Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

It took a long time to hear anything about the judge’s decisions last time. I sure hope they post them sooner this time.


I wish Legal Talk Network would do a podcast on this case on their Litigation Radio channel. They could also cover the Krol hearing and the injustice about not providing proper treatment to the patients.


Would Deininger or Silver be expected to file a motion opposing the request a delay in responding to the subpoenas?

Since no objection has been filed, does it require a ruling by the judge?

Read up on Canada’s residential schools horror story if you want to know the US is not alone. You will be shocked to discover how recently the last school closed. And now, heartbreakingly, mass unmarked graves have been discovered at a number of school sites and may well exist at all of them.

This was all part of the British colonial mentality that indigenous people were “savages” and that by ripping them from their families, forbidding them from wearing their own clothes, speaking their own languages, using their own names, and “beating the Indian out of them” they were doing indigenous kids a favour.


Mr. Deininger and Mr. Silver don’t have to oppose anything, when it makes little sense to do so.

GAS only asked for a stay until the conference. The conference is in two days. If the conference happens with no opposition filed against that request, the judge doesn’t need to do anything. The parties will have, in essence, agreed to the request, making it moot.

There is basically no way the judge would have answered before the conference, even if Mr. Silver and Mr. Deininger had responded to GAS’s request. Why waste their clients money when it would get nowhere and they all seem to know that Jonathan Kanarek and Kirby Kanarek are going to continue to make an excuse to not answer their subpoenas.


You often have ten days to respond to a motion. Since I have no idea when the motion was filed I don’t know if there has been 10 days yet. Usually if a motion is unanswered, the movement gets what they request. This is just in general, local rules may be different.


That guy reminded me of Wind in His Hair, from Dances with Wolves. Both yummy.


I know I could be wrong g, but I thought it was the catholic church that ran those schools.


They’re were catholic run schools, Anglican run schools, united church run schools, Moravian mission schools and non denominational schools too. All had the same goal - to force indigenous children to renounce their heritage and adopt white European ways


Thanks, I see. So awful

If anyone is watching 1923 (a prequel to Yellowstone, and currently showing), it covers the Native women and young girls being taken from their home and placed in a Catholic “retraining” program, run by nuns, where they were abused and severely beaten. It was devastating to watch, and sad how they were mistreated…


Sadly, those scenes in the school have been the dramatic high-point for 1923, thus far. The sooner the Dutton family stuff takes off to balance it out when the wayward brother returns, the better.


I only watched the first episode. That was plenty for me.

:bat: :poop: :crazy_face:

First, I’m sorry this happened to you. This is so far beyond the pale, I’m at a loss for words.

Second, for anyone who continues to doubt that this is that crew’s MO, I hope you are now educated and able to face this fact. People who try to deny JK calls, texts, emails, and in one case flew down in person to threaten people to allow his middle-aged daughter to do xyz: this is how this works. None of the people on the LK side (LK, RG, JK & KK) have jobs to protect. None of them have a reputation worth protecting, either. Furthermore, they’ve built their brands by being outrageous, aggressive, and relentless, whether harassing people they know/have dealings with, doing so on SM, getting arrested for various violent incidents, or even violating the privacy of strangers in shops.

When you have something valuable like a job, career, business, and/or reputation, you are at a distinct disadvantage when attacked by people with nothing of value and, thus, nothing to lose. You will always be on the back foot because you care about these things and you worked hard for them.

THIS is exactly how people like that crew and their enablers/hangers on gain the upper hand and can threaten and bully others into acquiescence even when those threats are baseless and toothless. You don’t really need to have grounds and resources for a defamation case, you just need to dox and then contact someone’s employer. Your target cannot even respond in kind b/c you have no gainful employment or even community associations to destroy. And they know it and they use it.

It’s so low, so trashy, so beyond what decent people would do. Disgusting.


A thousand times this.

But there is always a weakness. Always a way. No one is invincible so should someone like this ever target you, stop. Think. Plan.



Yet, we are the ones projecting fantasy about this “family”. Until one has been targeted in any way by these people, it is very hard to comprehend their methods to manipulate and control. I can imagine Barisone was well within their talons by the time he understood how wicked they are. Jonathan has shown his condescending and docile side here on these threads and within a fee posts be lashing out at a poster. This situation is impossible for them to control regardless how many attorneys they hire and threats they make.


When you say emailing one of BigMama’s editors is the “MO” of “that crew”, is the MO essentially trying to force the person to be accountable for the nasty bullying the person has engaged in on SM?

Isn’t that at a huge chunk of the posts on these threads “calling out” LK for her bullying of others on SM?

I agree with BigMama and others that BigMama seems an odd target, given that her posts are not on the leading edge of the bullying and bashing. Perhaps she doesn’t consider it bullying at all.

But to the extent that BigMama’s posts on LK differ from the worst of LKs nastiness on SM, at best it’s a difference of degree.

If BigMama thinks that all her posts reflect well on her, and “stands behind them” so to speak, there is no foul in the banned COTH poster bringing them to the attention of BigMama’s associates.

Lots of poster here represent their actions in “calling out” the behavior of LK, or NP, or the DHH breeder as a noble service to mankind, or at least the horse world. If you really believe that, take pride in the fact that someone has alerted your associate of your noble endeavors to dissect the absolutely irrelevant issue of whether LKs trainer, three years after the shooting, is, or is not, a “BNT”.

Is it possible that you (g) do not, in fact, see your gossiping about whether LK has a trainer, will lose a trainer, may or may not be able to get a new trainer, and whether the current trainer is or is not a “BNT” is really just nasty gossip rather than a noble endeavor, and don’t like being “called out” on your behavior?

I do not deny that JK “calls, texts, and emails” people. I have seen no clear evidence that he uses these normal forms of communication to “threaten” people with lawsuits or violence.



So you are fine with doxing? How interesting.


No, I’m not fine with doxxing.

Should I assume that the posters who “speculate” that I’m JK, or a Kanarek family member, or someone working for the family are fine with doxxing?

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