Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

I have added incoming or outgoing to the above transcribed texts so it is easier for people to understand if it is LK or someone else. So the stuff in parenthesis is by me, not Sdel.
I believe the time stamp I included is the sent time stamp. I think the other time stamp is the read time stamp, I did not include that. That is why there are repeats, since some of this is a group text chat.


So let me see if I comprehend some of these texts (thanks @Sdel) :

  1. The KKrew has hatched a lawsuit plan
  2. A vet (Fugaro) doesn’t want to get in the middle of this, regarding KKrew’s apparent claim that one of LK’s horses has lost condition due to not being ridden
  3. KKrew thinks MB is “a crook.”
  4. KKrew plans to send recordings to assorted barn staff to bully, harass and intimidate them so they fall in line. But as a concession the Ks will give the staff time to “lawyer up.”
  5. It appears there’s someone, Williams, who has recommended Shannon and Marcus (local dressage trainers?) as a new place for LK.

I know there is so much more, but is the above a correct interpretation?


Sounds good to me. Who did she expect would ride her horses? Not MHG. Not JH. Seems to not be her either!


All you well intentioned posters, you realize you are banging your heads against the wall, yes? The more that comes out that shows just how horrible the K Klan is (and there will be plenty), the more @hut-ho78 and @CurrentlyHorseless will try and deflect and defend them. There is no amount of discussion or true facts that will change their little minds. Just hate to see you guys waste all that good time that could be put to more fun things. Like cookies or cakes. LOL


I read this as that the Ks were going to send the staff recordings that MB, MH, JH, and MDF (Mary DeFranco) were making threats and trash talking about the staff in order to cause a mutiny and with the idea that a lawyer would pressure them to make a $$ settlement really quick.

Hmmm…seems like that is a unifying theme here for some posters….

On a related note, LK also claimed here that she had recordings of the staff “agreeing to lie” for MB……


They wanted to turn off the propane to save money, but not before LK had her hot shower which she would do after she was finished with her cigarette?

Then they would sabotage the generator so MB would have to fork out big bucks for a BIG ASS one?

Is that all wrong?


My hunch is that Williams is the broker out west who handled the purchase of 2 or 3 of LK’s horses, including Rose.


Shannon and Marcus http://eliteexpressiondressage.com/ in the “heart of NJ” The Williams thing could be any number of people. George Williams comes to mind first, but there are others. Part of me has trouble believing they would contact GW for recommendation, but another part of me says that it would be an easy way to start spreading bad things…


I put my pondering horsie thoughts in (**) for you, but I am just a horse and could be incorrect.

They wanted to turn off the propane to save money, but not before LK had her hot shower which she would do after she was finished with her cigarette? (I think the propane was running low and in order to keep the hot shower going until after the show when they Might of moved out, I don’t think they were asking the Landlord for a refill on that)

Then they would sabotage the generator so MB would have to fork out big bucks for a BIG ASS one? (A Big ASS Generator or something else that would be BIG, that could be harmed if something happened to the Generator causing maybe a spark)

*edit to add, wasn’t someone squawking about a dryer that won’t turn off and how the place was a fire hazard.

So if you have a generator hookup those are used as a backup and depending on the generator it could run the whole system at the barn, for things like you know a well pump for water for example.
Me thinks in my little horsie mind there is more to this than meets the eye, but of course it’s just horse ponderings.


Ah, okay. Yes, I did see where there’s hope for a quick, cash settlement. Wow, so much conniving and orchestration!

So klassy.


I find her to be ever so polite and thoughtful. She’s been very accurate about NGRI, commitments to mental institutions, etc.

Maybe someday it will influence your posting and you can say something about the case instead of just insulting people who disagree.

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That makes sense. She posted here a few times after the trial and if I recall correctly she felt misled about some of the things LK had told her.


Circling back to this comment.

Imagine being in that situation, claiming to be terrified, afraid for your life, afraid for the safety of your horses, yada, yada…

But still planning to attend a show with the person(s) you claim to be plotting your murder?!?

Seriously?!? :roll_eyes:


I have added incoming or outgoing to the above transcribed texts so it is easier for people to understand if it is LK or someone else. So the stuff in parenthesis is by me, not Sdel.
I believe the time stamp I included is the sent time stamp. I think the other time stamp is the read time stamp, I did not include that. That is why there are repeats, since some of this is a group text chat. I added a missed line to this one too.


Ahhh, thank you!

I recall @Inigo-montoya saying, or implying, I would eat crow. I think the K’s need to find a healthy stash of plucked and dressed crow and a very large casserole. @Seeker1 can peruse her family cookbooks.

This is when I really wish I knew an insider on the defense side. This is like waiting for the next episode of GoT or Breaking Bad or Mayor of Kingstown!


Now that I have gone thru and added incoming and outgoing the cigarette comment appears to be incoming so I would assume (it is redacted) that cigarette comment came from Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Stark/Superman/Michael Goodwin.


Nope - no movies in my head. I deal with reality - in the here and now. Movies stay on the TV and in the theater.

When our version of LK was engaged in her little plots to drive away boarders, bully staff and ingratiate herself to the BO in the hopes that the BO would give her the property at some point as she was such an amazing trainer (I kid you not - that is what she told her clients/minions), I realized that some people are so caught up in their own awesomeness that nothing and no one else matters. LK has often parroted a lot of what our Trainer Beyotch From Hell (referring to TBFH and no one else) said and did… and that is what first drew me to this case - as I had been there, done that. Several times I caught TBFH prowling around the little barn on this property - nothing to do with the farm’s adjoining property with the boarding barn, arena and house where TBFH lived. I had more motion lights installed - so she started walking around the perimeter and climbing over the back fence behind the barn instead. The terriers would sound the alarm. I had to lock the back barn and arena doors from the inside so she would need to come around around to the front of the arena to get in - which triggered the terrier alarms faster. I accosted her in the dark barn aisle one night and she icily suggested that she might be armed. I cannot describe the stress that was involved. She eventually stopped prowling down here… but the nonsense up at “her” barn continued.

I though such people were few and far between - but then after TBFH was finally gone, the BO hired a new barn manager who was of the same persuasion. Liar, bully and thief. After the TBFH fiasco, the BO was more inclined to listen to the concerns that I - and the boarders - expressed. We had to get the sheriff out to march TBFH Jr. off the property… many boarders were there to enjoy the spectacle.

About a month later, the BO got an email from a big dressage barn about a hundred miles away… asking about TBFH Jr. That dimwit had submitted her resume to that barn for their barn manager job… as well as a glowing, gushing letter of recommendation from my BO - that she had never written. The resume was full of how amazing TBFH Jr. was in all aspects of the horse industry, multiple disciplines and national shows… almost as if George Santos wrote it.

So I truly have been there, done that. When all sorts of excuses are made for LK’s behavior, it frustrates me. It is more than apparent than some have no idea what dealing with that kind of a personality is like… and I would not wish it on anyone.


I think some of this was excluded because Barisone did not know about it at the time of the shooting, and the judge did not allow a self-defense argument because of Barisone’s amnesia.


I’m catching up on the thread (again), so maybe this has already been answered.

I believe the upcoming show was in Saugerties, New York.

Personally, I would not want to drive that far back and forth each day from New Jersey, but it’s not impossible to commute from there. It would depend on your preference.

Edited to add: About a two hour drive each way, according to Google maps, barring any traffic problems.