only information Barisone was proven to be aware of could be submitted. JK’s reach must be deep and should be investigated!! Michael was set up all the way around and obviously is still being set up at Greystone!


However, reading that again, and knowing that the police contacted MCPO about the recordings……it seems like maybe that third lawyer might have been a MCPO prosecutor……maybe Schellhorn himself or the DA. That might explain why she never got charged, the recordings never made it to trial/Taylor protected it, and why Lauren Kanarek would not name the lawyer who told her they were okay….