Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

Well, that must be addressed immediately!

Do you run hot or cold? Are we looking for something light and airy or protection from a chill?


It certainly speaks to a rather unbalanced personality type. The email address and associated Facebook profile exist, but I couldn’t be bothered to dig any deeper than that. Easy enough to make a fake gmail address and fb account so who knows. Who cares?

They also told my trainer that I (gasp) have posted about her on my blog. Do they think my trainer doesn’t read my blog? I’d be so insulted if she didn’t lol.

I wonder who they will reach out to next: my dog groomer? My kid’s college professor? The prime minister of Canada? Stay tuned… :rofl:


Warm and cozy please


Because they’ve lost the plot.

I’ve had some disagreements on this board over the years and posters have said and/or done some things that I really don’t agree with, but I could never imagine going after them IRL, or even on another platform off of this board #obsessed

But, as we’ve seen in the Dutch Harness Horse thread, messaging trainers is a thing. Why? I don’t know. My trainer(s) wouldn’t give a toss. Or they’d just think the person that messaged them is a weirdo.


I think this is warm, cozy and has a cute print. (Vermont Country Store)


Mystery Writer seems perturbed that someone here referred to LK’s trainer as a “sales horse rider.” Not sure why, because that doesn’t seem to be a negative thing at all. Also not sure what that comment had to do with me, since I’m not the one who made it. Perhaps Mystery Writer needs to pay more attention to who posts what.

To be crystal clear for the benefit of Mystery Writer, who is obviously unable to stay away from COTH despite being banned, and who has opted not to contact me directly with their concerns: I know nothing about the new trainer, and never heard of him before LK apparently posted videos of him teaching her. I have no feelings about him one way or another. The feedback from a few people here about him has been positive, and his videos show a very competent rider. One who looks unprofessional, in my opinion, by not wearing a helmet, but that’s a minor quibble and doesn’t reflect his riding / training ability.

If your goal is to protect this trainer’s reputation, or to stop people on COTH from discussing him, I suggest you pursue a different strategy because this isn’t a good look. I’m sure if he knew some crazy person was contacting random strangers on the internet to discuss a handful of posts about him, he’d be appalled.

If your goal is to protect LK’s reputation, we’ll, I think that horse bolted from the barn long ago and there’s little point in latching the door now.


Honestly, many trainers begin as a “sales horse rider” and may continue to be throughout their career because it brings in the money. It’s also a way to get experience on other horses. I honestly don’t find anything offensive and/or negative there.

There are many threads on these boards that ask if anyone knows trainer x or has ridden with trainer y. Then there’s usually some discussion about who they are and others experiences with them. Quite normal.


Isn’t this a known habit of LK? To go off on things and attribute them to the wrong posters? There are the various claims of her having a bunch of different logins everywhere…


Such a bizarre thing to send someone into a tizzy. Of all the things said over the years, why is LK riding under a not-BNT such a trigger?
The mysterious inner workings of the Mystery Writer :thinking:


The whole BNT thing has really hit a nerve. It’s madness.


Darn it, I have never ridden with a BNT. Should I start randomly emailing people because of that?


It has happened at least once… to me and @CanteringCarrot.


Phew, what a wild day. @BigMama that is so nuts. Someone is out to get some attention any way they can.

Had to resort to retail therapy. Bought the cardinal robe and some sheets VCS has on sale.

Nothing wrong with being a sales horse rider. Those riders can ride anything and through anything.

ETA: Is it too early for wine?


Maybe that explains the weird PM threats I got from LaLaPop when I had defended her.


She’s a react first, question later (or never) kind of person on social media.


Funny how that seems to be a pattern with LK/RG. Claiming to have audio or video evidence of someone else doing wrong, but not actually using it for evidence. :thinking:


Wow. That is super crazy.


Consider the likely source (the “mystery” emailer - not BigMama1).


When I divorced my narcissist ex he did stuff like this. In addition to my employer he called my dad and then unannounced flew 1100 miles to his house uninvitedly to try and get him to convince me to stay. Then his mom called me to tell me I should give her son my horse.

These type of people are not normal and never will be normal.


Consider yourself mobbed up.

We shop for robes at dawn!