Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

I hope hope hope he can get released!

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Sorry, I can’t help you. You aren’t speaking g for me. It’s all wishfull thinking in your head. Have a fun day!


Can I ask the legal peeps a question I don’t know the answer to? If all this information was withheld could it be considered exculpatory evidence?


Hmmm, that’s an interesting idea

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Anyone know a good investigative reporter looking for a story?! This conspiracy must be large! Cops, building inspectors, judges, prosecutors, holy cow! The inferences from those transcripts is unbelievable!


Ok…set three, again…. Defense exhibit 200c-43

Line 1: I didn’t get it?
Line 2: repeat line
Line 3: repeat line 1
Line 4: where is that?
Line 5: repeat line 4
Line 6: repeat line 4
Line 7: lawyer first. I need to firm up appt time in the morning. How’s 1 pm if that works for him? He’s in Roseland. I liked his first informa letter to MBms lawyer.
Line 8: repeat line 7
Line 9: It’s more for USEF than anything else, but I’ll include that we have been given permission to take videos, recordings, or anything else which we feel keep us safe from danger and the location will not be inadmissible due to the fact it is in the stables where people come and go to see their horses - which can be heard…(cut off)
Line 10: repeat
Line 11: repeat
Line 12: it may not go through in text. But I guarantee if I send it to Mary Haskins email & include Mary DeFranco……they’ll realize they don’t realize how much more we have….
Line 13: repeat line 12
Line 14: repeat line 12


Remind me who Mary DeFranco is again?

To be fair, I assume the cops and the MCPO, building inspectors etc…were not told the truth and that their responses to the story they were given also had a lot of liberties taken as well….


Not commenting on this case, but when I was on a Federal jury last year there were hundreds of pages of text and SM posts admitted into evidence. During the trial the prosecution highlighted certain pages and texts during testimony so we, as the jury, knew the major points and where to find those messages, but during deliberations we had access to all the texts and SM posts. Some that weren’t used by the prosecution were still very interesting.


I’ve never believed a word you’ve said. Nobody thinks you’re even a whole person. Just a cut and paste vehicle for lk and jk. That’s the only way your reasoning/s make any sense, is if they come from a source not governed by morals or reason. If you think for an instant anyone actually “believes” anything you wrote, you really are in lalaland.


I have added incoming or outgoing to the above transcribed texts so it is easier for people to understand if it is LK or someone else. So the stuff in parenthesis is by me, not Sdel. (Don’t want to get accused of wrongly editing her post.)
Edit to add - I believe the time stamp I included is the sent time stamp. I think the other time stamp is the read time stamp, I did not include that.


She testified about planning to move her horses and about conversations being recorded in the arena when no one was around…


Hmmmm. Regarding the bolded… remember how Lollypop supposedly could break into MBs office and forge things?

Just me speculating… but what if she broke into his office, and forged an agreement saying she was given permission by MB to have video and audio recording devices on the property?

If she had this sort of “agreement” in writing right about now… she wouldn’t be in the middle of the legal headache she currently is with respect to illegal wiretapping…

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Line 8- Fugaro??? Who us that?

Line 10: (incoming Williams-8:55.38PM) In my opinion, Shannon would be the best for Rose since she is more used to female riders. Marcus would be excellent for the boys
Line 11: (incoming-8:55.38PM) repeat line 10
Line 12: (incoming JK-8:28.00PM) I forwarded our lawyer’s letter to you
Line 13: (incoming-8:28.00PM) Repeat line 12
Line 14: (incoming Williams-8:23.52PM) I have not worked with them before though. But they have a good reputation and really good competition results

Sounds like yet another party who was plotting with Lauren and Jonathan Kanarek.

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Maybe. But I think that claim was super early. I think this is more about when the police called MCPO about her recordings and they gave an answer that said a about situation b and she translated it to say y to fit situation x (that was already occurring) and ran with it.


Ah Yes!

Gotcha :slight_smile:

My best horsie guess is a Vet.
Mountain Point Equine
Long Valley,NJ
google now…

reread what is written around this name and it makes sense, or at least to a horse of course. .


Man, if they would’ve spent as much energy on moving out as they did on all of this other BS…