Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

He shall from now on be known by me and spoken of as a sale horse trainer!



That’s it? That’s the comment that elicited such… umbrage? :rofl:


Why does anyone care what @CurrentlyHorseless and @hut-ho78 have to say? Regardless what they have to say and whether they are on Ignore lists? Does anyone care what snippy things they have to say or how much they defend Lauren. It is disgusting!


I’m pretty sure there’s a typo in that phrase. Maybe drop the “s” ?


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I guess riding under a sale horse trainer gives one the grumpies.


Remember when JK stated on 48 Hours that LK (really probably more so JK) wanted to train with “the name on the door”?

I don’t get it. I always thought my trainer was a BNT, but as it turns out, probably not. That didn’t matter to me. “We” were successful!


And @Knights_Mom wins the Interwebz today!!!



I won! I won!

I’d like to thank the riding academy…


Uh, Ulf Möller himself started his climb on the ladder by riding sales horses, including for the Hanoverian auctions. And what about all those FEI trainers who ride their clients’ sale horses?

What a tempest in a teapot. :roll_eyes:


@Knights_Mom, The academy asks that you please keep your acceptance speech to 30 seconds or less due to time constraints!


Here is a transcript of my planned comments:

Thank you all. I support MBs release so he can get whatever help he needs.

The Illegal Elderly Mob ROCKS!

Who trains with a sale horse trainer again?

Thank you and goodnight!


It just occurred to me that perhaps LK has JK convinced that her trainer is a real, true “BNT” (to justify his lesson fee) and that is why her minions got their knickers in a twist about him being described as a “sales horse rider.” Maybe they are worried that JK might tighten the purse strings a bit. :thinking:


So, now they are trying to get @BigMama1 cancelled for saying LK’s new trainer was a sales horse rider…? What exactly is the point? Did they expect your editor to fire you immediately, and your trainer to kick you out of her program? That you would immediately retract your statements, and issue a groveling apology? What is it with people?


Perhaps that, but also it’s just a show of “power” and they want to make trouble, stress, and/or misery for people. It’s what they live off of. I can’t say that they were all that successful on this particular endeavor.


Why on earth was being a sales horses rider seen as an insult? It means you are an elite rider - able to ride anything and everything and make them look their best no matter what flaws they may have in their conformation or what stage their training is at…


The funniest part is I’m not the one who said he was a sales horse rider, because I’d never heard of the guy! :rofl:

Who knows what they were hoping to accomplish? These people are beyond all understanding.




Whoa there. Now it’ll be misconstrued that the sales horse trainer is a NNT (No Name Trainer). :rofl:


I can’t say it caused much stress and misery around here. Lots of laughs and a few eye rolls. At least the emails were more literate than the ones SW once sent threatening to sue me for “liable” when I commented on her vicious bullying of Canadian riders.

Which reminds me of what bullying really looks like. It’s an accusation that gets thrown out a lot by CH and HH, but discussing someone’s own words and actions on a discussion board really doesn’t fit the bullying description, does it?

Nobody is secretly following LK around a store, while filming and mocking her, then posting the video publicly online. That would be bullying.

Nobody is sharing photos or videos of LK on their own Facebook pages, accusing her of bribing judges or sleeping her way to good scores, claiming she abuses horses, etc. That would be bullying.

Nobody is sending her threatening messages, phoning her, texting her, stalking her, showing up at her home or barn, or contacting her close connections. That would be bullying.

Her trainer is presumably just out there teaching clients and training nice horses like a normal person. Can’t imagine he will be pleased to discover someone is engaging in this outrageous behaviour, ostensibly on his behalf.

That’s assuming he even knows Mystery Writer. They could easily be some obsessed rando who lives thousands of miles away but has made it their life mission to defend LK in all things. There are several previously banned COTH posters who could fit that description.


He’ll be making a name for himself now lol. Luckily for him, most people will judge him on his skill as a rider and trainer, and not for his choice of clients. As I said previously, as long as she’s paying on time, showing up for lessons and treating him with respect, there’s no reason for him not to train her. Somebody might as well benefit from her “unlimited means!”

AFAIK he shows up, teaches, and leaves. If one or the other decides to end the training relationship, he can just walk away. Very different scenario than what everyone at Hawthorne Hill had to deal with having her on the property 24/7.