Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

I am not JKs “assistant-interpreter”, @eggbutt.

I was posting my opinion based on reading the publicly available information, including, but not limited to, the posts of IM.

So sorry that the ignore feature is still not working for you. /s


Hmmmm, are you sorry because I called you out on your ridiculous post of allegiance? Don’t let me bother you, mkay?


No. Just pointing out again that I am not JKs “assistant-interpreter” or a Kanarek insider of any kind. It was a post expressing my interpretation of the publicly available information, not of any “allegiance”.

There was a time when your (g) asserting that I was some sort of Kanarek insider bothered me, but that’s well in the past. At this point I find it amusing.

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So its 60 days unti the next Krol Hearing if it isn’t changed. Will Judge T allow him to leave and seek treatment on his own? I hope he doesn’t try to continue to keep him at Greystone.


Most of us (g) don’t care about verification as to whether you are or aren’t a Kanarek insider…I personally don’t care. Your naive, blind support of this family is truly beyond comprehension, at least on this forum and speaks volumes. It has become obvious you jump, and I mean jump, to defend anything you perceive as negative, whether what was posted is actual, proven fact. You’ve shown us who and what you are and it is really sad.


I suspect Taylor will do the Kanarek’s bidding and hold Michael as long as he can, regardless what ALL experts have reported. Taylor seems to be owned by “someone”.


Wow! There was a time JK and LK seriously cared about anonymous posters on this forum to the point of threatening to report everyone to USEF, USDF, the Judges, Schellhorn, and any other outfit they could think of to bully people.

By the way, has anyone here received the subpoena that was threatened some time ago? The interesting thing is why do you or the Kanareks care what is posted on this forum? A forum that apparently, per them, not read by anyone!


John 11:35. :roll_eyes:

The point is not that JK would care. The point is that I care in the context of this online discussion. JK is neither here nor there. No one here cares what he does or does not care about. His feelings are irrelevant to this discussion. Our feelings about the various players and the credibility of what they have put out there publicly are relevant within the context of all of us discussing the case and explaining why we give statements weight or discount them. No one gives a ruddy rat’s arse what JK cares about.

However, since this meaningless metric has been brought up, I can guarantee you that I care less about what he thinks about me than he does about what I and everyone else here thinks about him and his daughter and his family. I guarantee that b/c they follow these threads obsessively to the point of LK finally breaking cover and making an alter just a week or so ago in order to come on here and embarrass herself thoroughly in an attempt to counter what’s being said here.

They care very VERY much what we (and youtube, facebook, and law and crime commenters) all think. They have made that abundantly clear by their online behaviour since the beginning.




Coincidentally, there’s another thread involving someone going to great lengths to refute many of the posts on it, even though the person claims that the forum is completely insignificant and not read by anyone.

People are funny.


Oh CH, you are so not correct again. Good try this time though. Good try. You get an A+ for twisting and hoping. An F- for correctness.

He did not say “the lawyers”, he said their lawyers. Ya know, the lawyers for Jonathon Kanarek (@Inigo-montoya) and Kirby Kanarek (@Seeker1). I have included a screen shot of the post for you to review again since you seem to have missed it. Have you forgotten that Bruce has stated he does not represent Kirby and Jonathon?


There are so many things wrong with this I am not even sure where to start.
The one sentence letter from the lawyer that does not represent Jonathan Kanarek and Kirby Kanarek - so clearly that is not who he handed it over to because he said he handed it over their lawyers (plural, more than one, two people, two lawyers) not the lawyer that represents his daughter.
That one sentence email does not include anything about discussing subpoenas in it. Nothing at all. For all we know it was Bruce wanting to play golf the next Friday. That is just as likely as your made up answer.
Also, because that is not enough yet, that one line no information email was sent from Bruce’s office to Mr. Deininger.
Mr. Deininger represents Michael. Only Michael. Mr. Deininger’s subpoena was to Kirby Kanarek. There was no random email to the lawyer representing SGF, Mr. Silver, the place that the subpoena to Jonathan Kanarek came from.
So, even if we pretend this content less email means what you are pretending it means, it only covers Kirby, not Jonathon.
Oh but wait, there is more.
Kirby’s subpoena deadline was August 11th. This email was sent August 12th in the middle of the day. So it was too late even if it was clearly trying to discuss the topic of the subpoena sent to Kirby.

Yes, and like I said above (that you clearly ignored), the judge put timelines on those things. The two lawyers had ten (10) days to edit and reserve and then Kirby and Jonathan had ten (10) days to respond. Do some basic math, that has passed.
If it had not passed there is no reason for GAS, who has also stated he does not represent Jonathan and Kirby to file asking for an extension…

It also leaves that silly question about if Jonathon and Kirby look forward to cooperating and all that stuff that he babbled about in that post, why would they need an extension. Kirby and Lauren have posted all over the place about sending those transcripts to just about anywhere they can, so why is it hard for them to respond to the subpoena about them?


Cough, there are three sides, cough.
Well, really there are five sides.
But at least three sides. Ya know, that whole SGF thing.


Of course you don’t care about verification as to whether I am
or am not a Kanarek insider! You’re going to believe what you want to believe, regardless of there being no evidence, much less verification, that I’m a Kanarek insider.

Just like you are going to believe that MB shot LK in self defense, despite there bring no evidence, much less verification, that he shot in self defense.

You believe what you want to believe.

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I just want to make sure it is very clear, this email that Bruce sent Mr. Deininger does not mention any case of any kind anywhere on it.

Do we know that Bruce and Mr. Deininger do not have any other cases?
It really leads to more questions than answers.

It certainly does not look like a professional email. Not even close.

  1. Does JK care whether FitzE considers him credible? I seriously doubt it.

  2. Does JK care if anonymous and non anonymous posters are posting lies about LK snd the case? IM stated that addressing lies was his reason for posting. I suspect IM is JK.

JK can “care about what is posted on this forum” without caring about whether an anonymous posted with screen name FitzE considers him credible. Two different things.

  1. As I explained to @eggbutt, I agree that the Kanareks do care about what you post about them, to the extent they consider it untrue.

  2. Did you create an alter to use in these discussions? An alter that played on the Inigo-Montoya screen name? I understand that a non banned user creating an alter is not a violation of the rules, so no big deal if you did.


So, is it then OK for JK to lie/use untruths to get their way?
We know that Lauren does that and thinks it is OK.

Wouldn’t you accuse others of doxing if they asked this?

FitzE is one of our law professionals, I doubt they have an alter.


I’ve been lurking on that thread.

I think what she said is not that no one reads the forum, but rather that lots of people view the forum as a platform in which elderly mean girls engage in attacking various individuals.

(Some) people are nasty.


Lol some posters get really (overly) interested in FitzE and what she posts. I wonder why?

I don’t really care for any of the answers, tbh. :wink:


I am not going to bother to go get quotes to prove you wrong, but you are wrong again.

She said that also. But she has said that pretty much no one reads this forum.