Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

I’m sure this has been asked a bazillion times—my apologies—but is this Mediation scheduled for next week to lock down what discovery has yet to be produced? And/or if there is any movement on a settlement?



From IM’s 9/7 post:

“As far as LK she has been offered money to settle the civil cases. She rejected the offers .”


Why are Jonathan and Kirby even involved in the conference? As far as official filings, mom and dad aren’t represented by anyone.


I do not believe the details of what Jonathon Kanarek posted there anymore than the details of anything else of his that has been quoted lately. It is very clear that his grasp on reality is very similar to Lauren’s.


Plus it always sounded like a lot of JK’s information came from LK. So it’s not as if he was starting with an accurate grasp of the facts of the situation in the first place.


I don’t know anything about RC’s situation, but maybe the Ks figured that if RC had the means to own half of MHG’s horse at one point, it would be worth suing RC, even if she no longer owns him.


I have to admit, I often forget she’s one of the three defendants. It appears she’s playing it so that SGF and MB’s attorneys are doing the heavy lifting and she’s saving attorney fees since she’s not paying them to file/respond, but her attorneys get copied on everything.

Not a bad idea, really.


It appears, from what I’ve found on the calendar, this judge likes to set these things every 90 days in his cases. What they actually do would be interesting to hear.


Is there a possibility for a Motion of Summary Judgment if LK continues to be uncooperative?

I wish more was known about this Judge and his tolerance for these type of tactics.



Me too! I mean, he’s going to give new attorney (GAS) some slack to catch up, but if the patterns continue, he may lose patience.

Let’s not forget that very early on, it took a court order to compel LK to answer the interrogatories. It’s starting to appear to be the pattern.


It is kind of interesting that someone who likes to tell their version of the story to anyone and everyone who dares to exist in the world is so unwilling to answer questions about the same event.


In a lawsuit she started, where these questions are expected and customary. Yes, very interesting indeed.


Well, for starters she can’t keep her fantasy movies straight in the heads of her multiple personalities. All the K’s stories change depending on the audience. Somehow she is going to have to make some sort of sense of her sworn testimony and weave it into a story that can be believed and also recited by Rob as well. Good luck with that!


I have a legitimate question here.

Both LK and JK, aka @Inigo-montoya, have spoken ad nauseam here about Michael’s supposedly precarious financial situation, and that having LK’s business was saving him from financial ruin. Yes, we all know this was a load of bull hockey! Please just humor me for a moment!

But, if you truly believed his financial situation to be so darn precarious and this suit had been going on for 3+ years, with the defendant sitting incarcerated somewhere, earning not so much as one single penny, wouldn’t you get your act together and move the situation regarding the civil suit along as quickly, but as prudently, as possible? Just to be able to collect on any possible judgement?

Why delay? The defendant has no income, is spending money on attorneys, specialists to testify on his behalf, people to administer to his professional and personal business while he cannot? Money just flying out the window, all while the PLANTIFF and her parents are dodging depositions and subpoenas and switching counsel.

Anyone else find this strange and foolish???

Or do they realize that when LK gave the command to “FINISH THE BASTARD”, like the self proclaimed bad ass she professes to be, or Mafia princess she attempted to emulate, any jury of her peers will assign blame to her, and this civil trial ain’t gonna go the Klans desired direction???


Perhaps Finish the Bastard has been modified to be financial ruin rather than physically ruined. Once again they didn’t count on or recognize the huge support Michael has, which includes financial support.


Who cares?


I have a question.

Wouldn’t JK et al want MB to be released, so he could start making money again that LK could sue him for?


That would make too much sense wouldn’t it?!


That’s got to stick in their craw. I mean, if you remove the identities, if a defendant in a lawsuit just gets tons of support after being named as the person who injured you? That would be hard for anyone to take.


Yup. Logging in daily to read this thread is strange and sad. It seems they are all obsessed.

It was also strange and sad when the latest LK alter stated they were going to show my COTH posts to their trainer. The last thing I’m going to do is waste time meant for training on anything involving this case. But that is the sad reality for the K’s - this is their life. We log in, check out a thread and move on. They are unable to do so. I almost feel sorry for them. Almost.