Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

So it’s ok to lie about who some people are here, threaten them with subpoenas for discussing prior posts, belittle their experience, threaten the barn owners where LK keeps her horses, threaten any trainers she rides with, but it’s not ok when someone in the mob is doxxed. How about it is not ok when anyone does it, no matter if anyone agrees or disagrees with their posts?

It’s not ok to be nasty to people, regardless if it is LK being nasty or someone being nasty to her or bringing in families or anyone else including random internet posters.

Preach preach preach. Pearls, I’m giving y’all pearls.


Breaking the self-imposed ignore function for this important daily reminder: discussing LK’s actual public words, comments, behaviours, and actions is not “bullying” or “bashing.”

Ignore reactivated.


Wow, I must have missed these threats. Would you kindly point them out?


Who has threatened anyone’s trainers or barn owners?


I just can’t fathom the mindset of someone who would go to considerable effort to figure out someone’s identity on a chat board.

Then to go so far as to call someone’s (supposed) employer to complain about them?

I would be so ashamed of myself, in retrospect, if I did those things.


Contacting BMs boss was wrong. It is a creepy, vile act done to punish someone by a person with serious mental and antisocial issues and there is ZERO excuse for it.


Speaking of “threats,” in the days when we were able to have signatures, I was for a time using “Not Fragile Like A Flower, Fragile Like a Bomb” and LK hilariously accused me of threatening her. Nutty as a fruitcake.


I think that word does not mean what you think it means. :rofl:


gerund or present participle: doxxing

  1. search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the internet
  1. please explain who has “lie[d] about who some people are here”.

  2. who other then LK and JK have threatened anyone with subpoenas? Who has threatened anyone, with subpoenas or otherwise, for discussing prior posts?

  3. whose experience has been belittled? Other than @eggbutt’s?

  4. who has threatened LK’s BOs?

  5. who has threatened LK’s trainers?

Those sound like some pretty heinous actions. I’m surprised I haven’t clocked any of those things. I would love to see some examples.

Edited to clarify 4 & 5.


I think LK and her Krew have moved the needle, considerably, on what we each can fathom…


Do you have first-hand knowledge of this?


LOL is HH still making things up and exaggerating? Don’t forget, HH once told me that I am worse than LK :rofl:

I’m not reading their posts, they’re a piece of work!


I still think it’s absolutely despicable to defend some of the actions on here. I don’t care if BM outright said something nasty about LK (not saying she did), going to her employer is weird, desperate, and unhinged. Plus, 2 wrongs don’t make a right and all that.


Those are two different things.


It’s something DH / SW was notorious for doing after getting into arguments with people online and I’m sure there are others. Just so pathetic and weird. And what do they think it will actually accomplish? The only person who looks bad in such a situation is the one contacting the employers / connections of complete strangers. Not rational behaviour.

I suppose I could email the person and question them directly, or I could do a few minutes of cyberstalking myself and start contacting their connections but (a) I have way better things to waste my time on and (b) who does that?


Someone did that on a horse chat board I was on years ago. I don’t remember all the details now. I remember being appalled. It just takes cattiness to a whole new level. A dangerous one.

I’m glad it didn’t have any serious ramifications for you.


No matter how you dice it, it is weird, creepy… and pathetic. Someone banned from these forums is apparently following along enough to take out some strange vendetta against @BigMama1, who has been pretty darned measured and diplomatic.

If it is someone related to the parties, then one would think they have more important things they should be focusing their energies on with the civil suit. If it’s someone unrelated, it’s just unhinged and sad, really.

Very, very odd behavior from someone who is ostensibly an adult (as most following this thread and participating in the COTH forums are).


It’s odd and sad that someone whose online behaviour was so egregious that they got banned from the forum is still so frequently visiting and reading. One would think a ban is a wake up call to step away from the internet. It does speak to an obsessive type of personality, someone who’s like a dog with a bone and simply can’t let things go?




It also tells us that other posters among us have most probably also been researched. Perhaps the many dead ends of anonymity has kept most targeted posters’ employers from likewise being contacted.

My speculation is due to the fact that @BigMama1 has been no where near the most vocal on this board. Yet targeted she was. So I’m guessing some others were too.

Who DOES that?