Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

The point is to punish. The point is to silence people by creating a fear in them that saying anything about her becomes uncomfortable for them. Its like one would do with aversion training. It becomes easier to just not say anything.


I’m sorry but IF he knows her history and has her as a client, I can’t help but be a little judgy.


I wonder if they are hoping I will share their name and email address with the mob, so then a bunch of you would then start messaging and emailing her. A less classy person might be tempted to do just that. A less naive person might be tempted to do just that and then - presto - they would have your real names and email addresses too! Not gonna happen.


One thing I guarantee it accomplished: BigMama’s employer and trainer now know about LK and I imagine will have nothing to do with her or anyone connected with her. Those two parties may have known little or nothing about LK. Now they do. Now they know a WHOLE lot about her and none of it good.

The vigilante emailer might want to half halt a moment and realise that their harassment reflects back on LK and her family. They are doing BigMama not real harm, but they are spreading the sordid tales of LK and the Kanareks farther and wider. I doubt BigMama ever discussed this with her employer and maybe not even her trainer. Now she has. Well done, emailer. :woman_shrugging: One more publication and one more trainer who now has an awful view of LK.

Funny how people here are the ‘mob’, yet no one has indulged in such behaviour as has been aimed at BigMama. Who are the real mob in this situation?


Wait, so a grown ass person is messaging your trainer (a person the mystery writer does not know) AND using terms that amount to an inside joke on a thread your trainer is not participating in?

Holy hell. You cannot make this stuff up. Hoping one of the publications does a follow up and includes this IRL harassment as part of the coverage. This really takes the cake.


You could plaster my home with that info and I wouldn’t do a thing to that person. I would know who to think less of, but go after them? I wouldn’t embarrass myself that way.


This. I have the utmost respect for good sales horse riders. It’s much easier to get the most out of your own familiar horse(s) than to get on a variety of horses on short notice and be expected to show them to their best.




Absolutely! And I would think this trainer could share a wealth of knowledge and insight on riding a variety of horses.


People who are proficient in the industry know the importance of such trainers and what it’s like to work ones way up the totem pole.

Others are focused on the tricks, the shiny objects and the shingle outside the door. Things like theory and application hold no interest for them. It’s shallow riding.


About 24 hours upthread I saw HH had said people were “threatening” LKs new BO, and “threatening” LKs new BNT and people were asking for proof of that. Did I miss where that was provided?


That was said. No evidence was provided.


It means that whomever is complaining is pretty darn clueless, that is what it means.


Which makes one wonder if this is how they think one should train animals too.


And we all know info like this tends to get shared in the small equestrian community. For good reason.


No evidence was provided because it didn’t happen.


Do we know for a fact that the trainer in question is himself offended by being described as a “sales horse trainer”?

Or is it perhaps that LK wanted to push the narrative that she was training with a very BNT as yet another way to get a dig in at MB?

Or is it that her own sense of self worth revolves around being perceived as a super promising
“up and comer” so she HAS to be training with a “BNT” (else - in her mind - no one will take her seriously)?


We really don’t know that this is reflecting LK‘s wishes. We had a now-banned poster stating shortly after the trial that she had written the Morris County prosecutor, USEF, SafeSport, and a synagogue to report things she had read here to which she had taken exception. I don’t believe anyone thought she was truly associated with LK.


Does anyone know what time the case management conference is?

And who is generally at those types of conferences? Besides the judges (Sceusi and the mediator) and the attorneys, are others usually present? Will the K-Klan be allowed to participate? Will MB be allowed to participate?

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It says 2:00 Remote with Eisner. Do you remember the website where you watch proceedings? I was trying to find it.