Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

Using this ever so amazing logic of yours I guess all those times you and a couple others got all twisted into a knot when people wondered where Lauren Kanarek might board or such and if it was best to tell the barn owner about her history, you were way off base because heck, if Lauren Kanarek stands behind all of her actions then it should be no big deal that people wanted to tell her barn owner (or trainer, or…) what they know about her, right? Or direct that barn owner/trainer to the many posts that Lauren Kanarek herself has made here and on other social media. I mean, geez, they are just sharing what the bully did/said so it is OK.

Good talk, glad we are all on the same page now, because clearly it is OK with you if people contact anyone and everyone associated with Lauren.

I do not believe you understand what the word threaten means.
Though that does not surprise me.



@BigMama1, I thought you would be amused to know that as I read the acronym people are using for you, BM, every freaking time I read it as Barn Manager and then I have to go back and correct myself.
So, you are now officially Barn Manager to me.



I’m still catching up on this thread but wanted to just say that I think it’s HORRIBLE someone went after you like this.

People are sick in the head. Ridiculous.


I hope you take action against this person for harassment. I certainly would.

Edit to say while CoTH may not identify the person for you, the internet provider might. They definitely should be told about this threatening and harassing email. This kind of behavior has to stop.


I wonder if CH and HH would like one of us to contact their employers, if in fact they are employed? Maybe an ad in their local news media? When the tables are turned the opinion changes! Imagine that!


It’s better than Bowel Movement :crazy_face:


I was typing BM and giggling for a few posts, I admit it. So last post felt guilty and did the formal @BigMama1 thang.



I guess we are both lucky it is a horse forum.



What I find interesting is that after 3 1/2 years no one who is still participating on these threads has backed down.

As a matter of fact a couple of them have changed their minds and are leaning towards LK’s guilt in the whole mess.

So what the Klan is doing isn’t working and I doubt what they did to Big Momma will work either.

It could be the definition of insanity…:thinking:


More like the definition of losing.


Yes, yes! Losing is the word I was searching for! TU


Didn’t someone on YouTube suggest that LK got them fired?


Hmmm… I spend a whole lotta time worried about horses bowel movements, so… Don’t poo-poo a healthy BM! :joy:


Her “behavior” in this case is getting on with her life by training with a trainer of her choosing.

Gossiping about whether her current trainer is a “BNT” and gossiping about whether she is searching for a new trainer (implying that the last one dumped her and most trainers would not accept her as a client) is “bullying” and “bashing”.


Yes, as I recall it was some young man who boarded at Paradigm and said she got him kicked out of Paradigm and then contacted his employer and he lost a $100,000+/year job. Others here knew his actual name as I recall. I have no idea if the story is true.


Well, according to definition 1, the banned user did not dox BigMama, if the doxxing is the publication of the identity rather than the finding of the identity.

If you’re criticizing my use of the term doxxing, perhaps you could provide all the definitions, not just the first in the list.


I saw that comment but don’t give it much weight. Nobody is going to get fired just based on the word of someone else. If the person in question did lose their job I suspect their own actions were a contributing factor.


And yet you bring it up! In Lauren’s mind any attention is good attention. So here you are defending some banned poster who took it upon themselves to contact an employer of BigMama and decided they would cause her difficulties? Are you also one if these dedicated avengers of the sweet Miss Kanarek? Somehow I expect you know the person who sent the email and had a good chuckle with them about the revenge they had taken.

I seriously hope this situation is investigated further and this cowardly anonymous person is held accountable.

You really, really need to look up the definition of “bullying” and “bashing” but I doubt you would comprehend the answer. You are such a broken record.


LOL. Another poster using the ignore function to brag about ignoring someone without, in fact, ignoring them.


And you love it or you wouldn’t constantly bring it up!