Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

Are you asking what the date of the text are? It is in the file. That part is pretty readable in the filing.

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Exhibit I is mainly 08/05/2019
Exhibit J is mainly 08/05/2019
Exhibit K is mainly 08/05/2019


You’re missing that LK is speaking of the cops approving of the bugs in real time, before the shooting.

These texts are from their phones, so they can’t be from after the shooting, when they no longer had their phones.


I assume you mean the $5000 BUG sweep.

If so, I guess you are willfully ignoring this post, which explains how bug sweeps work (or not). :roll_eyes:

Edited to add that I now see that Trub posted much the same thing above. Sorry, @trubandloki! :grin:


Any doodle is a mixed breed dog. Its just one that has been given a cutesy name and a large price tag.

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Of course the texts were prior to the shooting. Someone just posted 2 days before. LE picked up phones from the crime scene.

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No sorry required. It was worth repeating since it appears to be something that was ignored more than once already.

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Yes, and Lauren Kanarek, who is pretending to be so very scared for her life and limb is talking about going to a horse show with the person she is scared of, in those texts two days before.

I am glad to see that you read that post. Did you see the posts about why the sweep for the bugs did not work yet?



Which doesn’t make it a good dog or a bad dog. It just makes it a ridiculously overpriced dog, in my mind.


Small town, they knew one another, no hard feelings, and I’m pretty sure if I heard the story, it was general knowledge.

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Oy vey

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Let me remind you that this is likely not all of the texts, these are just some very specific texts that make the point that was trying to be made in this filing. I am sure there are texts that reveal even more stuff than these few pages do from before those dates.


Right because LK and RG were super ninja spies. /s

I believe they are all incoming/outgoing text messages that went through LK’s phone. If you look at the logs, some will say “To…(redacted recipient)…Outgoing…Sent.” Others say “From…(redacted phone number)…Kanarek Lauren…Incoming…Inbox…Read.”

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And in those texts, before the shooting and taking of the phones, Lauren texts the police have tapes they are “buffering” .
So the police, according to this text written before the shooting and before the cops took her phone, had tapes they were looking at.
the police have tapes they are “buffering” .
Before the shooting.


I am not sure why I bother to waste the key strokes since it is very clear that you have no desire to learn anything.

There are lots of types of recording devices. Read the very knowledgeable post by Lex that DownYonder made it so you do not have to go looking for it. Just read it. Not deciding your come back before you read it.


But I’m confused how Lauren texted that the police were buffering the recordings before the phones were confiscated. Can someone draw a picture for me please. It sure seems apparent to me that the conspirators gave the police at least one of the illegal recordings prior to the shooting. Sure doesn’t make the cops or DA look too good, does it?


There might even be texts that give more instructions like putting a bug by the dumpsters. Hypothetically.


Exactly how I’m reading this too

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@ekat started a new thread