Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

No. It certainly seems like a logical reason why they might have gone along with the K’s narrative, since they were already on questionable ground at that point, from the sound of things.



OMG CPS just arrived

Quick get ready

Stop ironing

Be sure Rosie is loose

OMG he’s on his way here

Turn the recorders on

No, turn them off

No, turn them on

We’ll handle it later

Be sure ED calls in NOW

All hypothetical of course.

I’m thinking that LK may have been referring to the tapes of the calls to 911 that preceded the shooting. Otherwise, why would the police have copies of text messages that occurred before the shooting and before they gathered up the phones during the crime scene investigation?

Although didn’t LK tell the cops she had recordings during the 911 call she made before the shooting? Or did she tell them in person when they responded to her 911 call? Is is possible that she sent them copies of the recordings as a follow-up to that?

OMG! I hope she got permission!

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There are so many things in this that are funny. But the one I am laughing the most at is the “be sure Rosie is loose”.
Do you think they confined Rosie in the house when they were there alone?

OK, the ironing comment is way funny too. I mean, I assume you are talking about RGG doing the ironing because Lauren Kanarek will not even get up and turn off the tea kettle.


I think you maybe reading it wrong or I did.

Line 1: (Outgoing-9:37.08PM) We need to send Michael, MH, Justin and Mary DeFranco the very first recording. Then tell them it is the tip of the iceberg…. The police are buffering it now. We will be sending each of the other (a number, ends in a 4) threats and bullying and plotting to make the staff “fall in the line” recordings as we see fit. Just a formal notification - so that the other parties on THIS one 51 minute recording (which you cannot hear as clearly as we can or as clearly as the Washington Township Police can) have a chance to lawyer up.

My horsie brain says this was not sent to WTP but here’s what we Team K will tell MB, MH, Justin and Mary D, if they don’t play ball.

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Anything seems to be possible with this family.

Not to mention that one can often get a pretty darned nice show quality pup for less than that. With a pedigree chock full of champions that were bred to an approved standard by a breeder of merit with his/her national breed club and/or AKC - and perhaps has produced multiple generations of champions, won at Westminster and/or its national specialty, had national top winning dogs, and/or may even be a licensed judge.

(Sorry for the sidebar.) :upside_down_face:

Closing with a redirect to a new thread, which was started with a post containing links to recent court docs.