Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

Bless your heart. You fall into this trap every single time. There is no evidence that he DID shoot anyone! If YOU have any evidence that Michael Barisone shot anyone, by all means present it! Chris Schellhorn would have liked to have had that evidence you speak of!


There are lots of reasons one might ask for an extension. Why go to the effort of fulfilling a subpoena demand if you think one or more of the defendants might offer to settle?

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It is really weird. It’s all rather a bit desperate as well. The flop sweat on that crowd stinks to high heaven.

I’m unclear what the current accusation is though I can see some quoted material. I’m not willing to read further to get a ‘clearer’ understanding. It is so bizarre, so unconnected with the discussion, so utterly unhinged, I can only agree with you - no need for any of the ‘answers’ as it’s all rather muddled twaddle of the sort we are all used to wading through time and again. Projection, deflection, and obsessive attention to certain posters (even though I’ve barely posted at all in this or even the last several MB threads).


It’s been months!!! How long will you use the “possible settlement” explanation for the Kanareks ignoring months old subpoenas! Let’s also add mom and dad are not involved in their sweet daughter’s suit. Why would they be waiting for a settlement? Why are they not complying with requests as IM/JK so eloquently posted?


Why assume they are going to settle when they have now gone to the trouble of asking for the information twice?

I believe Jonathan Kanarek himself said it would be nonsense for him to not answer a subpoena. Let me go find that for you.


Probably isn’t a coincidence that FitzE (and a few others) got into a pretty decent debate of legal privilege and the prestige of law firms with LK over in the SS thread in H/J. Plus her big roe over legal grammar/semantics with YD before she got banned….which CH picked up that torch (and the defense of IM’s credibility) as soon as they moved to Chicago.


LOL I’m not going there (again).


Then stop posting your ridiculous statement. Mkay?


Based on my extremely brief review of NJ law, it could be that there is no “homestead” exemption in NJ when all owners are subject to a civil judgement. But I could be in error on that.

And Lk can only protect her half of the house, JKs half interest may well be vulnerable to a civil suit, as he resides (presumibly) in NJ


Your clinging to the claim that MB shot LK in self defense is an example of you simply believing what you want to believe, despite ample evidence to the contrary. It’s consistent with you believing I’m a Kanarek insider just because that’s what you want to believe.


Are you playing twister again?

Harassing someone about their identity is something you know we have been talked to about. It seems like you want to shut down the thread again, hu?

Veer back onto the topic…it is more fun than picking on FitzE about something that is so off base.


I can assure you FitzE has no need for an alter. That said, you said above that you didn’t care if anyone has alters, yet you suddenly are very concerned FitzE does! WTHeck is up with you? Do you have an alter? Sometimes it sure seems like it but no one cares.


Oh, well spotted. I had forgotten about YD schooling the legal professionals on the use of various terms. Good time, good times. :rofl:

That privilege thing was possibly the most humiliating self own in the 3+ year history of this saga. Spectacular unforced error there. Just so cringey to watch it play out. :grimacing:


Okay, SHOW US THE AMPLE EVIDENCE HE SHOT ANYONE! Once again we will all wait with baited breath for your “evidence”.


Yes, I do know that harassing someone about their identity is something that goes on in these threads, @trubandloki.


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Why should she answer? Any active member is allowed to create an alter to post more anonymously. What business is it if yours and what on earth does it have to do with the civil case?


What I said was that a current user having an alter is not against forum rules, as far as I know.

I do not have an alter.

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You are very close to harassing @FitzE with your posts. Of course it is your job to snipe and get threads closed.


Please everyone, I beg of you…do not engage


:laughing: :rofl: :laughing:

:laughing: :rofl: :crazy_face: