Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

Would it be here? https://www.njcourts.gov/public/channels

Or is that only for actual court sessions?


Thanks! I will check it out. I don’t remember if the last case management conference was shown but I thought I would check later just to see if it was.

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Is it ever?


It is interesting what the Kanareks put emphasis on like BNT and the name on the door, yet her vehicles are shot, her horses are nothing to envy, her home needs a complete redo, so obviously it is just the “names” one is associated with.


The last case management conference was not available.


This one probably won’t be either. Oh well! Hopefully any decisions will be posted soon.

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@3PonyFarm, if I am remembering correctly, these case management conferences are not a meeting with the judge. They are a meeting with a 3rd party mediator, to discuss how things are going and to see if they can resolve things with out further use of the court’s time.


Thats what I thought too. Thanks!



:wave: Nice to see you could join us again. Any insights to add about today?


Some people rely on the perceived quality vs the actual substance.
They don’t care if its just veneer, and in fact when they experience the legitimate thing, can’t step up to meet the standards it requires.


I’m going to assume current trainer was recommended by her BNT, so was already pre-approved.


I can see this as one of the problems of coming relatively late to the world of horse showing.

The “name on the door” is the trigger. It’s really not that big of a deal.

It’s like getting a simple will written for your widowed mother who has no real property, etc. and insisting that the senior partner (who’s name is on the door) do the job!

Or going to the doctor’s office with a minor boo-boo and insisting that Dr. Jones (who’s name is on the door) see you when the NP/PA/RN would probably do a better job putting a band aid on it and giving you a tetanus shot!

It’s just ignorance and entitlement!


One does have to wonder about the motive of someone who would make preposterous statements like these, and then run away when confronted about it. It’s deplorable. I’m looking at you, @hut-ho78.


Except for in the movies in someone’s head maybe?


Except there is no such thing as a 42 year old “super promising up and comer”!

Apparently we all know this, but JK and LK missed the memo!


Eh. I don’t think it’s the age that precludes being an up and comer as much as the attitude, inability to show up for lessons, etc., etc. That applies whether the person is 16 or 60.


is simple narcissistic ego in LK’s world.


Why are we even entErtaIning the idea of a BNT for her trainer? I thought Ulf stopped training her? Including his not-the-name-on-the-door assistants? Please. Correct me if I am wrong and Ulf is still training her. And if he isn’t, what “BNT” is training her? If not, she’s a regular ammy with regular horses like the rest of us piecing together good trainers to get us where we want ourselves and our horses to be. Good for her. But please stop even mentioning her name in the same breath with some mysterious, hither-to-unnamed BNT. I dont do it. I dont name drop. And if I did train with trainers who winter in welly world, with farms in White Fences, and import clinicians from Europe, which I’m not saying I don’t, I don’t brag about it, and it doesn’t make me any more special than any other ammy on this board.

There is no indication she’s training with a freaking BNT. can we please drop the useless attention by continually hinting that she does.


Access to funds and drive make it possible. Charlotte Jorst is a good example. She bought great horses and worked her tushy off and could pay for a lot of high level training and has dedicated 1000% to riding.


That’s called work ethic. Work ethic will take ypu as far as you ant to go in a sport. Money and name dropping and sleeping in your truck for naps with a heroin habit and canceling lessons doesn’t get you anything but being gossipped about.