Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

Yup. It’s nuts.

I had a very hard time biting my tongue and saying nothing to these friends when they were getting their puppies. I knew they already perceived me as a weird snotty horse person who was extreme and too into traditional elitist hobbies and fancy animals or something… and it was clear to me if I referred them to a great Labrador breeder I know for a nice pup to have as a family dog, I would have been told to keep my snobby opinions to myself.

Sooooo … they spent $6000 on backyard doodles. And I smiled when they told me and said, “Oh. That’s nice. Hope you all are happy with the pups.” :woman_facepalming:


Also - FWIW - the time stamps are UTC+1 (which is Greenwich Mean Time for us older fuddy-duddies), plus one hour. So add 5 hours to get the actual time in NJ (or 6 hours for Daylight Savings Time?).


I believe they are all from LK’s phone. But I admit, I am not positive about that. I will have to go back and read the filing more closely.

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Or even 1/10 as much energy.

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Ahh, that would make perfect sense.

I don’t know if they include a course these days in vet school about avoiding litigious circumstances, but if so, this could certainly be a prime example.

Not to mention the fact that MB was a long-standing presence in the area with a barn full of horses who would need vet care for the foreseeable future.

Unlike LK, who was just another adult customer passing through, as far as anyone knew at the time.


Thank you. So that makes things make a little more sense. The 5am texts are really at 10am.


Or evicting.

Technology has come a long way very quickly. Every time “the sweep didn’t find anything” comes up all I can think of if Maxwell Smart and Agent 99. Don’t know why, but it makes me laugh every time.




I would think that anyone who was actually, genuinely afraid would not take a chance, regardless of the setting.

If that person was actually afraid, that is.


18 or 19 I believe.

But what fun would that have been?

Didn’t IM state more than once that he did not know how to edit his posts? I’ll bet he got some help with that from an expert. Likely the mom did as well.


Or she edited them using their logins.


Sorry, I meant subtract 5 (or 6) hours.
So an incoming text with a timestamp of 6:16:11 PM (UTC+1) would have been received at 1:16:11 PM (or 12:16:11 PM) NJ time.

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In reading thru those texts I admit that I am amused that Lauren Kanarek found it made more sense to text Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Stark/Superman/Michael Goodwin that the water for his the tea was ready and that it was annoying her instead of just shutting the stove off. It reads like she listened to the tea kettle for eight minutes instead of just turning it off. RGG asked her to turn the stove off.
With the new information about the time zone thing, that means this conversation happened at around 11PM.


Clearly, the lesson to any aspiring criminal mastermind is to use burner phones and ditch them at the end of each day. Or something.

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So frustrating. I have a friend who drove 4 hours one way to buy a $4900 Bernerdoodle from a “champion breeder”. He looks like a slightly tall border collie who is afraid of everything.

My two purebred, health tested for everything and certified clear, endless generations of lines (going back from Canada and the US to England and Denmark) border terriers were only $1800 - 3 years apart. And I did not actually pay that but worked it off in artwork, logo designs and dog portraits. They were both show quality… my girl was headed to Belgium to show until her one bottom tooth grew in slightly crooked. The boy was the pick of his litter - but for a tail set that ended up too high and slightly curled. Not important here - just fun and games and 3 huuuuge rats caught in the past 3 nights! Their breeder knew they would have a charmed terrier life here and sought me out through friends.

The shelters have been filling up with doodle types. They are beginning to outnumber the pits and pit crosses…


That would probably be less frustrating for all parties involved. And also much faster.


And the date of these texts?