Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

And why not just send the information, which KK/LK had apparently already sent to everyone they could think of connected to Safe Sport/USEF?


I asked FitzE whether she had an alter, just as you asked me if I have an alter, @eggbutt.

Current users having alters is not against the forum rules, and neither is speculation about alters against forum rules, as I understand it.


“Apparently”? How do you know that LK sent all of the transcripts to SS, as opposed to a few excerpts from the transcripts?

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Wait, is the new line (lacking an even a cursory, basic understanding of law) that JK and KK ignored subpoena’s b/c they were just going to wait until one of the other parties settled? I.e., pushing the fantasy that ignoring subpoenas is a legit and legally compliant response in a case as long as the party/parties ignoring their obligation(s) feel a settlement is likely? What the…?

That is not how any of this works, at all.

Holy hell, what a profound lack of even a layman’s understanding of what’s going on here.

Just, wow.


Not only have they asked for the info twice, SGF already offered a token amount for her trouble and it was shot down. Mr. Silver was pretty clear about that situation in his filings. LK blew her chance for any money out of this situation.


That’s not my position, no.

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Did they? I must have either missed or forgotten that part.


They did say they had met for mediation/settlement and that having failed all facts were in dispute and they would seek a summary judgement to dismiss them of liability after the deposition. I admit, I assume they offered a token amount based other statements.

But, maybe that is part part of the miscalculations going on here….they think they can get the offer back.


Both of the original subpoenas were quashed. The new subpoenas would need to be written asking for a more limited set of information.

SGF offered a “token amount” for “her trouble”? How do you know that it was SGF that offered to settle, and whether the amount was a “token amount”?

Re bolded: that’s quite a prediction.

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It was IM who said that LK had turned down a settlement offer.

He did not disclose the amount. I don’t think he said whether the settlement offered was from SGF or MB. Why would SGF offer to settle if they think they can get themselves extricated as defendants through a summary judgement?


Old line. I believe we heard that was part of the negotiation tactics before the first round of contempts/quash….in which CH managed to predict the exact arguments used.


Most civil cases settle.

In my own case the Defendant asked us how much we would agree to settle so we tossed them an amount. Later, the parties meet to see where everyone is at and talk numbers and see if that will get a settlement done.

CHs suggestion is absolutely a tactic someone would use: ignore the subpoena until after any settlement meeting. You do that when the penalty for ignoring the subpoena is less problematic than answering the subpoena.

So I guess CH is suggesting it’s more problematic for the Ks to respond to the subpoena than any penalty for ignoring it.


Are you “speculating” or “suggesting” that I’m some functionary in the law office of Bruce Nagel?

I find it amusing that my opinions on the legal case are undermined both because 1) I’m not a lawyer, and 2) because I’m suspected of working on the Kanarek’s legal team.


No, @Knights_Mom, I’m not suggesting that.

Also, they’re not ignoring it. They’re asking for a delay in responding until after the conference.

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Oh, I see. The contention is that they aren’t ignoring the subpoenas this time (unlike last time), they are just trying to avoid having to respond in a timely fashion as a delay tactic in the hopes of a settlement.

I don’t know and I’m not a litigator, but nothing in the representation of MB or SGF suggests any eagerness to settle. Not complying seems like a really bone-headed tactic if that’s what it is.

I suspect like others and as you explained, contempt is better for them than compliance at this point.

Sad place for a bunch of grown-ass people to find themselves in. When you lead a shady, scofflaw life, you can just never come proper when you need to. Sowing and reaping…


Do you hurt yourself stretching that hard? Or do you meet up with a friend to do yoga every morning?


Good ole ignore fail. That said, anyone else remember who made such interesting leaps in accusations without fail?

It’s kind of a give away…


It would be less harmful than compliance for someone if say they wanted to hide something that could bite them in the a$$.




Per the local discussions, nobody who admitted to knowing her or knowing of her had anything good to say about Lauren after she had been shot, so there must be a sizable pile of bad personal history in the NJ/NYC area that would come to light if the trial were to move forward. That, along with what is known about her tumultuous time in NC and constant conflict with others, would certainly be used against her in the case, hence delay, delay, delay, delay. I’m sure that whatever dirt has been dug up on the parents also factors into it, but they seem to be far lesser known outside of the local Jewish community.