Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

There is a hearing of some type scheduled for tomorrow. Legal wrangling I guess. But yeah something is about to happen.


Wait, did he work at Paradigm? Or did he work elsewhere at a non-horse job?

I steered clear of all the YouTube channel comments, so I only heard about his posts third hand on the BB.

They never clarified, as far as I know, but I didn’t keep an eye on the chats or watch all the testimony as it happened over the days, because I was busy with other things.


He said in the YouTube comments that he had a $140,000 per year job. Paradigm seems like a really nice facility in a good location, but I doubt anyone working there is being paid a salary of $140,000 per year… so my best guess is that he was a boarder there, and worked somewhere else in the nearby South Florida area.


And yet you have repeated many of LK’s tales endlessly and given them credence - and have repeatedly cited IM as an example of honesty and truth no matter what vile thing or insinuation he uttered.



Why do you characterize this particular line of discussion as “gossip,” but not the many thousands of posts you have dedicated to sharing your own speculations, imaginations, and interpretations of all things LK?

Especially the endless ramblings about MHG’s involvement and her “guilt” in all of this… how is that not “gossip” - by CH’s own standards?

Hint: it is.


Your point sweetie? You know, that ignore feature works for you too. [edit]


CH - you seem to operating in a different universe here - or lacking some basic understanding.

You are aware that those YouTube discussions are PUBLIC, right? Anyone can see and read them. They are not private. So when LK has spewed her venom and nonsense all over those YT threads she is well aware that everyone can see it. The person who posted that comment knew that as well. Others commenting on it are not “disgusting”. It is there for all to see and discuss. Perhaps you should chase down that guy and jump all over him for being disgusting and sharing his experiences and concerns about LK.



I just checked to see if there were any new filings on the case and there wasn’t any. Is anyone planning to check tomorrow on the off chance it is available to watch online?

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Yet, here you are showing your incredible hypocrisy. :clap:


I’m not the hypocrite, @Eggbutt. I ignore many, many posts without bragging about using the ignore function.


There is an update on the gofundme. Still no therapy! There are a couple of items added to the wishlist.


Careful, you will receive admonishing by CH for breaking her rules.


The ignore feature glitch allowed to see Clueless’ pearl clutching fit of the vapours.

Oh it’s disgusting, whimper, faint at the horror of someone sharing a public post.
I might have just broken a rib I laughed so hard :rofl::rofl::rofl:

PS there’s a new update on GFM


“Do as I say, not as I do” - Hypocrites


My bosses would laugh at them and tell them they likely deserved anything I dished out if they provoked me to that point.


There are about 56 days unti the next Krol hearing if it isn’t delayed. Still no therapy! It appears all things considered that MB is doing well despite this. Imagine the progress if he was able to get the recommended treatment!


Isn’t that the truth.
So much so that I have been laughing about the whole thing.

Hey @CurrentlyHorseless, just curious. Were you actually at the Krol hearing when it happened?
I believe you have said you are not related to anyone involved and you have not gone to any of these things, so imagine how weird it is that you have a rule that if you were not there you can not comment but you post stuff like this screen shot. You don’t know what was said, you were not there.

And though there are many many many more examples of your “Do as I say, not as I do” theory to posting here, I think this also needs to be brought up.
You are insisting that you personally know more about what treatment Michael is getting at Greystone than the people in Michael’s life know about what treatment is (or in this case is not) getting.
Were you at this meeting at Greystone? Have you talked with the facility and doctors there?

Your discussion credibility is at the same level of Hut’s research skills.


Any new artwork?

I love when the Go Fund Me has new artwork.


Not today. I love the artwork too! Maybe the next one will have some!

Could someone post the GFM update here please? My phone barely lets me make calls let alone post anything.


Yes! I should have written, “They can’t try to make me lose my job.”