Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

@FitzE is not linked to the DPR account or any other obvious alter account, and neither is @CurrentlyHorseless, so please move along.


Waiting for someone to fixate on the fact that Mod1 said, “…or any other obvious alter account…”

So could still be liked to a not so obvious account then, eh?


I’ll show myself out.


Yes, but blocking George from doing clinics severely reduced her income and hurt her business interests, because her business and standing in the industry relied on her close personal association with George and having him come by regularly for clinics, and she was initially the big name behind the anti-Safesport group.


Thank you, Moderator 1.

I hope this puts this particular harassment of me by CH to bed now. I’m sure the next gambit will pop up like a mole sooner rather than later, but I appreciate the assist on getting this one whacked.


I noticed that phrase, but I was so relieved that Mod1 chimed in without locking the thread that I decided not to worry about it. Lol.


That may be, but the phrasing of your previous post made it sound like she herself is on the Safe Sport list, which is not the case.

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I am sure that phrase simply means that our wonderful moderation looked casually and did not see any other users with the same information as @FitzE.
It is not some secret coded way to say that FitzE has no obvious alters.


I responded the same way to the initial accusation. I like the @DreadPirateRoberts posts, too.

I must admit that, while I’ve seen and genuinely liked the movie, I don’t know it well enough to make those posts b/c they follow the story and characters so well.

FWIW, I think CH does it simply to harass me. She has an issue with me and I seem to reside rent free in her head, as that crowd loves to say. Like when she tried to stir up animosity between you and me. That was an epic fail, like all else they attempt, but that’s when I blocked and never went back. It’s weird and obsessive and embarrassing at this point, but it is what it is. :woman_shrugging:


[quote=“DownYonder, post:1457, topic:780076, full:true”]

RC provided the gun used to shoot LK by illegally transporting it into the state. Of course she has some liability.

If there’s a court judgement against RC, it would come out of RCs assets, not MHG’s.

Drad pirate roberts was around before IM. JK picked IM as a “play” on DPR’s username, who was posting witty entertaining posts on these threads. So IM popped in, as an adversary. Not the other way around.


So, how do the things that Lauren Kanarek did that were illegal weigh in on this? Are they just ignored?


Yes, at the time, It her assets were the half interest in the horse owned by her and MHG. Now there is no such interest, as MHG now owns the horse entirely, I beleive. So sad, too bad. Poor LK just can’t get ahead of the game. Seems to be losing at 34-d chess.


Why was this gun/plot not mentioned to the police before the shooting, since LK claims to have recorded the planning and knew RC had brought the gun?

That will be a tough question to answer come deposition/trial time.


If RC sold her half interest in the horse to MHG, or someone else, then RC would have the proceeds of the sale as an asset.

One can hold wealth in the form of financial assets as well as in the form of physical assets like horses or real estate.

Keep in mind when Sweet Lauren filed her suits, probably from the hospital parking lot, RC still owned half of DeeDee. That was a pretty nice asset at the time that little Lauren could have added to her herd.

As far as income received from the sale of that asset, one could easily assume it is long gone on legal expenses.


You do realize that years have passed since then and I have no doubt that RC has done things like eat meals, pay electric bills and other such things since then. So it is highly doubtful that RC has those funds anymore.


Courts don’t make awards in the form of the transfer of ownership of dressage horses, particularly dressage horses only half owned by a defendant. If RC ends up with some liability, it will be a monetary award.

LK is suing the parties mostly obviously potentially liable for her injuries. It’s notable that she did not include MHG as a defendant.

Especially notable since so many have carried on in these threads and on social media about how all of this is MHG’s fault.

Is her father on the defense list? It kind of feels like he should be if that is the protocol to get there.


That assumes that RC will actually be found liable of anything. From RC’s POV, outside of bringing the gun, she acted fairly responsibly. She kept it in a safe, properly stored. There was no plot since there was no conspiracy angle, so not really much to be liable for. ETA: if it wasn’t for LK’s purposeful scare campaign, that gun would have most likely stayed put in that safe until RC left to go home.

Especially since there are no forensics to prove who handled/shot the gun prior to the shooting and LK had access to the office, and with her recordings, probably had access to the safe and knowledge of the gun’s presence, and searches for ammunition and MHG’s kids, and alleged plots of her own being cooked up….


The ignorance is astounding……or maybe it’s just a willful unwillingness to acknowledge how things work.