Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

What thread are you reading? :thinking:


That’s a fair point. I do think that some can’t fathom what type of people exist out there… Or can’t recognize that human evil (in general) is real and more prevalent than we might think.


Omg. I had almost forgotten that hilarious attempt.


Thank you to @Sdel for typing out the content of the text messages so we could read them. It is much appreciated.


Yeah, I recall @CurrentlyHorseless calling a winning defense attorney a “liar” in his filings. I’m so glad that liar /s is now posting exhibits just in case anyone else believes Barisone hired sleazy attorneys (BTW, he didn’t hire that original disaster from the bail hearing).


Thank you. Said very well. I’ve tried to explain that LE could not interfere on a landlord/tenant dispute without an eviction order (unless they witnessed activity at the time of their visit).

So claims of overhearing meetings about punishing each other and plotting against each other instead of just formally and professionally evicting her or LK just going to another barn. All of this over scraping out chump change compared to the results. Mutually assured destruction. I don’t know how the jury will sort this out in the civil trial. If it’s 50/50 and they send everyone home to pay their own lawyers or LK’s medical bills are paid and that is it. It’s a mess.

If illegal recordings are brought out in a civil trial and become part of the trial records, is the content still considered poisoned fruit or is civil trial evidence then possible to use in a criminal trial?

If illegal recordings were confiscated by LE in a criminal case and are determined not to be able to be used in that trial then can they be used in a civil trial because they were gathered in a criminal trial?

I’ve been googling this for a while and it seems to be usually not but maybe sometimes though the person taking the illegal recordings can still separately be held accountable for breaking the law.

It will be interesting to see how this goes. If I’m wrong about gossip and legal recordings on someone’s person and illegal recordings do exist, if they contain what SM posts say, if it then becomes a poison pill for the defense, more of a be careful what you wish for.

When TBFH moved back to her own little place on the other side of the mountains, she suddenly found God. She posted all over FB that she had accepted Christ as her personal Savior. She posted pictures of her new church friends gathering at the side of the nearby river for her baptism. None of us on this side of the mountains who had lived through her reign of terror bought into that. She then proceeded to post that she was forgiving all the evil people in her life - and named this farm as a place where evil existed - and said she would pray for the BO.

That phase lasted a few months - now she is back to being good old TBFH. She even deleted all the baptism pictures from her SM. I did not notice that - she announced it on her FB page and “renounced” that. So it was all an act - as those of us who have interacted with her in the past suspected.


LK really didn’t dislike MB, but it boiled down to ruining MB being the only option left to ruin MHG’s life.

She felt so superior that she probably thought that being out in public nothing would happen.


I believe that mental health professionals use a 9-letter term to describe folks with no care or consideration for other human beings. It starts with “s” and ends with “path.” :thinking:


There are evil people in this world-serial killers, serial rapists, etc. Most people are made up of good and evil and depending on circumstances can go either way at any given time.

Bad judgment, mental illness, selfishness are not evil though harm can come from them.

Very few people are true blue 100% of the time. Harm can come from that too.

No one in this event is evil or good. It’s a train wreck.

Yet you continue to defend and kneel before the conductor and her staff. Got it.


The most obvious thing I take away from those texts is that LK did know she was asked to leave and that eviction was coming - contrary to what some posters here insist. But she was not scared and desperate to move her horses… and thus that whole act she put on FB /SM was a manipulative sham.

Quelle surprise…

edited because the word is scared and not scarred… although…


Can you clarify the whole tape thing for me? They mention the police have tapes they are “buffering”. So there were tapes that were handed over?


No. I say she deserved to be evicted not shot.

The only knee I refuse to bend is the one to you and that just eats you up.

Oh no, more capital letters coming my way.

No I did not call Dieninger a liar “in his filings”.

He lied outside of court filings. Lying in court filings can get a lawyer into trouble.

Winning the criminal trial would have been straight NG or NG by reason of self defense.

“Winning” with a NGRI verdict is not so great, but the best that could be hoped for, apparently.

I disagree, I see evil as selfishness taken to extremes. Why is someone that selfish? I do not know, but it is fuel for the engines of the evil bus.


A post by @Seeker1 (Kirby Kanarek) that did not age well. I would post a link to the original post in the original thread but it appears that we can be thankful that it was quoted because Kirby went back and edited many of her posts so this post no longer exists with this wording.
But darn, with the new facts in the horrible texts included in the latest filing, the first quote in this screen shot is pretty darn funny.



I sure don’t want you to BEND A KNEE TO LITTLE OLD ME! I’m not from one of the five families!

I don’t care what you post as long as you are truthful and stop your manipulation of others’ posts. It’s that simple.


If you want to communicate with the “well intentioned posters”, why did you tag me? So I’d be sure to see your reference to my “little mind”?


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I think everything was on phones. The police gathered everyone’s phones. That evidence went to the defense for the criminal and civil trial. I’ve seen or heard the numbers 81, 86, and 31. RG was said somewhere to have a lot on his phone that were sent to someone else. The $5,000 big sweep found nothing. That’s why I’ve always suspected on person phone recordings, gossip, and creative SM posts.