Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9


Have you seen her in person to know what her behavior is? I thought the rule was if you had not seen it yourself it does not count, and you say frequently you have no association with Lauren Kanarek or her family so you really have no idea if she is getting on with her life, now do you?
So nothing done in the past counts anywhere, that is not allowed to be discussed either?
Just want to make sure I am up on the new rules and how they apply.

I see, now talking about a trainer in any way is gossiping and bullying. If this rule applies then the forum needs to get busy removing all the threads where people ask about various trainers, ya know, people asking for first hand experiences and all.

Oh, you did that once… if I remember correctly.

This depends on the job really. Some employers want no drama and are not going to bother researching if the report comes from a piece of low life scum or if the report comes from a credible source.


I did get someone fired based on my word.

My boss, a female business owner hired a new employee. The first day we worked together he gave me serious creepy vibes. Owner was going to leave the office late that evening with his and my work to be finished. It was routine to leave me with one other person to finish up. I told her that if she left I would be right behind her. To give her credit she stayed and I never saw him again.


If you have no idea whether the story is true, it’s nasty to tell it, or retell it.



Wait… Someone is being hypocritical and/or instigating? Noo way! How out of character :rofl:

FFS. See, the ignore feature does work really well, but once in awhile it doesn’t when quoted. I don’t know why, but back to the FFS bit… No I did not read HH’s posts. That’s why I said “HH is still…” as in I saw the replies which inferred that HH is in fact “still…” I did not see the post.

This, here, as in this post I am typing now, is an example of me not exercising self control, and I’ll own it, because I saw the idiotic post made by CH where they once again are being obtuse and twisting things.

So yes, for your records, dearest CH, I was still ignoring HH, and only went off of the replies that I saw by those I don’t have on ignore. So you’re just talking sh*t :wink: There was zero bragging in that post, just a statement.


She is the one who publicly posted about her “BNT” trainer. Discussing that trainer and his credentials is a pretty logical outcome from that post. This is a discussion board, where people discuss things. If she doesn’t want her trainer discussed here then perhaps it was not a great idea for her to post here about him.

Never mind the fact that nobody said anything negative about her trainer at all, just that he was more “up and comer” than “BNT,” which seems to contradict what she said in her own post. In fact IIRC the few people who mentioned him were complimentary about his riding. And until the crazy train pulled into my station earlier this week, he had only been mentioned a handful of times several hundred posts ago, long forgotten by most people.

Why do you characterize this particular line of discussion as “gossip,” but not the many thousands of posts you have dedicated to sharing your own speculations, imaginations, and interpretations of all things LK?

She referred to her current dressage trainer as a BNT. A small discussion ensued about whether or not that was an accurate description. Seems like a pretty appropriate line of discussion for a dressage discussion forum lol.


New rule, now someone posting their own story on a social media platform does not equal something that can be repeated unless you have some form of proof of the story.

Got it.

Does this rule apply to the stories in your head, or the police reports that you have never read but you theorize what they might have said because of other things that were said?
Or are those exceptions to this rule?


I don’t love it. It’s just more hypocrisy.

If I ignore someone, I ignore them without posting “hey, look, I’m ignoring this person because they’re so obnoxious”,

True ignoring involves not responding to or about a post, not responding to a post by posting that you haven’t read the post.

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Yeahhh, I really don’t remember anything negative about the trainer being brought up, but people read what they want to read. I feel like on these threads I could say, “the sky is a pretty blue right now” and someone would go, “Omg Omg she said the sky is bright red with purple clouds!”


Well, that could in fact be someone’s perception depending on what kind of drugs they were doing. :wink:


Psssst, CH, you and I both know this is not true. You posted to tell me that you were ignoring me. That’s OK, we can keep this little lie of yours between you and me.

So, is it OK to post a screen shot of the person’s post? Does that not count as discussing it?
Does that make it not disgusting?

Am I the only one that sometimes feels like that CH wants us to post things that are negative about Lauren Kanarek?


He - at least it seemed to be a he - didn’t say where he was from, just that he was in the Wellington area. They repeatedly ranted in the L&C channel - during the testimony of witnesses, including LK - chat that LK wasn’t supposed to have any contact/communication with someone they were working for and that she got them fired from a 140K a year job by getting that person’s phone number and calling them. It didn’t make much sense to me, but that account repeatedly said the same thing over and over, often with spelling mistakes that you’d see from someone on a mobile device, while occasionally posting blurbs about what LK was like in person and what she was getting away with/allowed to do at what we assumed was Paradigm. There was also - at the same time - a female user in the chat claiming that they were keeping track of the chat users and would have their boyfriend hack and dox anyone who dared say anything bad or agree to/with statements about LK being dangerous or bad or inappropriate. In hindsight, it looks very questionable and feels like a nutty tactic pulled by LK, who could have easily been typing stuff up when she wasn’t on the stand or who gave directions to someone to do it on her behalf. One of the users that I saw in the chat was then also being attacked by LK on twitter, though they weren’t talking about it in the chat.


Time for a haiku war?

Little Lauren K
Does awful things to people
There is no defense


Too bad I’m retired and can’t lose my job, lol.


@SillyHorse, your avatar is very cute!


Thank you!

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That is extremely disgusting, @trubandloki.

Posting it and discussing it are extremely disgusting.

So disgusting that you quoted it, including the screen shot?

It is not disgusting that it happened? That is not disgusting to you?

Or when these things happen, to you the person should just be quiet about it and not tell the world about it?

I personally think the only disgusting thing here is that someone appears to have a history of doing stuff like this and that some people are defending them to the ends of the earth so they can keep doing this stuff.



Why is sharing & discussing a 100% public post from the YouTube comments that almost everyone on this thread have already viewed several months ago ‘disgusting’ in your opinion?

If it was a private comment from someone’s private social media, that someone took a screenshot of, and then shared to this thread… I could understand objecting. But this is not. It’s a 100% public comment.


The things that LK et al have done are monstrous. Truly. Anyone who defends them must be equally monstrous. That is the only conclusion I can reach.


So if it’s true that the LK team try to get these threads closed when something is about to happen in the civil case I would guess that something is about to happen. :slightly_smiling_face: At least the empty stall poster sure makes it seem that way.