Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

The court can order his property (farm, vehicles, horses, etc.) to be liquidated and the profits given to her, as recompense. That’s worth far more than any money they could squeeze out of his labors as a non-imprisoned man and seems to be what she wanted from the get-go. Even if he was freed, the Safesport sanctions effectively keep him from being a productive and prosperous member of the community he was once a well-known and prominent member of, so there’s no financial benefit to her, for having him freed by the court or anyone else.


Someone’s wealth, or personal net worth, is distinct from the cash flow on their business at a particular point in time. Someone could have a fair amount of wealth, and still want to retain LK as a client to improve cash flow rather than covering a deficit by running down your assets.


Sure, but not if that client was paying a fraction of what those stalls could otherwise be filled for.


Thought of ekat when I saw this in a news recap this AM. :wink:


:sweat_smile: I think I could get that one right!


Actually two of those are NOT a speaker

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Even as a non-American, I find this absolutely brilliant. Is he definitely out of the running now? Haven’t caught up on the madness yet today.


No, he is not giving up and will begin with round 12 today!


He could still hold clinics, couldn’t he?
He just can’t be on usef, usea whatever… Grounds, correct?
This stuff always confuses me, obviously.

I imagine those clinics are the most profitable.

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If a person is suspended thru Safesport they can not teach anyone associated with the governing body.

So strange that Lauren Kanarek would want that after the all knowing Jonathon Kanarek (@Inigo-montoya) told us more than once that Lauren would like to train with him again.


[quote=“MHM, post:1432, topic:780076, full:true”]

I always thought that it was/is a stretch to try to hold RC accountable for the shooting simply because she was the owner of the firearm. However, it was the only reason LK could plausibly use to include RC as a defendant. But the real reason she went after RC was because she wanted to hurt MHG. IOW, she was targeting MHG’s and RC’s shared asset, which MHG was using to continue to build her riding career. LK had no other way of “getting” MHG.


They are desperately trying to determine who knows what. And hoping for clues as to what Mr. D or Mr. Silver have discovered or what their next moves are.

And trying to figure out if anyone appears to have “insider information,” which may indicate someone is communicating with MB and/or LO and/or Mr. D. Or it could indicate a leak from someone affiliated with “their side,” which might suggest that they do not 100% trust everyone on their side - like RG, for instance, or the other posters here who tend to rush to their defense.

I also have a feeling that JK and KK in particular are logging in to verify that LK hasn’t gone off the rails again on SM. It’s not like they can lock her in her room sans computer or mobile phone so she can’t display one of her cray-cray personalities to the world anymore. :roll_eyes:


Interesting theory you have here. (Not you claiming someone has an alter, that has been discussed extensively already.)
The theory that @DreadPirateRoberts is a play on Jonathon Kanarek’s screen name @Inigo-montoya. Maybe the person who picked DreadPirateRoberts as a screen name picked it because they like the movie that it is from, which seems like a far more likely than them picking it because Jonathon Kanarek happened to pick a screen name associated with the same movie.


The reason why George Morris, Diane Carney, and Patrick McGaughan were so up in arms about Safesport was because it effectively blocked them - and others who were old names, but incapable of being horsemen for various reasons - from making money as clinicians, which was their primary source of income. If you’re sanctioned, you pretty much are cut off from any income generating activity connected to whatever sport you participate in, unless Safesport deems you to be someone of low-risk, which they rarely do and won’t do, in cases of sex-related or physical abuse offenses.


Actually, I have no doubt that DPR picked that screen name specifically as a counterpoint to the IM screen name used by JK.

But I did find it interesting that CH apparently has a reason to believe that DPR is actually Fitz.

Edited to add: @FitzE, I am in no way implying that I think you and DPR are one and same. :smile:


Oh, good lord, are we back to this again? Was it CH or YD who first accused me of that? Oh, and I remember one of those two accusing me once of having drafted a response for another poster here to post. I think that was around the time I blocked them permanently. They have a weird obsession with me and have had a bead on me since joining and it’s disturbing. I will not engage no matter how often they tag and harass me. I let their unhinged obsession speak for itself. Everyone can see it playing out and it reflects 100% on them, not me.

I would also like to appeal to @Moderator_1 to confirm that there are no connections between my account and the @DreadPirateRoberts account so maybe this particular line of harassment can be put to bed. I cannot imagine that there is any overlap in our IP address areas or anything like that.


If anyone accused me of being @DreadPirateRoberts, I would take it as a compliment. The voice, tone and wit of their posts is something to behold. Perhaps a certain poster believes that @FitzE also has an impressive way with words? I certainly do.

All that said, I do think this random insinuation is a bizarre tangent.


They wish to discredit @FitzE because she is an attorney and as such can and has offered factual, professional legal information that directly counters Team LK babbling, lies and misdirection and erroneous legal information.


Diane Carney herself is not blocked by Safe Sport. She is a current USEF member.

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It has always irked me that anyone felt the need to drag character names from one of my all time favorite movies into this whole mess. Lol.

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